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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Seriously, I don't even load music on my iPhone anymore. I've got Pandora and it's always got what I want on it. Jailbreak it, get the Backgrounder app, and that let's apps play in the background, so you can listen to music while testing or using the Internet... In fact... I'm listening to it now
  2. well if a requirement is a 'working Harley Davidson' motorcycle, I doubt there is anyone in the club...
  3. ...never gonna give you up...
  4. no, I think their on the pegs, their just really low.
  5. wow, now THIS is impressive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJRVnkPkYCg
  6. Yes, but if their on HD's they won't be able to take one hand off the handle bar to shoot with. they vibrate too much and if they take a hand off they'll crash. your safe!
  7. isn't it kinda cold to ride a motorcycle up to dayton? I say we rally the troops and meet them there and see if they want to go for a friendly ride
  8. Seriously I just love how everyone thinks American cars are junk. Thats pretty much the standard, default response anymore. MAYBE if you all would climb your happy fuckin ass into an American built car and actually look at it instead of saying 'my uncle had a Celebrity in 1987 and it was junk I'm not even gonna look at them' and actually haul your happy ass out to a GM, Ford, or DCM dealer and LOOK for youselves you'd see that their actually exceptionally nice cars. I travel allot for work and I've been in more rental cars than just about anyone on this board. I've rented everything from Cobalts, Focus', Solaras, Camerys, Chargers, Accords, and on and on and on. you know the cars I've found that have the best fit, the new GM's. I rented a Cobalt literally 3 days after I was in a Camery and a week after I was in an Accord, and these are all new model year cars. That cobalt had WORLDS better fit and finish than either of the imports. and it's consistantly higher quality among the American brands. But thats now what car and driver, or MT says. so instead of doing your own research just listen to what they say and let some over egotistical snob writer who has no clue about automobiles make up your mind for you. and just go straight to what they say and do what they say. WE are the reason American auto makers are failing. We've got a sour taste in our mouth, and like little kids we refuse to take a second stab at it. but god forbid if someone doesn't give us a second chance.
  9. Dweezel

    More HD BS

    I think I like this guy! Your alright.
  10. well since the last 13 incidents.... It's probably just became a default reaction for everyone.
  11. I like to just cover them all by saying 'fuck off'
  12. Happy birthday kiddo. Your parents made you 24y9mo ago. they did the in and out and whoops! there you were!
  13. eh, I can't fautl people for sayin happy holidays. it IS the holiday season, nov-dec. I say it allot to just lump everything together. celebrate it or not, it is christmas. just because you don't celebrate it doesn't mean it's not christmas. thats about as stupid as someone getting upset for celebrating a birthday just because it's not your birthday too. People are idiots.
  14. You don't know who the hell Verne Troyer is??? Mini Me ring a bell.....
  15. Hey goob, when you comin over to check out the new house!!! or do I still have to come over and get you... crash you gonna post up about that or you want me to do it for you? that deserves it's own thread in the Daily Ride section. Oh well, I've been busy as shit trying to get things accomplished here, carpet is in upstairs, ungodly ugly wall paper is off of the kitchen, almost, one wall left. gonna start ripping cabinets out this week, hope to have the kitchen done this weekend. just new cabinets and countertops. oh and paint it. we're gonna paint pretty much everything inside the house and give it some color, it's kinda bland and blah right now. oh well
  16. 2 German bestiality albino bloody midget gays and a cup porn overflow?
  17. yes but your also killing brain cells, so in actuality your really getting dumber with the rest of us
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