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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. sounds good dude. ill def hit you up when i get closer to coming back. my teg could use a little TLC.

  2. hey, what shop do you work at, and how far away from columbus is it? when i get back ive got a 1990 integra that needs some work done...the last guy i found on OR was good but a little on the unreliable side.

  3. fixed. this has the most torque of any 600 ever. 5000 is basically stealing it... ...which wouldnt be the first time. this bike is so good people steal it! http://www.instantrimshot.com
  4. had to edit, OP got screwed up somehow
  5. i think its valuable to keep in mind that there are many many countries out there that would die for a chance to have a democracy as effective as our own, no matter the leadership. its not his leader or my leader, its our leader, and this is our country that our government is providing services for.
  6. sounds like an opportunity for a custom winter project
  7. example number one: http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1464952922.html example number dos: discuss.
  8. that exhaust looks heavy. you should lighten it up while youre at it
  9. you dont stop randomly on the tracks and beat the shit out of hobos for fun?
  10. dont believe a girl if she tells u she gave u the clap. especially if shes mad at you. wait till it hurts and then just get the drugs.
  11. oh i can actually contribute here! Ohio riders dot net
  12. ah, icon, the choice of champion wheelie-ers
  13. see, now i consider giving you actual advice based on my experience, and then you go and make some retarded comments like this. then i remember why we started this thread.
  14. not an option. if you leave him at home he tears up the rugs and pees everywhere
  15. wheres the youtube vid of this business with the indian chick? this thread disappoints
  16. JRMMiii prefers teh ghey jacket. will do.
  17. if you dont have anything nice to say, keep repeating it until everyone notices. :(

  18. idk if anyone has said this, but he seems like a trustworthy fellow.
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