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Everything posted by kinkinhood

  1. While he can I again would be one to highly suggest against it for the basic reason of you are a sitting duck for the most part when on two wheels. THe Hayabusa is also a bike that is decently high on the popular bikes to steal list. But that's all my opinion, I've just talked to a decent number of people who've been subject to hit and run and their bikes got totalled out from the accident.
  2. Depends on the insurance provider. I've found that Progressive seems to lower your rate the longer you both have your endorcement as well as have a bike that is insured.
  3. kinkinhood


    I think they still do
  4. While not hit quite as hard as sub 25 year old males, no matter who you get insured with you're going to probably be paying up the nose. Just remember to get it decently well insured because if you get hit and they run away, if you're just got minimum liability you'll be both out a bike and have heavy medical bills.
  5. What is your age and length of time you've been endorced. Those are two really big factors. if I remember correctly State Farm you have to have your auto insurance through them to get motorcycle insurance and I think they've blacklisted a few sportbikes including the hayabusa for riders under the age of 25
  6. Old saying, if it looks too good to be true, it usually is
  7. Could have been stolen merchandise.
  8. Welcome to why there are so many people are trying to ban guns, you get the crazies like this who ruin it for everyone else.
  9. I had actually missed that it got posted here and double posted, but here's another article which does mention that the girls admitted to lying to their dad.
  10. Just actually pulled this article that was posted on nasioc OT. Kinda shows one of the reasons why there are people trying to ban guns. but wait, there's more! So the girls lied and an innocent man had to die. I would really think they should be charged along with their father.
  11. Let it run around your garage and keep the place bug free?
  12. That's usually a moment where a company either hopes that you're kind enough to pay them the extra for their mistake or they just eat the difference and write it off as a mistake
  13. If no one offers by Saturday I can shoot over on Saturday and at least troubleshoot. Haven't worked on a bike's carbs yet but I can usually do rather well with troubleshooting things.
  14. From what I've read they're one of the best selling dealerships in terms of bikes. Don't forget for every 1 intelligent rider who sees through the 4 square method, there are 6 who are completely oblivious and want that new GSXR1000 to extend their penis with.
  15. They just need to make more snowable bikes and then Ohio will see the influx.
  16. I have a 636 shock on my SV650, I suppose for what it's worth when I adjust mine I use the hammer and screwdriver to losen up the top adjustment thing, then use a spanner wrench for the bottom. I've noticed that when the top one is not putting any pressure on the bottom, it tends to adjust more easily.
  17. The idle adjust screw I believe is on the left side. I remember it being there for the 2nd Gen(I have a 2nd gen SV650). Sounds like one of your throttle cables may be kinked though.
  18. I always love the ones who wear the 300 dollar jacket, the 200 dollar pants, the 100 dollar gloves, and the 200 dollar boots, then they have a 200 dollar helmet...........sitting on the tail of their bike as they ride around.
  19. The poserville taco bell. By looking at alot of their rear tires you can tell they seem to have a fear of actually leaning on their turns.
  20. I'm always rather full on my gear for the main reason of I never know when I may get hit. There's always a chance some drunkard will smack me as I'm backing out of my driveway for all I know.
  21. Why give him the benefit of being able to eat his own testicles?
  22. The point the guy got the lawyer then fled shows that he knew he did something wrong and is just trying to avoid taking responsibility for what he did. I hope the guy gets caught and gets the book thrown at him. Shame that we didn't hear of him getting arrested with the line "Tried to contact a lawyer and the lawyer refused to represent him based on ethics" He needs his balls removed via rusty tweezers.
  23. He didn't have a jacket on when he was down on the ground, though there's a chance that the EMS had cut it off him at the scene(he had no visible road rash on the body and the shirt was untorn). His pants had a little bit of a tear to them as well as they had been cut by scissors.
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