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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. And FYI...chris (cmoosego) is friends with him also. He can vouch for him. I honestly don't think I would use anyone else other than Jeff anymore for future upgrades to my home.
  2. I just had someone fix my chimney that broke in half during a storm last week. he converted it into a direct vent. Took half the time and half the price from all the other estimates I had. He was wonderful and honest. I would use him again in a heartbeat. And for any of you who knows me personally....you all know how hard it is to please me! Jeff Waters 740-404-2354. He lives in Newark but I live in Reynoldsburg/Pataskala.
  3. Hahahaha. I was just thinking the same thing when I read this. : Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  4. Oh THANK YOU!!! I finally have it! Woot! I'm trying to find some of those darn leap frog tag sets. I have to buy 3 sets for all my neices and nephews.
  5. I've been looking at those. I want the pictures darn it!!!! Thank you Kevin! We can always count on Yota!!!!
  6. I've been searching online today for the black friday ads. You know the ones that employees steal and scan so we can see them. I can't find any of the actual scanned ones this year. Does anyone know of a website?
  7. well I have Itunes for my nano already. Ya the med student is still even as we speak showing me stuff and I think I'm sold!!!! Thanks!!!
  8. Well I'm surprised I never saw this thread b/f but it's right on time. I have the treo 755 currently. It's with sprint (they do suck). I got the phone b/c of the abundance of medical programs out there for the palm os. Now that I am actually working as an NP I use my phone like every 5 minutes it seems like to look up meds, do opiod conversions, etc. The med student I worked with today had an iphone and I could not believe how fast the internet was on it. We were looking up what a coriectomy was and she had it up with the answer in less than 30 sec. Mine was still uploading to the net! I'm very nervous about using att but I guess it's service can't be much worse than sprint. I was with verizon for 10 years and switched a year ago. I cannot believe all the dropped calls I get. How is everyones service that does have the Iphone? I'm thinking of paying the cancellation fee and getting a 16g Iphone but I'm very nervous about the service. Also my work email is through lotus notes which I know the blackberry can accomodate but I'm not sure if the Iphone can. Any IT peeps out there with answers???
  9. Oh Kevin! I'm so sorry! I know how animals are family.
  10. These weren't the kinda suits I was referencing.
  11. You have NO IDEA how much this truly does mean to some people. I grew up EXTREMELY poor. We never had Christmas presents unless extended family sent us stuff. I can remember when i was in 3rd grade we got a delivery from an organization similar to this. They not only had enough food for our entire Christmas dinner BUT my brothers and me actually got like 5 gifts each that year. Wow how times have changed for me. People's generosity and selflessness made us feel so loved that year. I actually got to go to school after Christmas break with new clothes that year too!!! My church does something exactly like this. Luv it!!!
  12. Kinda gross??? Wasn't that bad. Looks like his 5th digit isn't healing that well...just a "bit" necrotic. hehe. Gosh I do ride in tennis shoes sometimes. Ekks!
  13. Casper...u & this pic are out of control!
  14. It was soooooooooooooo freakin cold in the stadium today. I had on long johns, 2 pair of socks, my uggs, jeans, 4 shirts, 2 pair of gloves, a thick scarf, and a very warm jacket yet I still had to get those hand warmers & put them in my shoes so my toes wouldn't freeze off. So glad to be at home watching MSU unfortunately get their tales whipped by Penn state on HD in the WARM. Did anyone else notice there wasn't a very big crowd on campus today??? Kinda boring.
  15. It was just my brother, cousin, yota, johnnie, & my "other" friend Kevin. You remember the young kev I had over to your house about 6 months ago that you bring up every time I come over. It was a good time. Thanks Yota 4 coming out! Your Jonnie is very sweet...good peeps!
  16. OK so after my Pratt-Attack (temper tantrum....whatever u want to call it. hehe). A couple of us are gonna be up at Adobe Gilas at Easton at 10pm. don't know where we're going after that. If you guys want to go....see u up there. Holla!!!!
  17. If it's not 500 a night I think I'm gonna stay there. Gonna call tomorrow to make reservations. I'm excited...now I can schedule a massage and watch moto gp all in the same weekend!!! Woot!
  18. Geez I got dinner plans cancelled on me just now with a "friend".....my brother isn't answering his phone....nobody is making any plans.....what is the world freakin coming to???? All I wanted to do this afternoon was go to PF Changs and get my key lime martini!!!!! I'm going down to the local drive through getting a 12 pack of bud select and calling it a night. hehehehe. :D:D
  19. WEll Chris u have my digits already so if you guys are out and about tonight shoot me a text b/f u leave.
  20. Is this a real place? :lol::lol::lol: I'm suspect now from all u jokers.
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