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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Mandie...a really easy way to explain the old vs. the new is simply to say that the old testement is how God feels about sin and the new testement is how he feels about the sinner. Regardless about which part you are studying you will ALWAYS see the crimson thread of grace sewn throughout.
  2. b/c everyone expects that out of the "whites". See the quotes work both ways.
  3. Ouch...someone has a wild hair stuck up their butt today! I can prescribe some xanax or valium for you if you'd like sir.
  4. No but my grandpa is 85 and I told him to call when he got around to it. He really just does this stuff for friends and family now. Pretty much all he really does is reload shells and stuff. He just doesn't want to give it up. God luv him!
  5. I'm waiting to hear from my gramp's bout my paperwork and then I'm probably gonna go sign up for a class over in New Albany.
  6. Holy Roller? Have I EVER judged you or called you names? I think not. And your statement is just completely ignorant sir! Do I place Jesus as #1 in my life YES!!! He is and always will be the Lord and Savior of my life. He is also called Lord of Hosts more in the Bible than ANYTHING else. That is referencing our God of war. I believe it is my constitutional right as an American citizen to bear arms and protect myself. Thus I will do so at all cost!
  7. Yes and I never realized how racist some of my closest "black" friends were until this election. Are we close friends anymore. Not so much. I don't tolerate it from either side! With your sister...well she's family. Can't kick family out of your life!
  8. Well I was just at my grandpa's gunshop up in the Toledo area on Saturday looking at guns to purchase. I decided on a sig 229 dak. Waiting on paperwork to come back. Nice gun and safe. I want it for fun but also to blow the nuts off of any crazy "serial rapist" that may venture over from the west end to the east side. hehe. The gun is a bit more pricey but comes highly recommended. And my grandpa who owns about every gun out there and my brother who was with me (he's a gunner's mate in the coast guard) told me NOT to buy a glock. Just an FYI.
  9. I know right!!!??? Geez Ben u really know how to pick the stories! hehe.
  10. Well I believe in the literal truth of the Bible (I actually do study the Greek and Hebrew to get the actual meaning) AND I believe science and the written Word go hand in hand. I am also well aware that I am an extremely intelligent, compassionate, successful....oh and did I mention beautiful young lady. Geez us Christian women got it going on. You know I didn't come on here calling you "names" and it would be nice if you could not do that to the other Christians that are on the board b/c there are many of us.
  11. We'll have to see. Where is Brian anyway???
  12. Stop it! Now I may have to actually do what I told u I was going to earlier! hehe. It probably will scare the crap out of him!
  13. OK I guess I am getting an attitude after reading it again. My bad....
  14. Well its just funny b/c when I was on the phone with him tonight he actually told me that people are thinking we are together. I haven't EVER hung out with him at a non OR event. I'm surprised people aren't assuming Kawi Kid and I are having a hot love affair too b/c of our online discussions. You know once a week Brian & I do meet half way b/t Cols and Coshoctan and hook up at Motel 8. hehehehehe.
  15. Micheal & I are JUST FRIENDS!!! Geez, I think u have all realized by now that the majority of my friends are males and believe it or not but I haven't slept with ANY OF THEM!!! I kinda am a cool chica!!! Maybe some of his other "friends" should offer to take him out too!
  16. Garrett I have a tat above my bootie.....I don't know if you've realized this but people are still getting them now a days and they are VERY easily covered up. Ananda....I know u may not like the tat anymore but you are a beautiful young lady and any tatoo is not going to dictate how people view you (its not like they are plastered all over your face). For the past 10 years I've worn scrubs to work every day and all my tats where covered up. Now I have to wear suites, skirts, etc. and some of my tats show even with all my darn colored hose. Nobody ever notices them! Woot! I've heard through the grape vine that the laser is very painful and not always efficacious.
  17. I have every day open except Tuesday evening. Just let me know! I think u may have my digits. hehe.
  18. sorry all those little icons didn't come out right. u know i'm sorta computer illiterate. u get the idea though!
  19. I know. Don't u remember I always call myself the old lady! hehehe. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :: So let me know what evening ur available & I'll take u to dinner this week old man!!!!!!!!
  20. Hmmmmm, I wonder! It didn't show on myspace either. Maybe he's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old he's trying to escape his birthday. BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA! j/k.
  21. Mandi...God has taken the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Debating in a thread like this is not going to change anyone's mind. Just pray for them. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. Hugs.....
  22. Exactly Micheal. You're missing the whole point. I could honestly care LESS about the actual guys. I was just wondering why this is becoming a common occurrance. It's the fact that I have a HUGE issue with people that lie with no remorse. These people lack any kind of character and integrity thus I would not want to be with them. And NO after one date I would not expect any kind of exclusivity as I would hope the guy wouldn't either. I just thought it was shady. I ask everyone...male and female.....for their myspace/facebook links when I meet them. It's not a pick up line. It's a mode of communication. Geez.
  23. Just yankin ur chain!!!:D
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