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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. What do u do for a living? I was reading the "move" thread and someone wrote something about medical opportunities for you. I am a nurse practitioner and as you can see from my post in your thread that I did search southern cal for jobs. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  2. I was going to relocate out to Southern Cal this past June so in 2007 I traveled out to Cali SEVERAL times. I have tons of family and friends out there from Marina Del Rey to San Diego to Lake Elsinore. I rented a car EVERY time I went out to see how I would waver in the traffic. I am a very impatient person and could not take it. My ex lives in woodland hills (san fern valley) and he can only afford to live out there comfortably b/c he can charge $400/hr for his services. My cousin who has a limited education just moved back to Ohio last month b/c she couldn't find work making more than 15 or 16 an hour ANYWHERE. Now IF you think that is good money you would be surprised who expensive the houses are. She was paying $1500 a month for a 600 sq ft apartment. I looked at some smaller condos in orange county/Irvine area and could NOT find anything for less than $500,000 per 1000 sq. ft. My ex's mortgage was $14000 a month for 4000 sq ft. My friends that live in marina del rey rent 1500 sq ft to house their 3 kids and they pay $4000 a month for their mortgage. My cousin lives in lake elsinore (kinda a ummm well different area to live in to be nice) and he paid $420,000 for an 1800 sq ft house with half an acre lot. He had to remodel the entire home. He drives 1 1/2 to 2 hours each way to work every day b/c he has to go through the mountains to get over to orange county. Traffic....lets see bike move in and out of traffic like lunatics. You are allowed to drive in between cars when everyone else is in a dead lock. Scary stuff b/c at ANY time someone could open their car door, etc and there you are riding at 50 +++ mph. There are fatalities almost daily in southern cal. Furthermore, on a friday morning (around 10 am...NOT rush hour traffic) it took me 3 hours to get from Laguna beach (my absolutely favorite place in southern cal) to san pedro which is right by catalina island. Even with my education and training I would have only made an extra 20K a year which would NOT have offset the cost of living out there. Anyhoo, hope some of this helps. Obviously I decided to stay in Ohio....the housing market didn't help either.
  3. If it's relatively warm on one of these upcoming weekends I would be game to do some ATV riding!!! Seriously dude!!!! I really need to figure out what type I want to purchase.

  4. AMEN!!! I actually had one of my coworkers flip out on my facebook today b/c another conservative friend wrote on my page that she was sad to see Ohio go to the "dark" side. She meant democrats....Not blacks. OMG, my coworker ripped her apart and said she lacked character, etc. Me being extremely pissed at him was an understatement. I told him that now that Obama is our president elect there should be no more of that "the white man is keepin us down" crap. Everyone can now see that anything is possible for all races. That is the one thing this election has done. I have had several people infer that I was racist b/c I refused to vote for Obama. Yet I have NEVER voted for a democrat and never will. I am too right wing conservative. My pastor is black and voted for McCain. Does that mean he hates his own race? hehe. Some poeple's arguments don't make sense. Geesh!
  5. Gotcha. Hey she has the good legs & height and I get the clearance leathers.
  6. Ananda...I thought u just did a track day. Did u rent ur leathers? I got my leathers, boots, etc 2 years ago. ALL closeout at pony. I only need to get a back protector now. Do you ever look at the closeout gear? It's only the track not like we need to look cute. Besides with my lack of corning skills I'm gonna look like an absolute fool my first time!!!
  7. I know....I always get screwed b/c I'm single with NO kids. When we got those checks in may mine was soooo small compared to my friends who make much less than me but have 2 or 3 kids. I just feel like as a single person we deserve the same.
  8. thank you. Well at least I got two things right!
  9. You know the rich are rich for a REASON people! They work for what they have!!!!!!!!!!! I for one am sick and tired of taking care of people who don't want to work for a freakin thing!!!
  10. The flu shot doesn't prevent you from contracting the flu. That's what good hand washing does. It only allows you to have a "milder" case if you get it. Plus only the most common strains are put in the shot.....the influenza virus kills many, many people every year.
  11. You guys better watch it or people that don't know me are gonna start to believe what u write young lad!!!
  12. I still can't find if the levy passed in Reynoldsburg????? Anyone know????
  13. Actually I may just go to bed now. My man didn't win and I didn't fall asleep until 2am this morning! Im exhausted & ur gettin on my nerves Putty!!!
  14. Dude I started this thread!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  15. I voted b/c I simply don't want a casino in the state I live in. Call me a prude but that's my stance.
  16. You'll be in vegas soon enough. Stop whining!
  17. KISS MY BIG BOOTIE PUTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:boxing:
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