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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I only eat the women Ginger people, and all I do is lick between the legs really, I don't actually bite hard enough to tear a chunk out. But I am a habitual nibbeler
  2. heh, they've got 'They might be giants' on P&S, listening to the Dec 16th podcast. they're doing 'Particle man'
  3. P&S Haunted Whore Ride... came from a misunderstanding of a 'Horror Ride' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNKBlmv9tdA One of their 'Hottie Cams' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXEQIPWu148 A stinky fridge they had in the Studio everyone hated http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXSbB-gySP4 and a quick search of their YouTube vids. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=preston+and+steve&search_type=&aq=0&oq=preston+and+stev
  4. Dweezel

    Poor Kids

    my mom works with skitzos. a famous line is from one of the guys on her floor who was a certified genius, and the famous quote from this guy was 'I'm crazy, not stupid' Just because he was nuts doesn't mean he didn't know what he was doing. regardless of why, he still did it and there's not excuse for it.
  5. Dweezel

    Poor Kids

    True story... HOWEVER they usually are of severe paranoia, and if the Jews are the subject of his paranoia...
  6. Hey I found out how to get in here lol Well, actually I'm just kinda lazy....
  7. Dweezel

    Poor Kids

    Poor kids write them off now.
  8. Can I be the Technical Director of BS?
  9. I don't lie, plain and simple, it's too much effort to make them up, then remember them. Not to mention it's wrong. If I'm in a fight I will bring up hurtfull truth that I normally wouldn't say.
  10. Thats what I was thinkin, it's a JPG or PDF file. with clickable sections.
  11. Go to www.wmmr.com and sign up to be a vip, it's like 10 seconds, and they never spam you. then log into the vip section, and it's usually like the 2-3 link down is the webcam.
  12. I'm tellin you guys! Check out P&S! That and they've also got a Hottie Cam most days where they just have hot damn near naked chicks on a web cam. That alone is worth checkin out
  13. if it was shot, you probably wouldn't have had an issue, but with a slug, even a small piece of dirt will jam the slug in the barrel and cause a problem, your both lucky to be alive.
  14. Life is beautiful for general, Addicted for the woman
  15. that show isn't syndicated, it's simply a local morning show, but it's friggin awesome lol
  16. Don't matter, listen to these idiots untill about 1030ish... http://gmppodcast.com/stream/wmmr go to their podcasts and download the bottom 5-6, you'll die laughing. They've won 'best morning show in America' several times. local philly outlet, but still funny as shit no matter who you are.
  17. the entire car was designed and built by Toyota, all GM did was sign on the dotted line.
  18. Active brands The following GM brands were being produced in July 2008: Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Daewoo GMC Holden Hummer Opel Pontiac Saab Saturn Vauxhall [edit] Defunct brands Acadian (1962-1971, Canada) Asüna (1993, Canada) Beaumont (1966-1969, Canada) Bedford Vehicles (1930–1987, UK) Elmore (1909-1912) Envoy (1960-1970, Canada) Geo (1989–1997) LaSalle (1927–1940) Marquette (1930) Oakland (1907–1931) Oldsmobile (1897-2004) Rapid Truck (1909–1912) Reliance Truck (1909–1912) Statesman (1971–1984, Australia) Viking (1929–1931) General Motors Diesel Division [edit] Spin-off GM Defense 1950-2003 was once part of General Motors Diesel Division and as General Dynamics Land Systems division of General Dynamics Electro Motive Division of General Motors was also once part of General Motors Diesel Division and now known as Electro-Motive Diesel Detroit Diesel sold to Penske Corporation; broken up and portion sold to the former Daimler-Chrysler AG (now Daimler AG); now part of Daimler AG transit division was sold to Motor Coach Industries and Transportation Manufacturing Corporation RTS and Classic bus rights owned by MCI And TMC were sold off to Nova Bus; now produced by Millennium Transit Services Diesel Division of General Motors of Canada Limited spun off and later acquired by General Motors Canada as Diesel Division of General Motors of Canada Limited EDS - Electronic Data Systems Hughes Electronics(Now The DirecTV Group((Liberty Media))) 1999 GM spun off it parts making operations as Delphi [edit] Subsidiaries AC Delco Adam Opel GmbH Allison Transmission All assets except the Allison plant in Baltimore were divested in early 2007. GM-Allison hybrid-powered buses. General Motors Acceptance Corporation 51% stake sold to Cerberus Capital management for 14.7 billion in late 2006. General Motors Canada General Motors do Brasil General Motors India Global Hybrid Cooperation General Motors South Africa GM-AvtoVAZ GM Daewoo (50.9%) GM Defense GM Europe GM Holden Ltd GM Performance Division GM Powertrain Europe OnStar Saab Automobile Shanghai GM (50%) Vauxhall Motors SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Joint venture in China.
  19. GM has allot more than that. That appears to be just what they own on the US side of things, don't forget Opal, Holden, Daewoo, Volvo, and about a dozen other companies, not to mention a controling stake in Subaru, and a few other car companies. If GM fails, there is a large chunk of the world that stands to fall. also, I'm not going to piece edit like Lizzy did, I don't have the time. But a mechanic, someone who's father has owned a garage, and someone who only buys American cars any more. I'm like that for a reason. My family has owned many a GM cars with over 200k on them. Hell my cousin has sold, and resold my mothers old Bonnie that the last time he took it in on trade had over 340k on it, and he SOLD IT AGAIN it ran so damn good. My dad has a 94 Yukon with 320k on it, he finaly retired it because the transmission FINALLY gave up the ghost, and would cost more to fix/replace than the truck is worth, and he doesn't want to pay to fix the exhaust. Cars are what you make of them, if you take care of them, yes they'll last forever. hell my old man is horrible with preventive maintance. that 94 is lucky if it gets an oil change ever 10k miles, and is still on the origial GM trans fluid. still runs impressively strong, uses no oil (well we had to do valve seals at 280k) and I'd have no quarrals about driving it to cali (sans transmission...) Yes their management is old, and so is the rest of the countries. there is no reason for anyone to make 14mil a year, yet we have idiots playing baseball that make more than that. THAT is the problem, and if you'd read, it's being addressed in these loans (except AIG) and that is what they are, LOANS. GM buys engines from Honda, they've used Izuzu transmissions for years, Honda uses GM's OnStar, and XM Radio, Mazda simply rebadges the whole damn ranger and sells it as their own, Pontiac sells the Matrix as a Vibe, I fail to see your point other than GM is buying a part from a supplyer. It's not that GM can't build a clean motor, hell the LSx motor has won numerous quality, design awards, and will pass a cali smog test without a cat. Hell the whole engine has no emissions controls other than what the Govt REQUIRES. and if you think they can't build small engines, I invite you too look at the sky/solstice power plant, also the new cobalt SS engine they are above and beyond anything Honda/Toyota/whoever the hell makes.
  20. because their getting killer tax breaks. You seriously need to look into what all they are recieving in the way of breaks, gifts, and free operating costs. they're being paid to be here by more local govt's, be it state or local.
  21. I stole this from H.org, and it's to the most accurate thing i've ever read about the American auto industry Good Evening, Below is an editorial written this morning concerning the current situation in Washington with the Big Three Domestic Automakers. I couldn't have said it better myself. This Ford dealer is from Pittsburgh . Please take the time to read. Forward to whomever it might make a difference. Something to post in the waiting room or to give to customers who have in inaccurate perception of what is going on regarding the auto bridge loans the Big Three are requesting. ------------------------------------------ Editor: As I watched the coverage of the fate of the U.S. auto industry, one alarming and frustrating fact hits me right between the eyes. The fate of our nation's economic survival is in the hands of some congressmen who are completely out of touch and act without knowledge of an industry that affects almost every person in our nation. The same lack of knowledge is shared with many journalists whom are irresponsible when influencing the opinion of millions of viewers. Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama has doomed the industry, calling it a dinosaur. No Mr. Shelby, you are the dinosaur, with ideas stuck in the '70s, '80s and '90s. You and the uninformed journalist and senators that hold onto myths that are not relevant in today's world. When you say that the Big Three build vehicles nobody wants to buy, you must have overlooked that GM outsold Toyota by about 1.2 million vehicles in the U.S. and Ford outsold Honda by 850,000 and Nissan by 1.2 million in the U.S. GM was the world's No. 1 automaker beating Toyota by 3,000 units. When you claim inferior quality comes from the Big Three, did you realize that Chevy makes the Malibu and Ford makes the Fusion that were both rated over the Camry and Accord by J.D. Power independent survey on initial quality? Did you bother to read the Consumer Report that rated Ford on par with good Japanese automakers. Did you realize Big Three's gas guzzlers include the 33 mpg Malibu that beats the Accord. And for '09 Ford introduces the Hybrid Fusion whose 39 mpg is the best midsize, beating the Camry Hybrid. Ford's Focus beats the Corolla and Chevy's Cobalt beats the Civic. When you ask how many times are we going to bail them out you must be referring to 1980. The only Big Three bailout was Chrysler, who paid back $1 billion, plus interest. GM and Ford have never received government aid. When you criticize the Big Three for building so many pickups, surely you've noticed the attempts Toyota and Nissan have made spending billions to try to get a piece of that pie. Perhaps it bothers you that for 31 straight years Ford's F-Series has been the best selling vehicle. Ford and GM have dominated this market and when you see the new '09 F-150 you'll agree this won't change soon. Did you realize that both GM and Ford offer more hybrid models than Nissan or Honda. Between 2005 and 2007, Ford alone has invested more than $22 billion in research and development of technologies such as Eco Boost, flex fuel, clean diesel, hybrids, plug in hybrids and hydrogen cars. It's 2008 and the quality of the vehicles coming out of Detroit are once again the best in the world. Perhaps Sen. Shelby isn't really that blind. Maybe he realizes the quality shift to American. Maybe it's the fact that his state of Alabama has given so much to land factories from Honda, Hyundai and Mercedes Benz that he is more concerned about their continued growth than he is about the people of our country. Sen. Shelby's disdain for "government subsidies" is very hypocritical. In the early '90s he was the driving force behind a $253 million incentive package to Mercedes. Plus, Alabama agreed to purchase 2,500 vehicles from Mercedes. While the bridge loan the Big Three is requesting will be paid back, Alabama 's $180,000-plus per job was pure incentive. Sen. Shelby, not only are you out of touch, you are a self-serving hypocrite, who is prepared to ruin our nation because of lack of knowledge and lack of due diligence in making your opinions and decisions. After 9/11, the Detroit Three and Harley Davidson gave $40 million-plus emergency vehicles to the recovery efforts. What was given to the 9/11 relief effort by the Asian and European Auto Manufactures? $0 Nada. Zip! We live in a world of free trade, world economy and we have not been able to produce products as cost efficiently. While the governments of other auto producing nations subsidize their automakers, our government may be ready to force its demise. While our automakers have paid union wages, benefits and legacy debt, our Asian competitors employ cheap la bor. We are at an extreme disadvantage in production cost. Although many UAW concessions begin in 2010, many lawmakers think it's not enough. Some point the blame to corporate management. I would like to speak of Ford Motor Co. The company has streamlined by reducing our workforce by 51,000 since 2005, closing 17 plants and cutting expenses. Product and future product is excellent and the company is focused on one Ford. This is a company poised for success. Ford product quality and corporate management have improved light years since the nightmare of Jacques Nasser. Thank you Alan Mulally and the best auto company management team in the business. The financial collapse caused by the secondary mortgage fiasco and the greed of Wall Street has led to a $700 billion bailout of the industry that created the problem. AIG spent nearly $1 million on three company excursions to lavish resorts and hunting destinations. Paulson is saying no to $250 billion foreclosure relief and the whole thing is a mess. So when the Big Three ask for 4 percent of that of the $700 billion, $25 billion to save the country's largest industry, there is obviously oppositions. But does it make sense to reward the culprits of the problem with $700 billion unconditionally, and ignore the victims? As a Ford dealer, I feel our portion of the $25 billion will never be touched and is not necessary. Fo rd currently has $29 billion of liquidity. However, the effect of a bankruptcy by GM will hurt the suppliers we all do business with. A Chapter 11 bankruptcy by any manufacture would cost retirees their health care and retirements. Chances are GM would recover from Chapter 11 with a better business plan with much less expense. So who foots the bill if GM or all three go Chapter 11? All that extra health care, unemployment, loss of tax base and some forgiven debt goes back to the taxpayer, us. With no chance of repayment, this would be much worse than a loan with the intent of repayment. So while it is debatable whether a loan or Chapter 11 is better for the Big Three, a $25 billion loan is definitely better for the taxpayers and the economy of our country. So I'll end where I began on the quality of the products of Detroit . Before you, Mr. or Ms. Journalist continue to misinform the American public and turn them against one of the great industries that helped build this nation, I must ask you one question. Before you, Mr. or Madam Congressman vote to end health care and retirement benefits for 1 million retirees, eliminate 2.5 million of our nation's jobs, lose the technology that will lead us in the future and create an economic disaster including hundreds of billions of tax dollars lost, I ask this question not in the rhetorical sense. I ask it in the sincere, literal way. Can you tell me, have you driven a Ford lately? Jim Jackson Elkins ---------------------------------------------------
  22. Hayabusa.org is how I found our about it, someone there mentioned it so I checked it out.
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