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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. what kind of issues would there be with used rear suspensions? specifically an ohlins suspension that has been used for about a year on the track for an 04 R6
  2. -1 point to thread-starter for lying to me in the title.
  3. with your fat ass on it, sure duane is one of us skinny-ish folk
  4. with the exception being the new corvette. i think for a bike, the FZ6 or FZ1 would be a decent commuter sport-ish bike. as for the car, you gotta give us some direction or else...well you see what happens if you dont.
  5. all you have to do is pick up your p***y lips off the ground and hold the bike steady while you put the stand down.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/09/09/army.suicides/index.html theft and suicide revealing underlying problems? let me guess, you also think everyone in the military joined because they felt they had a duty to protect their country? they are not revealing anything.
  7. A) if some of these goobers carried rifles around all the time, there would be a lot more lost rifles B) even when we have rifles, you get the ammo at the range and nowhere else. brass and ammo check after each range. C) with the army suicide rate as it is, part A and B probably provide for a safer environment altogether. also, as a side, i personally have ammo for all my weapons systems (rifle, MG, beretta) here in iraq, and i have my 9mm and 2 loaded mags on me at all times, so theres a stark contrast between a hostile country base and a domestic base. on some of the smaller outposts, you roll with a magazine in the weapon, no round chambered. hope this sheds a little light for the non military folks.
  8. well, if i knew there was some bad people on base, you never know what keys people have. id want all the good guys i can get. its the 1st CAV division. they have tanks and bradleys.
  9. just heard this on AFN. the BN im with right now is from Ft Hood. theyre getting home soon too. nothing says welcome home like a bullet in the face.
  10. so your pics on fbook popped up when i was cruisin, so i decided to stalk you and kristen and i saw a friend of mine had "liked" one of your pics. funny little asian kid, named liu.

  11. and big gay al's SUPERGHEY quote of the week goes to... *drumroll* JRMMiii!
  12. ok, so its an RC-51 but its still looking for a home. not my bike but a BEAUTIFUL specimen. if i was home right now id be out about $5k. hopefully someone will buy it so i can still visit on weekends http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1452122120.html
  13. that reminds me that ive seen through season 12 of top gear and im downloading s13 now. and no. only hentai.
  14. -1 point for complaining about rules. 10 pts left.
  15. already watched one and have the other. also finished 5 seasons of the office, 2 seasons of the wire, fringe, californication, heroes, true blood, rome, generation kill, and the list goes on to things i cant remember.
  16. downloading secret girlfriend now... any other good tv show suggestions? ive watched all the good ones i know of, and i still have many months to go
  17. i get food served to me by people who speak no english. feels just like home.
  18. did you like kuwait as much as i did? :)

  19. in other news, man gets syphillis....twice.
  20. hold up. you shouldnt be going to bars in your "condition".
  21. i think it was two dashes and one of these: &
  22. well i would be pissed off too if you were ignoring me to post on some lame-o forum with a bunch of yokels.
  23. well if its her, shes pretty internet famous. the pic is everywhere, though i have nothing to do with the sign unfortunately.

    oh and congrats btw :D

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