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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Keep pokin' your nose where it doesn't belong and you might get some action too you Kawi luvin' nut hugger.
  2. Dang....sorry you're having trouble. I have ordered stuff from them and not had a problem, but like everything in life your experiences will vary. Hopefully they come through for ya.
  3. Depends on what kind of match your going to play and how much you camp like Kawi.
  4. I prefer these because of their design. No ice and snow getting in there a freezing them so they don't work right...they don't lift off the windshield at highway speeds...they just provide more IMO so I don't mind paying a little more. And they do last longer.
  5. Okay....I'm sorry. I pwn at CoD. I can help anyone get their K/D over 2.5.
  6. I can't be ghey so I let Parks blow lots of dudes.
  7. I expected as much from you asshat. U...homo.
  8. Just thought I'd pass this along. I personally use these and while they are expensive I have not found a better blade in a while. This is a good deal: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000RGVNIA?t=slicinc-20&tag=slicinc-20
  9. Oh, you can spell but not read. Kind of counter intuitive, no?
  10. Hence the cock gobbler comment....geeze we even have to spell it out for you. YOU ARE GHEY!
  11. Funny as he gravitates towards you quite a lot.
  12. holy thread revival... ...and blow me you cock gobbler.
  13. I didn't say I wanted to buy it. I said can I have it.
  14. .....sick..... Can I have yours after you get tired of it? Pleaze!!
  15. You forgot to mention your also a midget. It makes the spaghetti thing a little funnier.
  16. Dick I think I've got her talked into coming to Beaver with me this year. And I already told her if she backs out I'm coming down to deliver her the divorce papers.
  17. If you know where there's a track event with hookers and blow there'd be little doubt the track would grid very few people except for the gheys (and you know who you are out there....blue03....jbot....rvtpilot).
  18. No, of course there shouldn't but don't be surprised if I give you a little nudge with my foot heading into a turn. But I do agree with this weather...shit has to make a turn around soon.
  19. You still ride an orange and brown turd. Just sayin'. But on that topic, I have seen a huge improvement with just a handful of days last year. It really does well to transition from track to street as far as knowledge that you can do things you wouldn't think possible (i.e. avoiding certain cager situations when needed, etc.). I still take pride in the fact that I was faster than Walther (aka. no more track daying Tom).
  20. FTFY.. They run the other way, call all their ghey male friends and gives them Kawi's digits.
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