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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Two XT timers are for sale on WERA right now. They look used a good bit, but for $75 so what. If anyone is looking for one you better get over there quick!! http://weraclassifieds.com/ads/xt-racing-lap-timer-tire-warmers-leathers-road-bicycle/
  2. I like the term Magwhore better. But, you don't run out and buy 4 different wheels and tires for your car do you? I didn't think so. And I'm well aware of the "no poly" on the gas block, but I also have a same plane block so I will not be getting a gas block specific front. Thanks for the info though.
  3. You have on green w/ pokey dot undies today?
  4. No no no...you're not that kind of rapper. You're a wrapper....of lips....around peni.
  5. I decided to try rolling with the MS3 for now. I wanted to go FDE but finding anything local was difficult so I just went all black. I feel invigorated...time for some Black Ops.
  6. Well...I didn't get my stupid sights yet but I did pick up some goodies! Time to get the tools out!
  7. Brake pads....brake.... GLWS!
  8. THIS. THIS. AND MORE THIS. You'll eventually see our track day ass grabbin' leading in here shortly I'm sure. He has a taste for fresh meat, but don't be scared. He'll only nibble on ya. Welcome and as many said already ask any questions you might have about MS.
  9. Not true. It could be a tug of war...he'll just be tuggin' on man parts bare handed is all.
  10. Here's the bottom line, there's little that anyone can do to keep felons from obtaining guns...period. Just as IP said previously. How does someone get labeled a felon? THEY BREAK THE LAW AND GET CAUGHT! They (felons) don't care about laws or the consequences of breaking them in most cases. Why? Because the punishments are weak. Going to jail for them is like winning an all expenses paid vacation. They go in, sit on their asses, join gangs, eat, sleep, etc. Being incarcerated should not be so easy. But I digress, that's outside of jsquat's topic. Setting up new regs. and laws do absolutely nothing as the individuals those things effect are already abiding by the laws already in place. Again, if laws mean nothing to the person nothing will change.
  11. WERA or NESBA forums are your best bet.
  12. I have a friend that has a V8 in his.
  13. Yes, they did. There are some videos of them tuned and running single digit 1/4 mile times.
  14. Went to the cuyahoga show today. Watched two guys outside sell new in the box AR's, one DPMS and the other an Armalite...$1100 ea. Get into the show and find an identical M&P15 OR on a table with a tag for *drum roll* $1999!! I only paid $850 for mine!! I understand marking shit up due to demand but 3x the price!! Come on. Didn't see shit at the show. One guy had steel Brownells 30 rd. mags for $28. Anything 30 rnd and plastic started at $45 and went up from there. We did find two guys that had new .45 XDs guns. One guy had two for $599 out the door and another had one for $559 plus tax. Neither would do anything on the prices, especially when we talked about taking all of them right there cash purchase. So we called an FFL friend and if he can find them we're going to save a GOOD chunk of change.
  15. Why isn't this for the '07-'08 1000. GLWS
  16. If that is the one on Bath Rd. I should be there first thing in the morning with a couple friends.
  17. I think gas blocks are pinned and they can be a bitch to remove, but it is an option I suppose.
  18. Use a straight edge like a square or level to check to be sure. If it's very close to being same plane you can get away with a std. front. If it's noticeably lower you'll want to get a gas block style front. My M&P15 is OR and the gas block is same plane.
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