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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. i so sorry mistuh. i shien yo shoe for free. here i even ben ovuh an lube mysef upin.
  2. so you gotta take the cheap bike when you go slumming at OR events?
  3. prayers go out to family and everyone involved. something like this is not an easy thing to deal with, but theres people out there who support and love you.
  4. well im glad to hear there was no rape involved.
  5. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=37784 its your lucky day! my first 250 was the same year, same color scheme, and similar mileage when i bought it. although, i only bought mine cause JRMMiii was posing in the picture. that really "sealed" the "deal".
  6. i have nothing to do most of the time, 1000rr guy is unemployed, and everyone else does just as little at work but they get paid...yes, we are all right arent we i wouldnt worry about bikes being laid down. theres a thread somewhere recently where a guy was askign about used bike buying tips. i think its in the tech questions forum, i recommend you read that. i laid my 250 down pretty good, it ran fine for a whole season and then i sold it. my R6 has been tipped over by vandals (including mother nature) and its *mostly* ok, as in nothing is seriously wrong. if the guy youre buying from rides it every day and its not safe, well hes a retard. most people wont knowingly ride an unsafe bike, so you have that going for you. also, a lot of people are anal and a half about their bikes anyways, often times these are the very people you see selling bikes on this forum, and occasionally you find them on craigslist. oh and after youve taken the msf course, if something is REALLY wrong (as in like bent forks or w/e), youll know within minutes of riding it.
  7. well if you go for something sporty like jrmm said, ur gonna be paying big bucks. at age 23, with all my one ticket beign cleaned in a month, if i just got insurance for my 600 with no car on the policy, everyone was wanting like 600+ per year with just liability. with my 250, when i was 21, my rate without any car tied to the policy was much cheaper, i think in the 200 dollar range. i also go to college and took the msf course, both of which will help your rates. hell, i think butterflies even help your rates with allstate
  8. not to mention fighter jets have a pretty distinctive noise.
  9. fighter jets are pretty f$#@in cool. when we have those guys overhead for missions, you can barely hear them and you cannot see them, they are that high. it does make me feel warm inside knowing theyre there tho.
  10. ok i know youre new and all, but heres a few things. -theyve been making the 250 for a lot longer than last year when they redid the fairings. not saying you should buy one, but they come cheap if you get the older ones, fyi. -i dropped my 250 the first day i had it. it happens. dont sweat it too much, just make sure youre geared up. the cost of the bike is the bike+gear. -craigslist.com is like the best resource for finding used bikes, unless that is you absolutely want that warm fuzzy dealer feeling. but since you found ohio riders, ill bet you have enough intestinal fortitude to find a good deal on C-list -the SV650s is a nice looking bike with full fairings. im guessing when you made the comment about it being the ugly duckling, you mustve been looking at the non-fairing version. heres a pic for your pleasure.
  11. does he ride a harley? BRUM BRUM BRUM BRUM BRUM BRRRRUUUMMM
  12. honestly, starter bikes hold their value well. people are always getting into motorcycling. im glad i stuck it out and rode a 250 for a year, and when i jumped to the 600, i wasnt so worried about wrecking all the time. the ninja 250 is a little on the extreme side of beginner bikes though so heres some more flexible options. theres the GSF500 from suzuki, the ninja 500 from kawasaki, the sv650 is another good one. i would advise to not limit yourself to looking at the typical 600cc race bike as your first machine.
  13. id take maury any day. you mean to tell me judge judy can compete with a woman getting a paternity test for the 13th time and its still negative?!
  14. fonz blacked out again lurking over my bed...
  15. i started with a ninja 250. i thought it was pretty fast ...then i turned the throttle
  16. yeah i bought a whole new front end set up from the 05 R6 with the inverted forks, and i plan on getting some internals for them. http://www.oncycles.com/catalog.asp?department=shocksforks&product=1374 but theres an ohlins rear on ebay right now for 499, or 599 buy it now, and that price is tempting, though it has been used for a year on the track. if it just needs service though, it might be a deal.
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