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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. please read haunted hoochie thread and reply sir! :)

  2. 1000rider is just sick sick sick!
  3. Awww THANKS! Yes we do need to make the Benny's thing a reality. I love that place. Just let us know in advance when you have a day away and we'll all attempt to schedule around you! :)

  4. actually I think kreator started this one with eluding to BJ's!
  5. You yawned at me in the shoutbox? That's NOT very nice! A woman like me deserves a shout not a yawn. **sighs**

  6. Well I do believe next Friday October 9th was the date the majority told me today they wanted to do. Does that work for everyone? I was gonna do some drinks and food b/f hand to ya'll need to let me know if you're coming for sure so I know what to purchase thursday night. And Yota that devil's staircase is October 11th. You may be stuck around me a bunch that weekend!
  7. WEll I'm leaving work now. Where are you? :)

  8. WEll we'll have our time at Benny's and take TONS of pics.
  9. I'm teasing you Howard. You know there is some honesty in my response. :) I still luv ya!

  10. shush, I was teasin u and u know it busta!
  11. Gosh we sure are a sexy group of people aren't we?
  12. I think you are the sexiest man I have ever seen in my entire life!

  13. I meant waited in line with all the other gals. You know there are so many b/c you are the hottest guy all of us women on here have EVER seen! My gosh I just can't control myself right now thinking about you. I need a cold shower now!
  14. Oh Howie....been there, done that. Yawn.
  15. Hit what may I ask sir? You got there a bit late today.
  16. Question....why would anyone want to be a mod? That's too much responsiblity for my liking on the internet. Just a thought. I'm being serious. What are the perks b/c obviously people have issues with certains mods behaviors that are causing a potential rumble.
  17. Yes it is so nice to not be on eachother's shit list anymore.
  18. really??????????????????????????????????? And another one of lances thread turns to sex talk again. Good going Jeff!
  19. No WE love YOU! It's much more peaceful that way I'm learning. And I'm ignoring the Innnnueeeennnndo! That's ok...I'm in the same boat!
  20. I posted about you in wheezles "friend" thread. :)

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