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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. thats better than rep, my brothah!
  2. nah, man, the addicts and rapists are the victims of their compulsions.....we must have simpathy for them.
  3. did you consider not posting anymore.........jussayin...
  4. lol "Chafing" Hahahahahahahaaaa
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_HWLslfmJI
  6. jhaag


    Buddy Holly is close. But when my girl and i went and she put those specs on, the first thought in my head was roy orbison.........is that fucked up, or what!?!??!
  7. now, now, nobody wants to listen to someone who makes sense! lets just let the govt take care of it, the bigger the better!!
  8. i think the only thing you'll find on a motogp bike that is similar to a production bike is that they are both internal combustion engines..... motogp bikes are one-off, race-built, prototype machines. you'd find their technology implemented into production bikes only after being used on these prototypes.......for the most part, anyway.
  9. wait! are you saying that they dont just come to me? well, no wonder.......
  10. ZINGER! i'm just glad we all got an lol out of it! you crazy kids have fun on the morrow!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hctZHMzT9O4
  12. big +1! and if this new info is correct then WHERE THE FUCK IS ALL THIS TAIL!!!! helpabrothaout!!
  13. oh, you said meat instead of meet and i thought it was funny and on purpose. you know, meat....i lol'd and thought i was the clever one who noticed it........ sorry, i'm an idiot.....
  14. thats what 'they' want! if you try to run all you'll be doing is making a lot of noise, while you dont get away, and get tagged with a noise violation, in addition to the 'exhibition of speed'...... but, you could also argue that you just saved countless lives with all the noise you just created with your loud pipes..... cheeky bastards
  15. i see what you did there.....
  16. i rented one from Advance Autoparts that was just like that, er, very similar, anyway. its free to rent, if that makes sense. you tell them what you need and then you actually pay for it. once you're done, you return it for a full refund. the one i used had several different inserts for different head configurations. i'm surprised no one there got you the right one. well, that really doesnt surprise me, i guess. i think sometimes the only requirement to work at some of those places is a pulse.....
  17. yeah, the dive bars were the best. all commercial and shit, now..... never made to staches, but did go to a bunch of shows at little brothers.
  18. sweet. do you require 4% of our donation to be added to the total to cover paypal fees? thanks. now off to listen to some John Denver (yes, i watched the whole vid)
  19. was that The Pit? i remeber that place....sort of... at the old paninis on the corner of 9th and high is where i drank many a bucket.
  20. i was using that as a colloquialism for va.........female reproductive parts.....
  21. i like the hot pocket...........wait, are we talking about the same thing?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g23GiivXC78&feature=related
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