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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. i think its been boiled down to fonz at this point...its his baby.
  2. lots of blow (theres already hookers)

  3. nah im still over here. not much to do though, so i lurk on ordn.

  4. theres definitely some humvees and MRAPs that deserve some of these stickers over here.
  5. sometimes, i wake up and see fonzie lurking at the foot of my bed. i pull the sheets up and he usually leaves after a few hours. i try not to antagonize him...
  6. i just realized i am mentioned as part of the beginning of the DTC. this made my week.

    on another note, i have had no eye troubles since "the incident".

  7. bet thats not the first time youve said that...
  8. well youre obviously going to have people commenting that they want a cheaper bike. im no business major, but its the things people dont know that they want thats really going to peak some interest. -maybe an XX% discount on parts for bikes which need to be put back together -like someone stated above, a discount or free service, but i would add since you guys sell a good amount used, something like a choice between X number of discounted oil changes or a discount on the next major service in the bikes life. i know i can change the oil, but id be a little more tentative of touching valves etc... -accessories discount, this would probably be better with newer riders i guess i just restated what everyone else had, JRMii just took all the easy ones...
  9. speak for yourself... you should see how cool i look when i put my bike on the rearstand at Chucky Cheese. all the girls jump on me.
  10. i would start with logan ohio and look at the small roads that branch out from there
  11. 1 cheap ass (80 bucks for 2) e-gay kit user here with no complaints
  12. im not happy about answering this because the question is worded so poorly...but...bout 80 bucks for a set of two on ebay.
  13. well its good to have you here...i guess.
  14. im guessing since hes a car guy hes a convert from Columbus Racing or so. welcome to the new world. where do you teach snowboarding?
  15. keep me in the loop. im supposed to get back in may-ish and i get 90 days off. i would like to donate 10 or so of those days for this trip.
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