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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Are your hands broke? Do you not own a set of wrenches?
  2. Me. You. In my trailer. We'll settle this for good. And no, John! You can't join in.
  3. That bike is worth $4k all day. You must have me confused with someone else, like you. I don't know what you're thinking but I've been moving forward with lowering my times. What have you been doing? Oh, wait. That's right. You've suddenly got a case of the Nick's and have been going slower all season. Maybe you should sell your '08 and just stop racing altogether since you're going backwards. BOOM! Check please!
  4. I wouldn't risk one of our boys lives for this job. There's no need to be surgical. If we're going to play world peace keeper then stop fucking around.
  5. Whatever Nick. Anything is possible, you should know this.
  6. OOH! OOH! Can I run guide the bomb in!?!? PPPPLLLEEAAASSEEE!!!!!
  7. Finally, someone who gets it. It only takes one to set an example. :plus1:
  8. Great, another one of Elyria's finest. I kid, but there's a number of us in the Elyria, Lorain, North Ridgeville, Avon/Lake area. Welcome! Edit: I'm in Sheffield Lake
  9. I personally think it's BS that he won't be at any races after I get my license. It would be something if I finished in front of him. We could just start calling him Nick Jr.
  10. I'm sure he's got an excuse list longer than than the Empire State building.
  11. Don't be so quick to pull the trigger. You can find '06 or newer bikes for $3500 and up if you keep looking every day, and I'm not talking just once a day. You have to be all over WERA and NESBA constantly. They will show up and you'll find something good. IMO, don't go any later than '06 for anything.
  12. Off topic: You coming out to do a track day with us, Pauly?
  13. You would qualify for an "ugly guy" discount. BOOM!
  14. That's not pink, it's mauve. Fix your title and someone might be more interested in it.
  15. I would so order one of each if they had the speed assist on them.
  16. Wwwhhhaaaatt? From Kershaw? I've never heard of this. EDIT: Holy crap! I just read their warranty page and they will do it for free, less the postage of course, but that's cool!
  17. Duly noted, sir. Now, back to Apple bashing! I mean, the Apple discussion.
  18. PS Casper, Pelotonia is over. At least change the date to next years event.
  19. Hey! If it's on the interzwebz it all must be true!
  20. You only say that because you love Blackberry crap, so SHUT UP! I'm trying to keep my troll'n on.
  21. LOL! Calculated? What makes you think this? If Apple is so huge and financially threatening to all that takes something they started, make it better, and give it away for FREE, why doesn't it go after Google? Samsung was sued mainly for their DESIGN, not because they use Android. They made it look and work like an iPhone. If they could have done the same thing using DOS they'd still get sued by Apple! If Android is a blatant rip off of Apple OS, they should have some legal ground, right? Nope, because if it were THEY'D GO AFTER GOOGLE! What's next, Apple to sue Microsoft because their OS can run applications?
  22. I bought a Ken Onion years ago and I still have it and use it frequently. I like the fact that I have the speed assist on it also. Don't see it on a lot of Kershaws anymore.
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