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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Not sure but I don't want to have to do ANY driving other than going to the track. What hotel did nick, drew, and well I don't remember their other roommate....but where did they stay b/c I thought that was the one close to champs. I'd really like to stay in a westin....are there any of those down town. That's one of my fav hotels to stay in.
  2. What was the name of that one right next to the champs we all ate at? I want to stay down in that area. Hmmmmm, I wonder if my room will be right across from ur guys again. hehe. That was hilarious.
  3. Yikes....I thought u said $300. I was willing to pay that but not 575. That's kinda steep.
  4. All these peeps running their traps and really NO concrete plans!
  5. ben...weren't u able to work out any deals on that inside area we were talking about???
  6. And no offense but I've met most of them. I'm relying on friends of friends here. hahahha. j/k. I actually do think most men look very nice all dressed up in a suit.
  7. I can't spell worth crap! that's what spelll check is for when I'm writing papers!!! On here I DON'T care.;)
  8. SORRY! You actually did write "ya might work". hehe. Apparently I've made too many assumptions this week. hehe. Well I'm leaving work for the day! Woot!
  9. I do know how to look things up online Charles! Geez. I had a feeling u weren't being serious b/c you NEVER hang out with us.
  10. PUTTY IS A JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should have known u wouldn't make it out anyway!!!! I don't watch very many of his movies!
  11. Where is that Charles? Is it really expensive b/c I told the boys I was paying tonight. Darn it! hehe. I didn't tell my bro to bring anything other than OSU gear so I don't know if he even has anything nice to wear. Oh just an FYI...I hope I have ur ear ALL night long so I can whine about men. :lol: Yes I got ur comment no myspace. And is this even a "real" bar? I've never heard of it and I know how u r. AND u know how gullible (sp) I can be.
  12. Hey everyone....my brother & cousin r gonna be in town tonight so I'm planning on hanging out somewhere. Thing is I don't ever go to clubs, bars, etc. so I have NO idea where to take him. I don't think its going to be a terribly late night since we & I think mostly everyone else need to get up early tomorrow for the game. Anyone game for this? If so where's a good spot? I know yota said he was gonna come (his johnny girl has to work though). Anyone else??????
  13. Hey r u & Johnni gonna be out and about tonight? My brother and cousin r coming in town tonight and I'm not one to hang out at any hot spots. Any ideas!?? U game for some fun tonight???

  14. The black CBR was probably a friend of mine (also my scuba instructor) Matt Halla. He showed up at our meet & greet b/c one of us waved at him from the parking lot. hehehe. He told me he has been riding around campus lately and people are looking at him like he's crazy....he's also only had his bike 3months I think. Anyhoo, he actually emailed me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go riding this w/e. WHAT???!!!??? R u crazy? It is too freaking cold to ride in this weather!
  15. I know...u were actually being very nice yesterday. Hence the comment 4 u on myspace!
  16. Maybe nobody notified her of the event???!!?? I feel so bad for this young kid. I don't believe he is simply another "damien" as shown in those omen movies but a young, troubled kid that desperately NEEDS to be loved. Locking the kid up will do nothing but exacerbate his pain. There has got to be some type of abuse/incest that went on here. I pray they find the root of it and get the young child some help that he needs and deserves.
  17. Find some OSU vs. Michigan tix for me tomorrow and we'll see. ;)
  18. Speaking of hoes.....hehe. j/k. Anyhoo, what is the dress for this??? Remember the last thread b/f it got erased??? I was hoping the LADIES could all dress up for this one seeing it is Christmas! I want to wear a dress and stilletos and see some hot men in a SUITE!!! Woot!
  19. I think that could be arranged. That's if I can ever make it over to your house to pick up my darn crock pot!
  20. Can u call me? It's almost 10 & I have two meetings back to back but I should be going to lunch sometime b/t 12 and 1pm. Can u text me where the seats r and I'll ask my brother. I was out LATE last night and briefly read the PM. I know u said C deck????? right.
  21. Ya but once 1st quarter starts they will b at face value!!! It's going to be a horrible game!!!!! I still have contacts from OSU I'm waiting for that I used to work with. I'll wait and see. My tickets are 4A. I was trying to stay away from c deck but beggars can't be choosers!!!
  22. Dude its my work number.....EVERY doctor and nurse at riverside hospital has this number!
  23. Ok so I have a ticket of my own but my little brother (age 27..hehe) just informed me that he & my cousin are coming to stay with me this w/e for the gaming festivities. Since I used to work at OSU I had the opportunity to have extra tix for every single game BUT now I'm over at riverside so NOBODY to bug anymore! Boo! Anyhoo, does anyone have or know of anyone who has 2 extra tix for the game. Since Michigan SUCKS this year I am not thinking they will be on demand...and its freezing!!!! If you know of any PLEASE feel free to send text/call 614-563-0392. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!!!! GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I'm not arguing anything...just showing you where it is. Philippians 2:8-10 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation 8And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! 9Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has [a]freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, 10That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee should (must) bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
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