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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. No the 10 psi does wonders for front end stabilization when running your great rotors...
  2. Time to get that fake wallet setup and keep the real one hidden.
  3. I can see that getting really bad.... How many holes in the wall, and furniture broken after by the time they get to the new house everybody is
  4. Well for summer I generally run 36/38 ish cold depending on what i am doing. If I really want to get serious in the twisties I will ride to the start, take a break then drop them down to 34 semi warm.
  5. I would love to ride one of them. My uncle had one and my dad said it was a wheelie machine.
  6. I will probably drop my pressures down once we get out there for more grip. Drop them down to 34/34 should get them warmed up.
  7. If we leave early enough we will hit back in the Nati around 5 ish. Nice thing is after 165 we can always just turn around and hit it again back up and then take 22 off to 27 and cut it short.
  8. I have only been on 165 once and we were going to got down and back up, but didn't make it very far on the way back. I ended up having to dodge a flying bike GSXR 1000, and ended up short cutting home to get the car to head to the Hospital. But if it is that cool I may just run him down 10 to 22 though I really don't want to hit 22 with all the issues I have heard the last few months. But your route may be a good way.
  9. Chrisoh

    Lemon Law

    I am just stating that is why there is a Lemon Law. I still think if there are enough problems, within the warranty period then the law allows them to get a new vehicle. Most cars with problems within the warranty will have problems after is my Guess. Yeah Ousley this discussion went well beyond your issues in the What if category.
  10. Chrisoh

    Lemon Law

    I have not read, but i know that is why it states the MFG must replace or buy back. If the Lemon Law is met. Cause once the Warranty runs out then it could continue to have problems then the owner would be responsible.
  11. Chrisoh

    Lemon Law

    But if the vehicle is back enough times not even for the same reason it can be declared a Lemon and is generally replaced. This is how the Lemon works. If a motor blows they fix it, then 2 months later it losses 2nd gear, then two months later it gets a oil leak, then 2 months later the ECU goes out. Just when numbers of things happen is when the Lemon Law comes into play
  12. Ah so Drew vs Flisk Vs Kovack and throw in Meade at the NE rounds... This I got to see. The race fees will be well worth this show.... But we got to give Flisk the ATV. That was great at Beaver run. Flisk chasing the guy on Kovack's Fiddy riding on two wheels of the atv.
  13. Hey Lizard if you wanna meet up I can bring my Green Weenie KX 250F and you can play on.
  14. If all it was doing is slipping then just do the plates. hey you get that Motard link I PMed you?
  15. Clutches are easy work... So don't worry if i can do them you will have no problems.
  16. You feathering the clutch a lot??? Just pin and spin it more don't need no clutch right Drew???
  17. Putty will probably want yours :lol
  18. Ok I can show ya the ropes down here. Maybe we can hit Jerm up and get you both down to Northern KY.
  19. What kind of mods are you wanting? Performance or appearance? If Performance I suggest getting a Penske or Ohlins double clicker shock, and then have a performance shop do a basic upgrade on the fork internals (namely springs and valves). If you want the cheapest Power mod try changing the chain and sprockets to a 520 (RK makes a chain that is strong enough for the 1000s) and go -1 tooth on the front and if you dont care about top speed +2 teeth on the rear. This is my plan once my stock chain is done but I am already +2 on the rear now. Definately get some Stainless front brake lines and then when stock pads are done put in some good Double HH sintered pads. (no reason to just pitch stock pads). Note if you do the ignition module you might as well get the Quickshifter unit I do have one that is barely used I need to get rid of (It is regular shift and I needed GP) that I will sell for 1/2 what they are new. Now for the high $$ mods, you can get a set of Magnesium rims from Marvic or if you are made of $$$ get the Carbon Fiber rims from BST. Also if you don't get the rims you could always get Ceramic bearings installed in your rims.
  20. Bike looks good and seem to very stiff in the suspension to handle those tight switchbacks. I wonder how much ground clearance is lost with the motor? I still remember watching the BMW boxter race at Daytona one year and hearing the cases hit through the turn 3 kink in the Int'l Horseshoe. I need to look up the specs on it and see what the weight is.
  21. I see Pedrosa as a Biaggi in training.
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