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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. no but I'm SURE one of them are yours!!!
  2. Brennen my name is still princesspratt on myspace. My default pic is the typical "I'm for McCain/Palin".
  3. Yes but I'm going to have to be very very careful about what pics I post from last night.....being that I have scrotums and all hanging out on my SD card.
  4. Exactly!!! I posted this b/c I had a genuine concern for him. Just as I would for anyone else who posts alot & I hadn't seen on the board in a while. Riders get injured all the time!!! It is important for us to be our brother's keeper at times. I can't believe this thread had brought out this type of behavior. There are "other" threads to post this type of crap. Please guys enough of the name calling and rudeness. We're all grown here.....let's have some respect for each other.
  5. Oh Ok!!! I didn't know what ur screen name was. Some of the pics I have with you are completely out of control! Do u know charles took my camera & now I have a pic with 3 sets of balls! These are real too!!! Eww! Anyway good to see u again last night!

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  6. Too good a time last night. I don't recognize this screen name. Who r u?

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  7. dude ur on my myspace. Just look at them there. since I have like 2000 pics on there...its the last photo album.
  8. where do u live? Im gettin in the shower now but I'll ride up with u if u want someone to tag along. I've never been to HNW b/f.

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  9. No my address is reynoldsburg but its in licking county so I had to go there to vote. I couldn't wait in line on tuesday b/c I have a conference I'm gonna b at.
  10. Is anyone riding over to HNW from the east side? I'm gonna ride over in about an hour or so. Anyone else game? Its a beautiful day out. My stomach has finaly settled down from my escapades last night. And charles (putty) I found all those penis pics that you took with my camera!!!
  11. I have so many pics of u & me from last night and I don't even remember ur "real" name!

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  12. I voted yesterday in Newark (licking county board of elections). I had to wait in line 2 hours. It sucked! And according to my costume last night I'm sure everyone knows who I voted for! hehe.
  13. Thank you for driving my crazy butt home last night!!!! You two rock!!! Sorry u had to listen to my ramblings for like 10 minutes. hehe. I don't even remember what route I had you guys take me home on AND my stomach & head r killing a sista this morning! Enjoy ur Saturday!

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  14. Yes but he posts ALL the time. Plus, it was his bday the other day. I sent him a happy bday with with no response. He was always sending me pm's. I was just making sure he wasn't injured and laying up in a hospital somewhere. Well the weather is beautiful and I left the hospital at noon today so i'm hoppin on my bike. See ya all lata!!!
  15. I may have to switch my sig to "cyberspace stalker of KawiKid"! You know now that my poster is up and all. hehe.

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  16. Michelle...r u perpen w/ that bike?
  17. Did u get a costume yet? I'm going as a member of your opposing political team! Holla!

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  18. I always get concerned about fellow riders and haven't seen any recent posts from Nick. I think he posts even more than kawikid! Any info? I know he has some friends from Dayton on here.
  19. I actually had a dream about Will Smith this morning right b/f I woke up. Very wierd! When I saw him in the suite I was thinking the same thing!
  20. I told u in the thread that got erased that we have a good looking bunch of people! And u were right Michael...there u r in the background. I didn't know what u were talking about when u posted that on myspace.
  21. It's all in good fun! They are both nice guys & I'm very very single so why not.
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