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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. i edited the post cause you never know where some dumbass is going to copy and paste something as official looking as the original email...my description tells it all. it was convincing thats for sure.
  2. this one made my ass pucker for a good 5 minutes... i recieved an email this morning about going into iran instead of iraq...it was well written too and from my team chief. scared the poop out of me until i realzed we would never go directly into tehran.
  3. like the software telling my computer to go directly to april 2nd, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
  4. i dont have a tv... could someone narrate?
  5. my laptop just went from march 31 to april 2? skynet anyone?
  6. not saying its easy. the requirements on the motors have those guys pushing all sorts of work into old tech because of the heavy specs on the cars. they have to push old tech to the max to squeeze every cent out of them...doesnt get the modern automobile anything. you go to an AMA race and you wouldnt find them doing anything of the sort. though well see with AMA being owned by the DMG now...
  7. i love how even the president calls out nascar for being unproductive as far as advacing the automobile...nascar is anti-progress for cars...lol.
  8. thats what i thought...hehe. you coming to QSL tomorrow? you should show up with the hog...youll fit right in!
  9. the rpms there remind me of my 250, only a tad faster. made for an easy transition on the R6
  10. lol, yeah i do...dont get your panties in a bunch man...just givin ya a hard time
  11. this article is incorrect. it is not taking into account the various inefficiencies of the separate mechanisms. the stove, heats the pot and a lot of air along with the water, and im not sure what exactly a water has going for it, but they are different. yes, in a perfect physics world, the same amount of water requires the same amount of energy to heat. oh well, try em both
  12. welcome back, but lets hear more about the goat in the background...
  13. http://www.pcbexpress.com if you want to have some boards fabricated that look nice, ive designed a board with their free software. you use their software and design the board, then send in the design and they rpint it for you. i had a 3x2 dual layer board done for like $120 for 4 boards, unpopulated. might be a tad expensive, but its professional if you want to sell them, and easier to case.
  14. bummer. at least they could have let you know like yesterday so you couldve gone out and bought a new ford/GM/hyundai car. car protection plans breakdown
  15. we do rides all the time. if you want to organize one just post up on the region's board to find other people in your area oh, and not much of an introduction person are ya?
  16. this idea sounds neat, but how would this work? how much separation would there be? for instance, would the classifieds be different for each region? would users be restricted to posting in their own region and the common area? on second thought, it just sounds cluttered. like then you could get users signing up with three names just to post a classified on every forum...meh.
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