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Everything posted by v65rider

  1. It is dangerous for a car to be getting that close, they are not respecting you and your lane and is just a accident waiting to happen.
  2. I would have never gotten on the plane without knowing my kids were with one of the family!
  3. 78 is an awesome ride and the south side of 555 is the better part of that road.
  4. Ha that is to funny! My oldest boy is graduating high school and my youngest just rode his bicycle without training wheels today.
  5. The Papa Johns by our house had a 2 1/2 hour wait after you waited in line for a hour to place the order.
  6. Damn that would suck but if you had to have a finger taken that would be the one to go.
  7. v65rider


    I have heard that Iron Man has more to it after the credits so maybe that would help with the ending.
  8. You have treat every car like they are out to kill you and never trust that anyone sees you. If you expect every car to turn in front of you, you won't be suprised when it happens.
  9. Couldn't they still put somthing in the infield of the dirt track? There is still a chance they could make it into something that everyone can use.
  10. There are several places you can go online to get some pretty good gear pretty cheap. Check newenough.com.
  11. I was able to get a battery for my V65 Magna at Battries plus and and have been pretty happy with it. I think I paid around 60 for it.
  12. Are they still developing this fuel? If so where are the results of all of the money the american people have put into it?
  13. Hey the next time you guys head down that way check out this place if you need somewhere to stay. http://www.huntslodge.com/
  14. Glad you are ok for the most part!
  15. People that don't ride just don't think that there may be a bike where they are going to turn. That is why a lot of guys I know are getting head light modulators or wear bright colors or anything to get the cage drivers attention.
  16. Actualy that isn't photoshop I have seen several pics of that bike, one with it sitting by itself and another with the idiot riding it.
  17. I wonder how fast you have to be going to get that cool look:rolleyes:
  18. Damn that would suck having a wreck and then no one finding you for over 10 hours!
  19. I would like to see GSP beat Sera's ass I don't like his attatude and bs. Lutter actually did pretty well against Silva so don't count him out even though I would like to see Franklin take that one.
  20. It Harley would reasonably price their bikes there may be a lot more byers. With the price of gas you could just about pay for a bike in the savings in a year or two.
  21. Well with the depreceation of the dollar it won't take much for the governments to convince some people that the Amero is a good idea. Some people who want the socialized healthcare and other crap like Europe will jump at the chance.
  22. Congrats on a sweet ride!
  23. I think Vrod is the closest thing that Harley has produced that comes close to a modern bike. It is sad when my 24 year old 1100cc can beat just about anything they have put out.
  24. I have had a few bikes, I started out on a earlys 70's green Honda 60, then got a 80's Kawi 100 from my cousin and rode that all over the West Virgina hills where I lived. I then went with out a bike for awhile and the got a 79 Yamaha XS750SF special that I still have. I also had a 82 yamaha 650 Maxim that I only rode a little bit. My main ride is a 84 Honda V65 Magna nice little V4 1100cc. It goes like hell in a straight line but can rail in the twisties if you know how to ride her. I take her don't to South East Oh and can leave it in the 3-4 gears and scrape pegs all day! Yamaha made the Vmax back in the day to try to compete with the Big Magna:)
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