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Everything posted by F4iBunny

  1. LOL, Bret will laugh when he reads this! But it has nothing to do with this conversation!
  2. I'd like to be there but get off work 5am and have to be back 3pm, so not sure if I'll make it.
  3. Even I have to laugh at that one!
  4. I am aware that Bret mentioned it to you, and when I found that out, I edited my original post. I was much bitchier in that one! But no worries, I can't make it anyway, so have some fun for me!
  5. No problem, I was just trying to think whether I should start another thread by quoting your post, but oh well. Maybe Satan can take care of it.
  6. Yeah, way off topic, but yeah they've made changes. Not too much with the engine really, not enough to make a huge difference but the styling is much nicer, more comfortable than the old design. The seat is narrower so I can place my feet moreso than on mine. It's a little heavier but not bad. This was at the Kawi tent in Daytona. Wish I woulda waited a year!
  7. A girl at work said she saw a bike go down coming off 270 onto 23 Saturday. All she could tell me was it was a black sportbike. Anybody know if it was someone from OR?
  8. It's legal in the UK. It's cool, because even on a 2 lane road, you hear/see a bike coming up behind you, they're gonna pass you and most of the drivers move over to let them pass. It's just what you do.
  9. Now you know what NOT to do to your bike!
  10. A "safer" group for the 250 riders? What's that supposed to mean?! Just because you ride a bigger bike doesn't mean you have more experience! I've been riding for a year as have other ppl who have 1000cc bikes, but that doesn't make them better or more experienced! I understand and appreciate the option for riders to choose their own groups so that ppl who don't want to go 150mph don't get stuck with the idiots that do. But it could have been worded a little better!
  11. You can count me in. I was saying the same thing, that OhioRiders needs to be recognized in the community and show that sportbike riders (since most ppl here are) are not all hooligans on the street like the bad press portrays. It's usually all Harley's and cruisers on this kind of ride and I'd like to have one that involves more sportbike riders, but everyone would be welcome of course. I'm sure QSL (Columbus) would let us use there as a meeting place to start of the ride.
  12. I think more bikes are stretched for looks rather than drag racing. Doing something to your bike that is specifically for one thing and then not doing that thing seems kinda silly to me. Most of them don't even know why they've stretched it!
  13. F4iBunny

    Need prayers

    Sorry I'm late, dude, haven't been here for a while. Glad to hear everything went well.
  14. Eeewwwwww! I bet it happens all the time, maybe just not with the same outcome, no pun intended. I heard about this guy who was on a plane and some asian dude was sitting next to him was just going to town!
  15. Don't worry, I have to work so the weather will be beautiful!
  16. We didn't see a stunt show, so I'm not sure if they did one or not. They were filming for the show in the Yamaha tent where they had some custom bikes. When Jason Briton saw Bret's bike he commented on how easy it was to wheelie. Bret handed him the keys and he almost took them, then after giving it a second thought, laughed and said "nah." The new 250 is awesome, wish I would've waited a year. But I'm gonna try to keep my bike thru this riding season and move up to a 600 next year. Mostly because I don't have the money for a bigger bike right now.
  17. I really liked the new 250. Being only 5'2", the old 250 was ok, but the seat on the new one is more narrow so it is even more comfortable than before. I'm sure your friend will enjoy it.
  18. So while the rest of you were shoveling snow, 7 members from the board were down in (mostly) sunny Daytona Beach. :cool:We drove all night Tuesday and arrived Wednesday morning, checked into our rented condo right across from the beach and as soon as the bikes arrived, we were off! I think it was the next day, we went to the track to check out all the new models and vendors. We met up with Jason Briton at the Kawi tent too! Friday was threatening rain all day so we drove the truck into town and walked around the bit. After driving down the beach a while we headed back to the condo when it started pouring down rain. We were glad we weren't riding in it but since it was wet outside anyway, we went to the beach and played in the waves. That night we went to River Grill for dinner to celebrate GSXR750girl's birthday and it is highly recommended! If you would like a preview of the menu you can ask Mandie as she kinda permanently borrowed one. You should go for the Wine Burger if you have an extra $1000 laying around! If not, just go for the Wino Burger! LOL Saturday we wanted to go to the track for the race but it was so fucking windy that I chickened out on the bike, so while the guys rode, GSXR750girl and I went in the truck. We stopped across the street from the Speedway at a place that has go-carts and dragsters and ran into Travis Pastrana there! Then we went to the track and watched the 200 (yay Kawi and Suzuki!) and the sprint race then took off. We heard about the lovely weather you were having in central Ohio so we decided to extend our stay until Monday. Since the weather had been a little shitty for us Fri and Sat, we rode all day Sunday since it was a beautiful sunny day! We got in some mild twisties, some good long straights and finished our day with dinner by the water. Then we went home, packed up the bikes and prepared ourselves for the 15 hour drive home. What fun it was to arrive home and have to dig our way into the driveway thanks to the snow plow. Luckily the bikes had another place to stay tonight so we didn't have to try to get them in the garage. I added some pics to my myspace page of the trip.
  19. F4iBunny

    He's here!

    Welcome to parenthood! No seriously, though, congrats on your new bundle!
  20. Bret and I have talked about trading in my '07 250 for the '08 since it's been redesigned and the guy said he'd do us a deal if we wanted a bike but I'm obviously hesitant about getting another bike from them. It would probably be the best deal we will get out of them. On the other hand my plan was to keep the 250 thru this coming season and maybe upgrade to a 600 something next year anyway. Another question comes up in my mind... One of the reasons I got the 250 in the first place is that they've made them for several years and most ppl are very happy with them. Now that they've finally modified them, how do I know how good it will be? I don't have reveiws to look at or anything. Do they usually find kinks when the redesign a bike? (it's not just the outside, they've made changes in the engine etc too)
  21. I didn't say anything about them initially because they did try to make it right to an extent when they paid for a new garage door opener. We thought everything was fine and let it go. We probably shouldn't have backed down so easily at that point. We could have made it much worse for them at the time. And then they have the nerve to send this recent letter! I really had had enough at that point. Like I said, they have offered us stuff, but nothing that satisfies me after all they've put us thru. It's not just that they gave us a bad deal. I think that ppl should know they tried to break into the garage and all the crap they've put us thru. We're not going to get anymore out of them. Trust me, we tried! And because everything they offer us is shit, we're not really getting anything. And I hope someone from there is on this forum and see how many ppl will be reading this and may be looking elsewhere for their bike needs. I made my point very clear at the store which is why I don't want them touching my bike already (other than the fact that they fucked it up the first time) b/c who knows what they'll do to it.
  22. I had to laugh because in the letter they sent, they said if the bike wasn't paid for, legal action would be taken. Really? Because I'd love them to take me to court so I could countersue their asses for the B&E as well as all the harassment that has gone along with this! They offered us some stuff to make up for all this and when I said I wanted the F4i that was on the sales floor they thought I was joking! Sure, it seems unreasonable to get a bike out of the deal but then again we also didn't tell the police who tried to break into the garage. What kind of statute of limitations is on that I wonder? I had no problems yelling at the guy about the garage in the middle of the sales floor while there were customers there. Basically nothing they can offer us (other than a free bike) will make me happy because I don't want to buy anything from them. Sucks though because if we don't take what they offer, then they're not out anything!
  23. Bret had been looking into buying a gun, just because we've been shooting with friends and enjoyed it, but this definitely made us look again.
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