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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. Nice, I'll be over there tomorrow for a couple hours riding two up. Hope I have as much fun, though with the holiday weekend, I don't plan to run too fast.
  2. wtf did you move to Ohio for? Theres no beeline, no prescott, no yarnell hill or Jerome... welcome too.
  3. Should anyone have interest, I can check it out and hang out to it at my place until you get down here
  4. Holy crap, and as the driver runs from his truck..."Sorry I didn't even see you, I didn't even know you were there. Are you ok?" On a side note, it looks like a scooter. Not a motorcycle.
  5. Completely off topic, but something I was reading the other day...about braking, so maybe sort of on topic....Anyways... I saw that at a 45 degree lean angle your tires still have 75% of the braking traction I suppose. That surprised me, considering I ride well under my limits and get slowed to what I feel is a comfortable cornering pace, really before ever entering the corner. To know that in the middle of the corner as long as I don't grab a handful of brake, but rather ease into it I still have 75% as much traction as I do in a straight line. All assuming I ever get near a 45 degree angle on the street...Which I doubt I do. That was all...
  6. Agreed! btw, I like your sig...the cookies are good too. Rep the yellow
  7. seen. Sorry, I've seen a lot of grammar nazi's in the past couple threads. I had to contribute. Carry on.
  8. I take offense...I'm going home. I also donated...
  9. I think I see the problem. I don't read your posts. I quickly skim them in order to get to the next post that I don't read. Don't be offended, you're not the only one. I actually rarely read any political posts. I clicked on this topic on accident.
  10. It's funny to me that you bash fox news then use wiki as a source... That said I don't much trust news sources either. I have nothing to add to this topic btw, we're screwed no matter what the source. Just grab your ankles and hang on tight.
  11. Wendy Murphy... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wendy-Murphy/124031162704#!/pages/Wendy-Murphy/124031162704?v=wall I suppose a few nice words, if possible, couldn't harm.
  12. I moved to a better place. I ride Thursdays, come on down
  13. They call that a scorpio alarm. It works well.
  14. Wouldn't it make sense if you had 10 hours to take a trip to a destination, you may want to stop at the destination and site see for a couple hours too? I would suggestion a destination about 2.5-3 hours away. Unless you are purely going for the ride... If it's the latter, I'd head toward WV and ride some of the old mountain roads around Parkersburg and Charleston.
  15. Though fairly unpopular, I use pennzoil.
  16. Double repost http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=26665
  17. Sucks. GL Anything good on the SD card?
  18. Friggin awesome! Stupid dumbass teen! lbts. Link... http://www.wdtn.com/dpp/news/local/greene_county/eden-arrested-and-released-before-crash Kid had been arrested and released earlier that morning by bcreek PD...alcohol/drugs/underaged girl were in the car at that time...
  19. Wrong, you can't edit the video. Then it's tampering with evidence. That said a bike isn't going to incriminate themselves so there's no video comiing forward. I understand you're a cop so you are looking at that POV first. What I don't understand is how wrecklessly weaving a cruiser car from one side of the road to the other in an attempt to slow traffic down to a 25-30 mph pace on a freeway is protecting the public. Also from what research I have done, he never turned his lights on until after the two bikes passed him. It was then that he hit the lights and began pursuit. You mentioned it in a post previously, but what are the odds of a cruiser catching multiple motorcycles on a freeway? Maybe it would have been better to radio ahead or get a chopper in the air. His decision to pursue created an unneeded dangerous situation for the public. My personal opinion, if you're gonna stunt find a parking lot. If you want to protect the public don't abuse your policing powers. In the end the motorcycle is going to look bad in either situation. That's why bikers don't like cops. No matter if it's their fault or ours we get the blame and the negative attention from the situation. Finally if you stunt on public streets and get caught, take your lumps. I've been there and done that. It cost way more than I ever want to spend again. off-topic wtf does the bike/porsche=florida tag have to do with anything. The incident happened in Washington state. Some dumbass from florida made a comment totally unrelated to the article.
  20. This is old news... There was a group of 30+ bikes going to a two wheel tuesday thing. The cop got ahead of the pack and was weaving back and forth across the interstate so no one could pass and also slowing down to a ridiculous pace. So two of the bikes shot around him and he took pursuit. This cop was looking for a chase and he got one. It's the cops fault he lost control. Other bikes in the same group were first on scene and called emergency to get the lying cop help. He went to the hospital with a concussion, obviously he made a few memory errors. Ironically not one of the motorcyclists has come forward with any video either. They were probably doing some stunting on the interstate and that's what alerted the trooper to try to be mr big shot, but in the end he screwed up. Bikes were wrong, cop was stupid. Stupid hurts.
  21. I had that set up before I got the no mar...I only paid 80 for it. If you're that pissed, the above 50 is a pretty fair price. I sold mine to a member on here for 20 awhile back.
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