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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of two faced politicians who do nothing more than draw a fat paycheck and do nothing legitimate for the people while in office.
  2. Sounds like 2 families will be "movin' on up!" thanks to the city of Clevebang which will in turn be paid ultimately by it's citizens.
  3. Simple man terms are: You provide ammo for zombies and in return you will have access to OR.net after the apocalypse.
  4. It goes inside of the laptop. All computers (laptops, servers, workstations, etc.) have memory slots on the motherboard typically where the memory gets installed. Ex. - The black slots in this photo It's a beast to say the least, but unfortunately it wasn't mine...it was my bother-in-law's. He just gave me the memory that was in it as partial payment for working on it. He opted for dual 750GB HDDs when ordering it. If it were mine...SSD's all the way and it would easily score 7.9 or higher in Windows.
  5. Not sure I understand you question. Memory is not classified as external or internal and this is why I don't understand your question, sorry. HDD's, sure internal/external.
  6. Ah...gotcha. Let me know if you want'em. I could probably get them in the mail today if you can Paypal.
  7. A question never asked is dumb. But, in short yes you could use this to upgrade as long as your laptop will support 8GB. It is faster memory but it will run as fast as your bus allows, just make sure you put it in the A slot. You obviously don't need all three sticks of course so if someone wanted to pick up the other two I'd split it up.
  8. I have (3) 4GB DDR3-128000 Hynix laptop memory modules I don't need. These are brand new pulls from a recently purchase Asus G75 laptop that was upgraded to a full 32GB of memory. I think a fair (and going) price for the lot would be $45 + shipping. Paypal is obviously best. Can meet if someone wants them locally to me. Post up or PM if interested. Thanks, Kevin ***SALE PENDING TO TOMCAT***
  9. I'll do whatever you need, Brian. I'll even do it at your place and for half of DucRX's price.
  10. You're right, Mary. Your new helmet doesn't go with your Duc. I'll come over to get the keys to it so you can find a bike that matches your new lid better.
  11. Done. EDIT: Not done...apparently I have to "spread it around" because he's so popular right now.
  12. Uh oh! Looks like Nick's man has showed up!
  13. At least I'll have an excuse for being slow. And I'm well aware of the schedule since I put in the OR Track Day calendar. Stay here....I'll be right back. I have other threads to troll.
  14. Shit, the season will be half over by then.
  15. You don't need no stinkin' price. You just buy it.
  16. Nate has some good stuff and good prices. STG is closing out Bell Stars for a pretty good price right now also. I don't know if others cater to head shapes as much as Arai does. I went from Arai to Star and I'm very happy with fit and comfort.
  17. I don't think you'll ever need to worry about that happening.
  18. I had a nutswinger sitting in the left lane on 32 heading home one time. He acted like he was going to finally get around a car in the right lane and then slowed down. This occurred several times over quite a few miles. Well...needless to say when the opportunity came where the right lane was clear I passed him. After all the jackassing around in the left lane he did my passing him on the other side was not to his liking. So he proceeded to match my speed, still in the left lane until we hit slower traffic. So now I'm stuck...again...and back behind him. I'd had enough and now he's trying to break check me from time to time since now I am riding his ass because he thinks he owns the left lane. Next inkling of an opening and I pass him on the right yet again and proceeded to put a lot of space between me and him (the SS can do that quickly ). His POS car quickly fell back in my mirrors as he couldn't run triple digits for very long. I resumed my normal driving speed for my travel home once my goal was accomplished. I start to get close to home and I notice another car rapidly closing in the left lane in my mirrors and I know it's not the cocksucker from earlier. I slowed own to turn off the 32 and up comes a OSP. I knew EXACTLY what was up now. So I turn and the lights come on, I pull over only a few hundred feet from home and out comes the officer. He explains to me that he got a call from another driver that I was driving recklessly. I calmly explained to him what happened as well as the wife interjecting her .02 cents from time to time. He just gave me a warning (for whatever reason) and we went on home. I still know the exact car and know I'll see it again. When I do I'll be sure it will be incapacitated for a while. Bottom line, if you're not passing someone in the PASSING lane, kindly move over or don't get all panty twisted because someone passes you in the right.
  19. There's plenty of free daycare at the track. Just don't leave the youngin's with anyone going by the name John or Marty...especially don't with the two of them together. And Nelsons is Nelsons...just with more tires piled around the place.
  20. Oh, I did finally get my gauge as well...a little later than I expected but I got it. Too bad I won't have the only cool bling pressure gauge with everyone else getting one too.
  21. Depends on if he gets his bulk order of duct tape in time for the season.
  22. Now you just need to tape up the lights on the Duc and come out to Nelsons and play with us, Mary.
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