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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. He's Navy, so the fact he can shoot a rifle makes him an "expert". I kid. Army qualification consists of 40 targets and 40 rounds: 20 - targets (20 rounds) in supported/sandbag, 10 - unsupported and 10 - kneeling. Furthest targets are at 300 meters aka 5.56 drop to line of sight. 36-40 out of 40 = Expert 30-35 = sharpshooter 23-29 = marksman
  2. Scotty2Hotty

    Walking Dead

  3. Maintenance is key to about anything mechanical. I've used standard GI mags, H&K mags and Pmags, all whilst in dangerous areas. I remember the black followers, green, yellow and I guess it's orange now. When we got hooked up with the H&K mags, it was a dream come true under burst fire. I carried Pmags on my last trip to Trashcanistan with no issues to report. I have no personal preference, since I have all kinds of mags. I will say GI mags need cleaned to work their best.
  4. Fiske FM5's all the way http://tyedesign.com/ETG/fik2.jpg The C6 Z06 Spyder wheels look good for an OEM wheel. I think the safe bet is always the Z06 Motorsport wheel: http://www.wheelreplicas.com/ebay/z06bmotor3.jpg Overplayed? Yes. But I have always liked em on F-bodies.
  5. Scotty2Hotty


    Vets with true PTSD have already been painted in a bad light. The recent events surrounding Chris Kyle's death can only add a more negative light.
  6. Scotty2Hotty


    I just want to be able to enjoy a weekend at the range (without body armor too). I don't like falling short of my on hand ammo, just to go plinking at paper/steel. I'd love to stay optimistic, but I don't forsee a slow down until summer at best. Shelves should be stocked, but it seems the slightest word from D.C will set fire to an already fragile situation.
  7. Just overheard the POTUS blabbing about pushing his gun-ban agenda in front of a bunch of cops. He's still trying, so we ain't out of the woods yet. His words only help fuel the raging fire.
  8. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1359945270.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1359945366.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1359945415.jpg This was a tribute rifle made for Chris. Seeing all the tally marks puts into perspective what the man did.
  9. He left the SEAL community for his wife. He got out for her and started Craft Intl. I'll post the rifle they brought to our show that was made for Chris. It was a bad ass tribute to a legend.
  10. He was signing books at our show last year. He's done a lot for Wounded Vets. Sickens me when a fellow veteran is suspected of killing him.
  11. I was wondering, that's a hell of a price you had it for.
  12. Or an FN Five Seven pistol w/ 2-mags for $2500.
  13. http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/2013/02/lancaster-police-arrest-man-in-connection-with-double-slaying-in-erath-county.html/
  14. Sad day, even worse to hear how it happened. He defines the word hero. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/01/02/article-2081430-0F522AC200000578-949_634x705.jpg I'm greatful to have met this man.
  15. Outside of Dallas, (minus a few areas) is usually sub 3%. You wouldn't believe what most new apartment complexes rent at around Dallas, it's laughable at best. I'll be using a VA loan for my purchase. Got Pre-approved a few months ago, just haven't had time to do my homework. No enemy marksmanship badges or injuries done to me, but it's nice to make my buddy drive when we go out. The Purple Heart tags come in handy for parking.
  16. After having my taxes done, 14.3% of my income went to Uncle Sam.
  17. I'll be in the home ownership boat come November........if all goes as planned. I'm hoping Gov. Perry gives us some gun allowance $$$
  18. We've got a company accountant that's running through our taxes/payroll stuff at the moment. I'm just glad I don't pay state taxes too.
  19. Gotta love getting fucked out of my commission. I'm sure the regular 30% just spiked to 40% taxes taken out.
  20. Make that a US Optics or a Schmidt and Bender to raise that north of $3K.
  21. Going to be a minute until people calm the fuck down though. I say normality shall come near summer time......hopefully.
  22. Supply and demand. If you get an LMT rifle this year, consider yourself lucky. The civilian rifles come after the US DoD contracts and the UK's Ministry of Defense contract. Fixed it for you.
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