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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Right now Ben is watching the search query sky rocket with "ninjachic + boobs"
  2. Confucius say, "Man who goes to bed with itchy butt, wakes up with stinky fingers." I never knew Mexican's followed Chinese philosophies. BTW, Madscat by far gets the attention whore award. I'm also just here to post whore at the same time.
  3. This is true but QD mounts are cheaper then barrel rethreading and I don't have to wait weeks to use it on my hosts. I do understand what you're saying though.
  4. You and your stupid black out. I'm certainly going to look at doing a dedicated .22 suppressor give what I know now. I'll dig into the POA/POI shifting with QD ones if I can find that in my searches. I already know I'm going to with Ti to keep the weight down and I will not be doing an FA or full mag dumps with it on.
  5. Thanks for the input. I'm still reading and researching on silencer talk. My push for qd is not having to worry about the different thread types between weapons. I know, nothing a gunsmith can't fix, but that eats into the cost and lessens what I want to get. Ti stuff isn't cheap as you know and I'm trying to stay in a wallet friendly budget. I believe in the you get what you pay for philosophy.
  6. Thanks, and I am an NEO'er (Lorain basically). Would you have an background information on said expert?
  7. Been doing some research on getting the most bang (or lack thereof) for my buck with a suppressor that can be used on any rifles I have or might get. I've read that for the most part a 7.62 suppressor can be used with smaller caliber host rifles. That's what I was hoping to hear/read. Now, I also am leaning toward a QD setup as that would make for simpler install and removal from most hosts. I have read that with thread on setups after heavy use it's tough to get it removed. Given that it would be used on smaller calibers such as .22 my other concern which I didn't really think about is lead splatter on the baffles building up. So cleaning it would be something I'd like to be able to do easily and more importantly safely without hurting the suppressor (i.e. finish, material, etc). Given the AR is a carbine I don't want to have a long ass heavy suppressor and would like to keep it as short as possible but not take away from it's effectiveness. I'm liking the YHM QD Phantom Ti for a number of reasons. So, I know I'm going to expect something from the flat fish and walther but if anyone else with real world experience in single suppressor-multiple host usage would like to post up I would appreciate it. Thanks!
  8. Replicating is not a hobby by the way so that should leave room for some track time.
  9. I hope this inquiry will result in seeing you at some track days.
  10. If you're not familiar with D'town try hitting up Inyazz. He's from there unfortunately. I think he's made day trips from there to here to ride. Good luck on your studies! PS - You're close to some tracks still...sssshhhhh...you didn't hear that from me.
  11. I just can't see little you all curled up behind Cox. It just doesn't seem right somehow.
  12. Right is right ya bastard. Just passing along good information even if it came from you.
  13. WOW! Has hell frozen over!?!? I got a little kudo from Tom! Here I thought he disagreed with everyone.
  14. It would only cost you a couple handies. Cheap really if you think about traveling with Craig.
  15. Not all of them from what I heard in a report.
  16. A reasonable person would have pulled over immediately if they had nothing to hide. The car's driver waived his right to be taken peaceably (if able) when he decided to flee. This does not condone the overwhelming actions that ensued even given the information broadcast to officers, IMO. Things certainly could have been handled differently and there's nothing going to change the outcome now. Lessons learned: Pull the fuck over or risk getting shot. Period.
  17. Any particulars about the services in particular do you prefer to have just the forks/shock or is delivering the whole bike for the fork/shock work okay? If so I'm guessing there's a bit more cost to remove and install back on bike. Prices for that? Trying to get an idea of the best way get the work done and not cause any headaches.
  18. Here's something to consider. The Savage model 12 I have is in .243, but it can fairly easily be converted to .308 with a barrel change (I'd have to look again but I think the bolt is usable also). It's just a barrel nut to loosen and swap it out. So, one gun with the features you want and can go the next step when you want. Tom and I talked about it in length a while ago. He seemed knowledgeable enough...
  19. I'm partial to Savage since they bought up Accutrigger a long while ago and it's pretty much standard on just about all of their stuff now. I enjoy my Model 12 BVSS .243...which I'm still considering unloading...
  20. We also need to get Reub out to some track days with us next season. Brian, get on that will ya.
  21. I need to get the stuff off the street bike and track bike to get serviced. I need the super duper deal for both of these to get worked on.
  22. I'm thinking you used to go to ski camp and dream of hitting the slopes only to wake up and realize you were sacked out between two other kids merely giving them handies.
  23. Not yet, just a single flip-flop and a bath robe.
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