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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Most of us were at work and it was raining.
  2. Nope ulterior motive. I love me some Jeff. We've hated eachother and loved eachother many times over. And besides we're not knockin boots. Neva have and neva will. And believe me NOTHING but happiness from here on out. I thought I lost something huge this week and realized it was a blessing in disguise after talking to others from here. I love the peeps on this site! I like group hugs! Nobody's tryin to hook up here. Skulls yesterday when he was on the way to KOC with VRod Dave.
  3. Probably? I was thinking it did taste a bit slimy.
  4. Well we talked about all this today so even if honey pie can't make it you're more than welcome. Maybe Kimberly can find a babysitter and come with you too! Possibly??? You never know what I may be wearing. Alrighty. U know where I live. We just all need to pick a date. From what everyone said at lunch it's looking like next friday night. I'd say we do it tomorrow BUT there is a game late at night AND I'm taking my beautiful neice and nephew to the pumpkin patch tomorrow in Toledo! I miss my babies! You should try to make it Brian. Bring da Boss along!
  5. Had a great time with everyone even in spite of our mean waitress. And I still tipped her generously. What was I thinkin?
  6. Does a huge pink vibrator count? I joke, I joke!
  7. Friends are important Lance. I for once have literally had the WORST two weeks of my entire life. And I've been through a bunch in my short existence. I've had two very important people in my life leave amonst a multitude of other horrific circumstances...some had no decision in the process and others well...meh! Anyhoo, a friend sticks by you at ALL times no matter what....even when the road gets really hard. They love you unconditionally and accept you with all your multitude of flaws (b/c we all have so many...nobody is perfect). My closest friendships I have now are not ones that have always been perfect but ones were we've really had to work at it and now on the other end of things its GREAT! All the diligence, patience, and faithfullness pays off in the end. I have one of these on the board and I love him dearly! Every day in the last two weeks he's let me call him as I cried for hours (literally) telling me that I would get through this and that this is only a bump in the road. He's encouraged me and loved me unconditionally. I didn't realize how many GREAT friends I had until the last two weeks. When the roads of our life get twisted and we can't see the end b/c our eyes are so blood shot from the tears it's those true friends that help guide us down our path and have the balls to tell us when we're having another "Pratt-Attack". LOL. yes I'm talking bout u Jeffy *** aka Kreator! I heart u buddy! Anyway I thought I'd be the sap since there is so much other testosterone on here. I hope whoever when down is ok.
  8. if you're coming from newark take 670west to 315 north. Get off at lane avenue and take a left. Go about 2 miles down the road and it's on the right side of the road. It shares a parking lot with frontrunner!
  9. its not nice to call people names. So we'll count you out!
  10. OK MJ...Tommy's west lane avenue 12pm? I should be done rounding by then and lets pray I don't get any new consults. If all is cool I'll be there! Had a blast with you guys tonight too!
  11. Hey everyone! Sooo Yota, TomCat, MJ, Cmoosego, Jagr, and I were all discussing this haunted house tonight. We're attempting to get a group together to go have some fun. All are welcome! We were thinking possibly next Friday or Saturday if the weather permits. I haven't checked the time of the OSU game on Saturday so that may interfer. Anyhoo, my house is about a mile from this place so maybe we could do some drinks at my humble abode prior to going. Just a suggestion. Whatcha all think? Dates, times, drinks? Yota maybe I'll let you post up a thread about the "devils staircase, hotel, kings island" event we were attempting to plan. Alrighty? And NO mention of spooning like we discussed. You have Ben for that remember?
  12. ahhhh u can't answer that crackberry of yours but post on here sucka! Pick me up tomorrow, no?
  13. Dude you're pretty negative. Who are you anyway? Geesh.
  14. did you not c me throw it at u... right b4 dude hollard something at me...... Second....just remember who started it;) Jeffy started it! lol. I thought you just found the ones in your gloves not the ones I shoved inside the padding of your helmet!
  15. Or my friend John (judgedredd on here) texts me every Thursday about the Park Street Patio? Just another thought. It's gonna be too cold for anyone to ride anyway. I can car pool with some peeps from the east side if anyone wants. I'm still thinking we should all still go to BWR!!!!!!!!!
  16. First of all did you ever find the celery in your helmet from last week? Secondly, there is a piano bar down in the arena district. Is anyone game for that on Thursday/tomorrow? I've never been there so I'm not sure what time the crowd gets going but it is in the center of CBus so easy to get to for everyone. Just a thought? Whatcha think?
  17. You mean BWR? I have a feeling people are still going to want to go there Kevin. ???
  19. It's more the cold. I hate being cold. :( But yea I can barely move my left arm. Every time I do it takes my breath away b/c the pain is so bad. It's something with my rotator cuff! GRRR.

  20. OK so on a more serious note....I think I'm gonna purchase a dell. I was out looking at computers last night with a friend that is a computer wiz and he suggested this might be best for me. Now i don't know the difference between all these processors. Can anyone help me out a bit? Layman's terms please. Intel Core 2 Extreme Intel Core 2 Quad Intel Core 2 Duo Intel Pentium Dual-Core
  21. What about Tommy's pizza on lane? Yota you and MJ are close to that as well....should only take you less than 5 minutes to get there! And I'm at riverside. If we round early friday morning I may be up for this! I'll be in my ultra conservative dorky attire tho.
  22. Did u see my last post on the QSL thread?

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