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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. awww, you giggled, how cute. my girlfriend giggles... You should not
  2. want a Microsoft product that doesn't suck? wait till they start making Vacuum cleaners...
  3. if the system is capable of supporting it. make sure there is enough RAM, fast enough processor, Vista is a resouce hog.
  4. Dweezel

    More HD BS

    Yeah, I personally don't wear any thing Suzuki, except my Jacket. The female actually has more Suzuki shit than I do. She's got a Tee along with her jacket. :?/ and Yes IP, I agree, most people do suck.
  5. ah, well then you won't like mine. I just randomlyl glued LED's all over the bike... :/
  6. well the LED's in the foot rests are taking the place of the turn signals. so they're there for a reason, plus they look really clean.
  7. Dweezel

    More HD BS

    again, another reason I can't stand the HD crowd. Tonya and I went out to dinner last night and we're waiting for a table, and there's the two fat ass fuckstick hill billys talking about how great their HD's are and how their real bikes, but what really got me is when they started sayin how everyone on a 'piece of shit jap crap rocket bike' is a faggot and how you'd never catch a real man on one of those plastic things. then went on about how none of us can ride, and how every sport bike ends up getting totaled, thats why you never see any that are more than a few years old. I'm really glad Tonya was there or else I'd be writing this from a prison cell right now. How can't we ride? are they implying that we're so retarded that we can't manage to hold a 3ft wide bike inside a 20ft wide lane for 500 miles? You don't see many sport bikes because they are like computers, they have a technological life span. they are outdated and upgraded in several years. but I guess when your 'perfect' motor cycle has a design lifespan of 1 update every 2 decades, instead of every 2 years, you wouldn't understand. I fucking hate HD's.
  8. I don't know if I'd do that, I stole it from a post there, I think the funny things kids say thread LOL I'll do the rear rests for ya for 25, just gimmie a month or so before you send them, I just bought a house and need to clean, move in and get whit settled and organized first. But yeah their really pretty easy to do, shouldn't be that long of a turn around, few days depending on what I've got goin on.
  9. Freaking sweet man! I can't wait to tear mine appart, I'm gonna draw the ring up in cad and have a few cut out on a HD laser CNC. We get a few parts for work cut at a shop hat has one and god damn do they come out nice! I'll prob just go mild steel and powder coat it, then have a lexan window made up I'm friggin stoked, oh, let me know if you want led rear foot rests, I'm workin on those too, 6 3mm ultra bright LEDs per footrest.
  10. No, a womans body was made to carry, and bear children, and to nurse and nurture them afterwords. mans body is meant to fertilize woman. to spread genetic material and continue a bloodline. a womans body is pleasing to a man because of reproduction. the urge to replicate and distribute genetic code. It feels good so that it will be done. same reason you don't see people urging to slam their hand in garbage disposals, because it hurts. Those without the urge to copulate cease to exist. this is very notable in dogs, there are bitches who refuse to mate. seems counter productive, but it's eventually bred out because of natural selection. humans have the urge to have sex, or become 'horney' because of this urge. and saying it's a male only thing is WAY the freak off course. I'm bad, really bad. I'll take it 5-10 times a day if I can get it. But I've met girls who are worse than me. I've also met girls who think it's a horrible evil thing and should be abolished completely. I'll give you a clue who the hard line religious types were. PS, a covenant relationship isn't universally appreciated. you back on that whole catholic thingy again lots of cultures have multiple wives.
  11. the devil made me do it. Jesus made me do it. I think 'the devil made me do it' sounds better Don't work so well with the cops though
  12. yeah I thought 4k for a wrecked 04 was a little steep.
  13. I live around the Mahoning/Rt 45 area, just off 45, on the Canfield side And RahRah lives in the Cornersburg area
  14. http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=24264447
  15. woah... You think Jesus would do daytime talk shows?
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