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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. How did surprise buttsecks manage to "wheezle" it's way in here? Hmmmm.
  2. WEll on two separate occasions I've had someone steal my camera and take pics of their sweaty ole ball sacks. Both times the people had OR written all over their bikes.
  3. Well he shouldn't be announcing sex but relationship possibly. Someone's gonna be pissed! Whew glad I'm not you!
  4. I've seen this in previews and it looks pretty good. Not so scary but funny!
  5. MMMM veggies. I'll bring meatballs! See kev maybe you don't even have to bring out the grill! Although Aaron does have a point. I use my grill when there's two feet of snow on the ground.
  6. I grew up on these movies! I hate horror films now b/c I'm a big pussy but maybe I'll actually watch this one.
  7. Chris can you bring your own drinks there? Just wondering...not that I'm drinking this year.
  8. Nope I've been avoiding my home like the plague lately. I just hate to be cold. Layers don't seem to help me.
  9. This is why bike night will be cut vewy vewy short for me. I don't mind the cold except when on the bike. Grrrrrr!
  10. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to Iron Pony. Send me your digits on facebook just in case I get stuck at work!
  11. Right BornSinner and NOBODY is stealing my camera again. Someone else stole my camera during the USC game and took pics of their balls! Grrrr! I still have NO clue what I want to be...... And I think I have pics of Sarah Palin biting on those things hanging out of the hooter girls shorts.
  12. haha. No I don't ride anybody else. I've only let two guys ride me on the back of my bike. Not gonna ever happen again tho. Now this was funny! Time?
  13. Chris have u thought about location yet?
  14. You're by Easton right? I'm way over by pataskwallay! But I may be able to be coerced to stop by there since I do ride right past it.
  15. Dang MJ....this thread was finally deviating away from the computer war. But I'm sure we can find much better things than pizza hut to put in someone's butt.
  16. What???? Why would u say that? If ur talking about me riding bitch on my bike that only happened twice;)
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