I have had a few bikes, I started out on a earlys 70's green Honda 60, then got a 80's Kawi 100 from my cousin and rode that all over the West Virgina hills where I lived. I then went with out a bike for awhile and the got a 79 Yamaha XS750SF special that I still have. I also had a 82 yamaha 650 Maxim that I only rode a little bit. My main ride is a 84 Honda V65 Magna nice little V4 1100cc. It goes like hell in a straight line but can rail in the twisties if you know how to ride her. I take her don't to South East Oh and can leave it in the 3-4 gears and scrape pegs all day! Yamaha made the Vmax back in the day to try to compete with the Big Magna:)