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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. well if I've leaned anything from society, once you hit 'rock bottom' there is always the option (often taken) to dig
  2. it's the 'Finding Jesus" episode Tonya was over and we watched it, now the 4 year old is constantly singing it, all I've got to do is ask him 'whats the word'. he gets a big smile and starts dancing and singing Tonya hates it. I love kids
  3. what, no supported porn sites?
  4. Well if you want to talk torque (HD guys always do for some reason) then no, a 600cc map bike DOESNT make 74 ft lbs, but they do make more than the STD sportster does with 1/2 the displacement. Now, let's level the playing field and put your 1200cc up against my 1299 cc and let's talk tq. Not only do I make more tq, I also make about 2x the hp, and 75 whopping ft/lbs or not, that 600cc japper is gonna walk all over that 20 y/o turd. HD is doing what it does best. Selling an image. Do you think anyone would buy a 40y/o replica of a 90 hp japper? No. Why? Because the educated public knows it's a rip off. That's a way over due (by like 20 years) way over priced turd.
  5. and an extra 90 hp to put it on par with real bikes in that displacement range. and 40* LOL
  6. I thought when they joined it was private? as far as I know it's always been private.
  7. ah, I've met this McLovin, but not outside of OR.net functions.
  8. arn't ALL of their designs vintage desings?? Aside from the inverted forks, and rubber I don't see whats so great about it. its a hopped up copy of the sportster they've been building for the last 20 years.
  9. yes, totally agreed, I'm just sayin he may not be going all that fast, but even 60 in crowded streets like that could royally ruin your day, say a car pulls out of a prking lot and forgets to turn it's lights on, whamo. hood ornament. Not to mention your more likely to get pulled out in front of at those speeds since people arn't expecting you to be traveling over 3 miles a min.
  10. eh, when I bought my 750 the idiot i bought it off of had a 58 tooth sprocket on it, if I was going with the flow of freeway traffic, it would read 170, and thats assuming I was traveling about 80mph
  11. but, you can't deglove your foot in these, whats the fun in that?
  12. WOW, thats laughable. oh, and
  13. yeah, it's called Tethering. If you jailbreak your iPhone, you can do it with that too, but as of now, there is no official tethering plan. put their supposed to offer it since the storm has the capability. who knows.
  14. wouldn't shit you, your my favorite turd!!
  15. LOL, Yeah I warned her to go easy on all of you, and ESPECIALLY me right!?
  16. I just got a place, and I'm not looking to add any more bills, but if this is a cheap way I'll probably go through ATT and do it, guess I'm done downloading files How many times can I refresh OR.net? Thats all I really am concerned with
  17. But he won't be. And he'll keep his 5mil a year job.
  18. I don't think the price will be a big deal, think of how many noobs spend that much or more on POS sportsters for their first bike. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if the styling catches, it'll be a moderate success
  19. The dog shits tinsel Merry Christmas everybody!
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