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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'm a nerd, not a dork. Get it straight. LOL! I have a pretty good 3/4 cock sit down thrower. Two would be perfect so we can set them up on different sides and mix up some doubles. I also have 220 clays that I'll bring for whatever you deem them for.
  2. Ran out to Gander real quick to get a new cleaning kit. Damn handle broke on the one I was using, I was going out there anyway to get some .243 any how. Turns out they have a sale on Winchester Power-Point for $15 a box (of 20). And there's a mail in rebate to boot so they're like $11 a box. So I now have 40 rounds of .243 which should be plenty along with 100+ rounds of 12ga. and some 9. I'll also bring the Neo since it's here also. Got plenty of ammo for that also. No word from 1000rr though yet.
  3. I'm def. bringing my SBEII. I've not shot it in over a year and I need to get back to it. And it's easy to clean...gotta love that ID mechanism! I'll probably bring the 9 but doubt I'll shoot it, going more for the 12ga. and .243. I'll have to pickup some cheap .243 before hand, all I have are my varmint rounds.
  4. So I won't need the nav then...good to know. I hate when it just keeps saying "At the next intersection make a u-turn." Or my personal favorite, "Your route guidance is ending. Please follow local roads to reach your final destination." And you're still like a half mile from where you need to be. I'm getting my crap out to give a good once over in case 1000rr gets back to me.
  5. Thanks Aaron, I sent 1000rr a PM with some information about me and my number as well if he needs to talk to me. Just want to get his final okay and some directions so I can get lost apparently.
  6. I didn't post up since I didn't know what my Sunday plans were exactly. But it seems like I will be freed up for most of the afternoon and this sounds like fun. 1000rr, it's obviously your call since I don't think we've met personally yet (unless you've been to any recent track days I've been at). I've met the flat fish on several occasions. I'll send you a PM to discuss. Maybe I'll see you guys. Oh, I have a 3/4 cock sit down clay thrower and I think I even have a case of clays as well.
  7. I retract my previous statement, sorry bandit. The pics aren't very clear and that looks to be for a lanyard I'm guessing. If the pics were a little better I wouldn't have questioned it at first. But again, I was simply quoting from the BBoGV as a base for the price on that particular gun. Yes, some guns sell for more but I don't think what you have is subject to a higher price than all of the other run of the mill weapons for sale. In the end it all depends on what the market demands are on any given brand and model. Good luck with the sale.
  8. Not be be a dick, but that looks far from 'as new'. The grip/handle cover is broken on one side, it looks like there is some rust on the trigger, and the overall condition would say otherwise. If it's a standard model 54-1 (which it looks to be) even in 100% condition it is listed at $125. Even at 90% condition it's listed at $70. The last MSRP from 1989-95 was just $145.
  9. Now that's some funny shit right there, no debating about it.
  10. Who's this Glenn Beck guy? Answer: And for my friend JRMMiii........
  11. Yeah, I noticed her stunt double or whomever she is in the background doesn't look too shabby either. I'd icing her face no questions asked.
  12. Don't you have a vacation to go on!?!?!
  13. So much for the accident free safety record! I guess working in a machine shop is a kin to riding a motorcycle...it's not a matter of if you have an accident, it's when. Get that thing fixed up asap boy!
  14. Milage? Is all the wiring intact?
  15. Guys...you do realize that this thread is over 3 years old, right??
  16. They be good, but I'm in need of new toe sliders on the Sidi's. When are you going to bless us with your presence at a trackday?!?! EDIT: No excuses about not having a trailer, I can haul a couple bikes easily.
  17. Then we really should get this one in the top 10: JRMMiii and ghey/homo (we can use a poll to solidify the second key word just so we're all on the same page).
  18. You guys and friggin' Nelsons! Is the owner of that place personally blowing the three of you, together, at the same time, while wearing a French maid outfit or something!?!?! Next time you guys go, I'll bring my gear and one of you let me ride you bike and I'll be there.
  19. Damn, if I'd of known today was going to be Enginerds b-day I'd of sent him some homos and blow. HBD!
  21. I'm trying to think why I wasn't on the peg right there but I got nothing. I need a dedicated track coach. Problem is I can only pay in beer. EDIT: Jinu's out because I can't afford sake.
  22. Jinu was already busting my balls about STILL not getting off the bike enough. Although it looks like I could drag some toe instead of knee from the pic.
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