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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. who were you with in iraq and afghaniland? your pics look like you were involved with some "cool guy" shit.

  2. why? cause they lost one game?
  3. these are not stock photos...
  4. ive been using a netbook for about 6 months, and imo its only worth it if you abosolutely need the tiny size. i think they might also be good for kids as most netbooks have an 80% or less sized keyboard. netbooks are bad for streaming high quality internet video too, but they play all regular media fine if its not streaming over the internet. internet video and games are probably the only thing netbooks cant do well.
  5. we have some of those here, as well as Abrams and brads. my team is here with the 1-12 CAV from fort hood.
  6. and that was the third time i got herpes...
  7. a much better race was when they filled three junkers with water and they could drive until the water level was below the windowsill.
  8. i like dell cause they have have that good price point with decent performance. usually the ugly duckling, but im buying it to compute, not look good.
  9. welcome to ohio. where are you from in NH? really good state to ride in, and a lot of riders up there. much more than ohio.
  10. what a coincidence, i give free rides on wednesdays! plane ticket not included
  11. just buy the shirts and be done with it...
  12. unfortunately this would leave us in the same spot were at now, but shit would all be more expensive, so nobody would be any better off. rich people are only rich because poor people exist.
  13. i get 6.9 MPG of JP8 in this bad boy: (stock photo, pic of my personal vehicle to come soon...)
  14. so you dont want me screaming at you to do wheelies on the highway? ill note that in my douchebag handbook.
  15. the first time is always a little dissappointing...
  16. this does not reflect actual prices paid for bikes unless youve been hiding in a cave the last year...
  17. this is pretty cool what these guys are doing for service members and their families. maybe there should be a section for these missions?
  18. good story duane. makes me wanna do more road trips.
  19. sad news. kinda makes me want one of the 1125's. ive rode the XB12S and theyre fun, though its like a one night stand with those: fun to mess with, but you wouldnt want one long term.
  20. its got a pretty bad rating on imdb, and the one review wasnt promising. ive read the book and it was pretty funny, but im not sure if i would see this one in the theaters...ill go download the video cam from the theater version more likely.
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