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Everything posted by kinkinhood

  1. Oh I know that. But here's the thing, after you take out that, and utilities and maybe food you will end up with a much higher % of flexible money at 200k than at 30k.
  2. I would actually disagree with the idea of a flat tax for the simple reason of lets say it was 15%. With day to day costs such as utilities, food, etc the amount people pay in those utilities is not too different between the person who is making 30k a year and the person who is making 200k a year, but stick the 15% tax on there the person making 30k is going to be hurting alot more for cash than the person making 200k. That's the reason for the progressive tax.
  3. IF you could help me move it I'll take it(I live in Westerville).
  4. Sorry I wasn't able to make it. Was still very tired from the wedding on saturday. Hope everything was fun!
  5. Actually I would say to a degree Motorsports of Columbus has a decent few salespeople who will try to put people on large bikes simply because they get more commission out of it. I would actually say that's part of the downside of commission work, if sales are slow that month you're going to try to put people in/on the vehicle that'll nab you the most return, rather than what is really more fitting for them.
  6. You can just file the claim with paypal to get the full money back and then wash your hands of it. Nothing else really.
  7. I'm still curious to where she got the statistic of "life expectancy drops to 5 years after buying a crotch rocket"
  8. Here it isn't either really, though for the most part it's heavily frowned upon and can usually nab you a reckless if the cop isn't feeling particularly happy that day.
  9. For what it's worth your insurance company is still going to go after them to recoup the losses, so don't necessarily think those people are getting off of it scott free.
  10. Stopping by a dealership and seeing the bike in person I'd say it's cafe racer style farings look better than the bikini fairings. The bikini fairings look like a very odd hammerhead shark
  11. What kind of work experience do they have?
  12. Are you basing this from personal experience with them or armchair racing? And where is this time machine you're using to see the future Buells?
  13. I may look into participating. While there may not be that many sporty bikes that participate it is always good to do something for a good cause
  14. I wonder if they'll jack the price of E85 as well just because they can? As for Rick's statement: THat's what I use as my main transportation, though snow on 2 wheels can be challenging.
  15. I think the issue though is just allowing standard supply and demand models to run how they normally would in this situation could cause a much more critical long term damage affect then most would think. Something like a ripple effect.
  16. I was curious to find out if anyone knows good woodsball parks or paintball parks in general in or around the Columbus area. Thanks a bunch!
  17. At the current rate it sounds like the entire union market may end up collapsing based on their own greed, or the goverment might eventually step in and put regulations on unions to prevent more damage.
  18. I'd say do the increase on the back. From what I've heard you can increase the back's size without adding too much extra wear easier than removing from the front. Only place I've seen it is on parking lot stunters where they don't tend to ever go above 20.
  19. But it'll have rather good acceleration<G>
  20. Stunters don't tend to change the front, only the back. On average for every 1 tooth you remove off the front is similar to adding 3 to the back. With the settings you're going for your top end will probably be crap but the front of the bike will pull up with little effort
  21. Planning to go stunting around in a parking lot?
  22. Probably around a 116 link chain, maybe a 120. It is a 112 stock. Out of curiousity any reason you're deciding to go with those numbers?
  23. People rob cars because there's not much penalty even when they do get caught. if they upped the penalty the risk/reward would become less and less worth it.
  24. Should just need to pull one side to get it off.
  25. It's really not hard to essentially hotwire a bike for joyriding. Take a screwdriver, shove it in the key socket, grab it with a channel lock, turn clockwise, bike unlocked. Then you just hit the switches and go. They'll ride it until it's out of gas then sometimes dump it somewhere or sell off the parts.
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