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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Oh great...ANOTHER Triumph guy. I'm going to shoot for Mid-O on the 10th or 11th of Aug. After that I might do one more day at Beaver at the end of the month.
  2. I'm planning on doing a day at Mid-O early next month as going tomorrow is just too questionable weather wise and I'm going on vacation to Charleston, SC. next week. BTW...Nelsons sucks.
  3. This is true...it def. needs a good bath.
  4. Something a true nerd would do. Figures.
  5. Verdict..... .....clutch fibers and steels are shot. Whomever had that bike before drum really did a number on the clutch. Second fiber in was had one side completely gone. A lot of steels were severely burned, it pretty much needs a complete clutch/steel replacement with only 8000 miles on the bike no less. I'd swear the retard that owned that bike before must have had a really hard time clutching it up to whooly it. I have pretty much made up my mind that State 8 will never ever get my or my friends business. I feel really bad for drum because ANYONE with a little bike knowledge could have save him a lot of trouble. I quickly realized that his bike had been laid down on the right side for a long slide. It really pissed me off that they had the nerve to sell that bike to anyone, period. Bottom of the fork leg was ground, peg, brake pedal, and clutch cover were all ground down a good bit. Someone was already into the clutch as it had been siliconed. I'm just appalled that they sold that to anyone without at least fixing what was reasonable. State 8... I was nice to meet some other guys as well and get some food and beer.
  6. I'm surprised UP hasn't shown up yet since this is right up his alley.
  7. Miller Lite works for me...Drum will cover you for what I drink. Just point me to the bike and watch the hell out! I'll try to find some torque spec's also. Who else is joining!?!?
  8. well...I'm open today after 5pm and this weekend might be tough. Have plans to be at the races on Sun. and trying to work out if I'll be going on Sat. Next week is pretty much open after 5pm except for Mon. And I'm all for a cook out! Make the call.
  9. Meh...they be hatin' because I didn't waste all my brain cells to be a nerd. I gots mechanical skillz also.
  10. Well...I can recommend Jeff (c7fx) as he's close to you if he's willing to do that kind of work. It would be his call of course since he's already doing repairs to one of his track bikes for being a bone head. Shoot him a PM and see what he says...he'll I'll still come over and give him a hand. And don't be hatin' Inay because I haven't serviced you in a while. All I knew was that you hired UP for it now.
  11. And you call me out for gheying up threads. You two should just take a trip to San Fran and tie the knot! Bump for a nice UP gizzed up seat.
  12. ONE WORD.....TELECOMMUTE, YOU DORK!!! Everything is subject to negotiation, just work it out to be onsite 2 days one week and 3 days the following and alternate those weeks. Then telecommute the other days.
  13. If you have tools and all the torque spec's needed I could pay it forward I guess. Keep an eye out for a PM.
  14. Drum...you're in North Royalton which is not too far away. It's not a difficult job to do yourself. If you want I can help you...should be straight forward: Remove any body panels, loosen and remove clutch cable if needed, remove clutch cover bolts and cover, remove clutch springs and bolts, remove clutches and plates.
  15. Okay...first...the 'slipping'. At first reading, it sounds like you need new clutch plates and probably steels. The clutch is what transfers the power to the rear so that's where I would start. They can easily be removed and checked. Second, the sound you hear is the EXUP valve which is just a butterfly in the midpipe of your exhaust that is supposed to help with midrange power. Just shoot it with a little WD and maybe even lube up the cable with some cable grease. That should fix that right up.
  16. Meh...that rustang is beat to shit as well.
  17. Too late...you're already on the express train to hell my friend.
  18. New this was coming... http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5374507 And now Jessie Jackson wants in on the action...NAACP has become the haven for reverse racism. This is 2010, not the 1800's Jesse.
  19. I'm pretty sure Ben has warned JRMMiii and Inya for sending you those PM's.
  20. You suck...I've been playing BC for months. I guess I need to get my CoD back and pay for the new maps to get you to play with me.
  21. I love this post on Yahoo.com Sports. **************** 21. Posted by Richie Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:18 pm EDT Report Abuse Look.... LeBron gave it a great try at Cleveland for 7 years and it simply didn't happen. In pro sports your useful lifetime is very limited so you can't hold it against anyone for moving on while there is still time on the play clock. Like most true pros he wants to be able to win the big one and his choice to go to the Heat makes all the sense in the world. And remember he is not going there just to be with 2 other stars. At last count there were always 5 team members on the court no matter what team you played for. **************** Funny...there was plenty of time left on the play clock when he quit playing in the playoffs. LOL!! I was talking to a coworker who lives in Orlando. He was trying to get me worked up. I told him, "I don't know what you're all excited about. Superman and Orlando are going to spanked by the Heat for sure now." He didn't say another word. HA!
  22. Dude....you are a fellow forum Ninja and all but you really should rethink your avatar. Vin Diesel holding a bottle of NOS...seriously!?!? EDIT: jbot...talk some sense into this ninja!
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