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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. He's not. He's in Tipp city. I would have looked at it for you, but I abandoned my shop and home in OH for TN. My father took over the shop, but has been out of town a lot so hasn't done much since I left. I'm still trying to catch him to see if he's in town and interested. I'll let you know.
  2. My dad may be interested in looking at it. I'll post back on here in a bit, maybe tomorrow and let you know.
  3. I have a scorpio alarm, but it's an earlier gen so I'm no help to you. My remote takes batteries. Mine is the SR-i500
  4. WERA at crashville ehh? I'm thinking about going over there and watching some of the racing. It'd be something to do for an afternoon.
  5. There's a grocery full of it about 3 miles from my house
  6. Interesting thoughts...It'll never happen, but it's good thoughts. Just found out last night that Ally was transported back to her hometown, Indy. The surgery to repair her ankle went well. They had a plastic surgeon coming in sometime either yesterday or today to look at her leg and decide what will need to be done. They are also going to be putting her into a back and pelvic brace for the next couple months. She was, of course, really glad to be close to home again. There is still a lot to happen and thoughts and prayers are still needed.
  7. I've got one. You can't borrow it though. I'm not there to give it to you.
  8. So is it still anonymous so I can sign other peoples names to my negs so I don't blamed?
  9. Just got home from being with Ally. She's doing so well! Her room is covered with flowers and e-cards. She's so appreciative of all the support she's getting! We got to spend about four hours with her. She was in great spirits and really really thankful for all the support. Travis is doing better too, he finally got a good nights sleep. While we were there we got to take Ally outside for about 40 min. It was a beautiful day. She is able to sit up with a brace on and still has some pain, but is handling it very well. I couldn't be more proud of her and the quick progress she is making. Surgery on her leg is tomorrow, but everything looks really positive for that. They are going to fix her ankle which is still fractured. I'm really glad Jenny and I got to go see her, she's doing so well and talking and laughing and again loving all the support she's getting. Her and Travis are grateful for all of it
  10. I'd take my chances and ride uninsured...It'd be cheaper, even if you got caught.
  11. It was labor day weekend. Cops probably had better things to do than run two kids to the station...Who knows...It's bullshit though. If the cops aren't gonna do anything to them, the public will. Hence the facebook page and this thread, it's spreading pretty quickly...
  12. Ya'll were gettin plenty of action til that one sperm went and changed everything. Matt's day will come.
  13. Only because i'm bored...I've posted in these the last 10 times they've came up... Allstate 100/300 25/single 1 ticket $250/yr
  14. Saved me the trouble, thanks. It definitely 100% happened. Since some people are slow and don't click links...here is the text of the incident... and here's the pisser... Facebook page too.... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Thieves-From-UT-That-Tried-to-Steal-a-Bike-From-Deals-Gap/150073711690680?ref=mf&v=wall#!/pages/Thieves-From-UT-That-Tried-to-Steal-a-Bike-From-Deals-Gap/150073711690680?v=wall&ref=mf
  15. I'm willing to bet you aren't far behind...You're just the most recently married...
  16. Sort of...old guy was driving his RV north on 129. Friend was going south on 129. RV went to turn onto 72 west. (This is the intersection that has the two biker hangouts and does bbq's a lot) Anyway, RV didn't stop before turning and moved into southbound lane to make the turn less difficult to make with his entire rig. One of the witnesses overheard him speaking with the officers and he said, "there is not a stop sign I dont have to stop!" Essentially, on one of the most popular motorcycle roads in the country this guy was driving in the wrong lane around a blind corner as he was preparing to turn onto another road and didn't yield to oncoming traffic. I haven't heard if he had been cited or not, but someone saw him later on 411 going north again, so he presumably was lost in the first place...
  17. Thanks. She's recovering still...Has been moved to a room. There isn't any major news. Hoping to get to see her this weekend. I know they did another surgery on her leg and a whirlpool bath. They are going to have to remove a bunch of dead skin from her leg before they can begin doing skin grafts. Thats about it, she seems to be in really good spirits and making a remarkable recovery. If they are allowing visitors, I will have another update on Sunday most likely.
  18. If you think you can find it, go check it out! Look for the one with the stock can and kickstand, they're deal makers.
  19. I think leathers are always a good idea at the gap. I'm still not sure what she was wearing for gear, I know it was not leathers though. Not sure if it was textile or less though. On a good note, she is aware and has been writing stuff. The tube has been removed from her throat and she's eating ice chips. There was mention of her possibly being moved from ICU and into a room. She also asked to be raised to a sitting position instead of laying. Also she wanted to sit in a chair and they are going to let her. Her only major complication still is her leg. It's vacuum sealed and requires surgery every other day to redress. Doctors are confident it will be saved though. Considering the surgery she had yesterday, she's making huge progress. Thanks for all the prayers!
  20. I think on willpower alone she's going to pull through this just fine...this is the latest from her friend at the hospital ally asked to write something down. she asked to sit up more and asked about her back and how many vert. they had to fix. she is very aware of whats going on! damn she is super strong chick!
  21. Just got updated, she is out of surgery. 7 of her vertebrae were fused using bone from her pelvis. Her pelvis was also operated on. Both of those appear to be successful. They are waiting to do surgery on her ankle, it's on the same side so it could be a week before they're able to operate. Doctor is optimistic that her leg can be saved. Though skin grafts will be required.
  22. Can we actually shoot at your house as the thread title states?
  23. So today started off great...Up at 6:30 on the road to Deals Gap by 7. Jenny and I were meeting up with a friend from Indy that was in TN, a week after her birthday for the holiday riding around with her husband, among other family members. We texted all morning, updating locations and eta. They were staying at the Punkin Center MC resort on 129. We decided to haul the bike down and parked closer to Maryville and rode down to meet them at the Harley gas station also on 129. We were running late, they were running late but we were all going to get to the gas station about the same time. So I thought, we pass punkin center, then get to the 72/129 intersection and there is an RV in the road and a bunch of people out and directing traffic. I get a glimpse of the bike and my stomach sinks, but I refuse to believe so I pull into the gas station and our friend is not there. We turn around to find out that it was her bike, but we had passed the squad on our way back to the scene, she was being air lifted to UT hospital in Knoxville. Anyway she needs prayers, it appears she's in a lot worse shape than initially expected...Shattered pelvis, broken ankle, calf muscles are dying, back needs to be fused in 4 places. That's the glamous description, she's in the critical care unit. Her hjusband called Jenny not too long ago and he's a mess, has been crying and just asked for lots of prayers. This girl never stops smiling, they said she was smiling and in good spirits the whole time. I'm not sure how the wreck happened, but I think the RV must have been turning onto 72 and she was going straight on 129 and hit him nearly head on then she got ran over more or less, but no one can say for sure... Picture of friend and bike involved...
  24. I drank last night... bud, then yuengling, then 7 and 7...got to watch a wet tshirt contest too. Not a bad night.
  25. I think he's too young to race... That's a fast pass. He can ride.
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