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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I am going to go with it burning antifreeze because there's a head/gasket issue if it really is just spewing white smoke.
  2. You can probably use one for free from a local parts store with a deposit. No need in buying one just for troubleshooting this.
  3. Blow me, I was all over this at 7am. I have to let you in on a little of the fun or else you'd just give up the knot to Craig all the time.
  4. Only if I had $350 laying around.... These would fit either bike I have.
  5. Soooooooomebody got up on the wrong side of the bed AAAAANNNNDDDD got his Wheaties pissed in.
  6. This is back on Woot again! Just this model but if you missed it the first time it's back. Woot Kershaw Knife
  7. How can a full time student travel for "work"?
  8. It's only cool if you're the guy watching the Asian dude pitted next to you who's trying to lick them off.
  9. I hate when fearings get in the way.
  10. Probably because no one wants to have the frozen snotsicle look like these two until it warms up after noon....
  11. Thanks for the elaboration. I did understand you previous post though. I should have been clear about when that has happened, which was on non-contracted flights.
  12. I see. You like Switzerland a lot. Natural for you to like that place seeing it's the found country for EUMBLA.
  13. Most flights I've been on if there are any open business/first class seats the move any and all military personnel in uniform up there as soon as the plane is loaded.
  14. Scat...since when was you in the PRC?!?! I'm callin' shenanigans and you'll owe me an HJ.
  15. But I agree that Flounder or even Shitty will win this one. I'm pretty sure Shitty has crossed the equator and been half way around the globe so he'd beat me by a good bit.
  16. Let's see....state side has been Vista, CA. Globally, the farthest was Suzhou in the Jiangsu Province. It's just west of Shanghai. Do I win!?!? It's not far from half way around the globe in the norther hemisphere.
  17. Scientists can be so stupid sometimes. Why not pre-fill the balloon partly and have it ready for the final fill while the weather window permits instead of trying to fill the whole damn thing at one time. This way when the weather of opportunity begins to shrink you're not waiting on the most important part.
  18. So to me....cult = religion and religion = cult Right or wrong, that's just my opinion.
  19. And Mags gets a star! If you look at the definition of cult, you'll find things like: A particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
  20. Do you know Felix? If not I'd say he's safe from your jinx.
  21. My my...sooo much to "qft" and not enough rep. to go around. I'm with these fellas.
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