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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. I'm with AT&T U-verse now. Couldn't be happier not to have Time Warner.
  2. Sorry wrong cabin! Sorry wrong truck! Sorry wrong truck! Sorry wrong house! So much for being "professionals".
  3. Not an MRP, just the basic DI defender. He posted a while back asking about the value of the rifle.
  4. I've had a few 5906's. A good solid handgun with plenty of out of the box accuracy. Plus, you could pistol whip the shit out of someone with it.
  5. Drone time! http://static.infowars.com/slideshow/dornerdrone2.jpg Don't think due process is going to happen. Welcome to the new America.
  6. A Gerber and my girlfriend. I'm at my apartment, so it's an easy walk to the closet of death, but in the mean time my coffee table LCR can hold off an advance.
  7. My condolences Tim. Shows you how fragile your own mortality is when friends your age pass.
  8. If he were smart he'd divert the attention is his opposite direction, or maybe he already has a fatal funnel set up. Who knows......I have a feeling he is just playing the waiting game if he really wants to carry out his "mission". My ass would divert then draw them in slowly. If what the man says is true, I forsee it becoming interesting. Given he was military, he may have a solid network out there to help him. I don't see this being a seat of the pants type maneuver he is executing.
  9. I like a tin foil top hat, keep it gentlemen like. http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx188/irrelevantsubplot/tinfoiltophat.jpg
  10. That seems to be the new norm with the "American Dream". Go well beyond your means (houses, cars, credit cards etc...) become a slave to paying for them or get it taken away.
  11. http://7.media.tumblr.com/tqUXiORWVkidkx0sNj57dnu5o1_400.jpg
  12. You can bend a man so far until he breaks. The problem with this man is, he's already willing to die in his pursuit of justice (or his idea of it). He seems articulate enough to outfox quite a few agencies. I think the man will eventually go needle in a hay stack.
  13. Story from a customer of mine: At Walmart of all places. Foreign couple (green card and all) pay for 2 carts full of groceries on WIC/food stamps. Load groceries into brand new F250 King Ranch (30 day tags on it) If you have the ability to make a $60-70K truck payment, you can afford $200-$300 at Walmart every other week.
  14. God Bless America, somebody else took the words out of my mouth. I've been saying that shit for years. I despise the college folk that love to cry about paying student loans, but college is so important. $100K/year right out of your 4 year degree program ain't gonna happen. Half this country needs to suck up their so called "pride", take a fucking job, and make the best of it. I don't see the lack of employment here, but I see lack of taking ahold of opportunity. Beggars can't be choosers, when you ain't got a job.
  15. I'm not what I used to be, that was my former life. My specialty was the art of boom boom. That was the only reason I became a Combat Engineer. Funny part is, I hate fireworks now. I fully understand their symbolism, but am also bored by them.
  16. Add 100+ pounds, and that'll paint a picture of my adventures under the influence.
  17. I usually shot expert. Had a few "off" days, thanks to hangovers. Rifle - expert Machine gun - expert Pistol - expert Shotgun - expert M203 - expert German weapons qualified silver. (Missed by 2 rounds with the MG3) I'm also pretty good as a Bradley Gunner. Can't remember our rankings in gunnery for the Bradley, but my crew was pretty damn solid.
  18. I was once known as a "grenade jumper". My exploits of goin "hoggin" or being a wingman is somewhat famous. I've torn up some nasty poon in my day.
  19. Guy did it at a "Rednecks with Paychecks" outing. Guy is a customer at one of our shops. It's totaled by all means. Guy has more money than common sense as you can tell.
  20. I'm DTF. I'm a cheap date, so jäger bombs, some draft beer, maybe a few double jack n' cokes. She's better than I've gone home with.......
  21. The Marine Corps has a more stringent qualification standard. The devil dogs on here can chime in.
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