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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Fix that shit so we can get all orgs dates in there you knucklehead!
  2. Get the F@#K out of here! If they did a lowest bid contract they could get it done for less than that.
  3. I switched from Arai over to a Bell Star and couldn't be happier. It has more wind noise but I wear earplugs anyway so that didn't matter much to me, but the venting is really good.
  4. The cost to go to Nelsons better drop in half for as much as it's booked....and if not they better get to fucking resurfacing it!
  5. You're going to need a Snell 2005 or newer to do trackdays with most orgs....fyi.
  6. It's too bad that all of these twisted and unstable people in this country can't at least do something worthwhile by taking out shit spewing reports instead of innocent people.
  7. I saw this being aired last night but wasn't able to fully watch it. Piers is giant foreign douche...right along with other favorites like Nacy Grace and many many more.
  8. Sounds like a private shitter isn't too far away then.
  9. Hhhmm...I watch guys do it all the time on TV. Maybe you just need more seat time.
  10. I don't know....Mikie seems like a "dry" kind of guy.
  11. Ouch...maybe he got caught cheating and wound up double butthurt.
  12. Who the hell....wait a minute. Are you upset or something, Mikie? Did Habi hurt you and break things off?
  13. This sounds like a comment from experience.
  14. Apparently you've not been keeping an eye on inventory again, Jinu.
  15. http://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Hating-Other-Women Just trying to turn the frowns upside down...in a semi-serious way.
  16. "Magpul everything"...really? Did I miss something in that pic that's Magpul? Looks pretty stock to me.
  17. OMG That is GD funny. Laughed my ass of at that reply.
  18. Hell, go one more step and get the fork cap extenders while you're at it.
  19. If you're pulling them apart you should try to put in springs now. Changing the oil weight will do nothing for setting up sag which I thought was what we were having issues with. Heavy oil means slower reactions by the forks. If you haven't already, try to get a hold of Ruben to get an idea of what you can/need to do if you're staying all stock up front. Hell, get a price on springs from him while your at it...they shouldn't be a lot.
  20. Shit, for $200 I could have it as a backup suit. Hhhhmmmm.....
  21. So so sad. Words will never express the losses for the family.
  22. I can tell you this, no deals are out there at gun shows IMO. We were in Summit for a gun show recently and were trying to buy two XDs 45s and the guy would not budge on the price at all. We didn't see anything that was truly 'a good deal'. I think prices are about normal or above and few are budging on prices right now.
  23. Thoughts and prays going out to her family and the newborn.
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