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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. A high compression Diesel is anywhere from 22:1-28:1 a low compression/High boost Diesel is normally ~ 18:1 Yes they did, and they did horrible jobs on them, essentially they were SBC 350's with different pistons and heads on them. they were rushed out to be fuel economic solutions and they permanently marred Americas view on Diesels. As for your friends with the diesel trucks, the black smoke just makes it easy to identify the white trash/hillbillys. all that is is wasted, unused fuel. when you reach that point your actually costing power. A properly setup, and tuned diesel doesn't smoke like that. Here's a vid, they smoke at the line, but look at them going down the track, there is significantly less smoke, while it's still there, it's not what you see HillBillys spouting out in their POS's. Here's a good vid of that truck making a full pass. Ever heard of an 8 second diesel
  2. It's actually very possible, and very common. It's called a Diesel engine. The more fuel you add the faster the engine spins, it always wants to be stoich, if you take fuel away, it'll slow down (rpms) because the charge is cooler, if you add fuel it'll speed up because the charge is hotter. There are no spark plugs, the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder at the time the spark plug would fire, burning immediately. This won't work with a gasoline engine. Even direct injection gasoline engines have a throttle valve. If you pull fuel from a gas engine, it gets hot and melts pistons. If you add too much fuel it goes fat and will eventually bog out. Diesel and Gasoline burn very differently, it's diesel's burn properties that make such a thing possible. Actually it was Peanut Oils burn properties that made it possible, but back in the day fuel oil was cheaper so it was substitued. But even todays diesel engines will run on Veggie oil, peanut oil, Kerosine, lots of different stuff. Basicily if it'll burn, you can run it in a diesel. I <3 diesel engines their pretty much the most perfect internal combustion engine in existance. Compression Ignition is the most efficient, and cleanest burning way to burn a fuel, squeeze it till makes it's self so hot, it spontaniously combusts.
  3. Happy Turkey Day all you turkeys!!! Hope all of you have a good day and eat until your sick!
  4. I've got TankSlappers and I love them. Their static cling and come off and go back on fairly easily, but don't move or curl off while your riding. they protect where your legs go against the tank, google them, i'm not sure on the address anymore.
  5. Yeah, which kinda pains me to see that link in your sig jess, you've always come across to me as a stand up gal and I really have a hard time believing you hang out with them.
  6. Next year, OR.net Turkey day, the saturday after, at SG's place!!!
  7. when I was a kid, I was in boy scouts, we went to Haliburton Canada for summer camp. it was amazing to look up at the sky, so much stuff you could never see because of all the light poloution. I think it was something like 200 miles to the nearest city. I'd love to see something like that again
  8. I think you should do something for the less fortunate, like adopt a dozen turkeys and spare their lives
  9. I'm not judging anyone. I just call them like I see them. The only experience I have with said club is idiotic moves that it's members fight to the death to justify. The club I'm in, the ONLY club I'd ever join is a car club. A SERIOUS car club. We're actually a respected name in the community, we have fund raisers, food drives, car shows, benifits and are involved with local police and firefighters. We maintain ourselves in public and save everything for the track, speaking of which our track rental is the largest non-sanctioned event at the local track and the highlight of the year, we're actually considering doing it 2x a year because it gets such a good response. This is especially impressive considering these arn't show cars, well a few are show worthy, but nothing amazing, they are drag cars. Supercharged, Turbocharged, Nitrous Oxide injected low 10, to mid 8 second drag cars. Their loud, their obnoxious, and they're fast. However unlike you and your club, people around us look up to us, we're role models to kids and parents are cool with that. People look down their nose at your club, your a mennace to your community, you condone and support stupidity. If one of our members is caught DUI or Street Racing, their out. A member will pull their sticker and they've got a waiting period AFTER all their legal issues are straightened out before they can be voted back in. But ya know what? thats never happened. Their all stand up people who wouldn't risk the clubs name like that.
  10. The people who put safety first. The ones who think filtering traffic at 120+mph on one wheel is stupid. The people who think riding on one wheel for 10 miles with little to no gear in rush hour traffic down the center line is idiotic. The people who think the police are actually there for protection and believe not all of them are bad, in fact the very vast majority of them are good people who are just trying to make ends meet like the rest of us, and who also happen to ride. If you agree with these statements your a dick.
  11. Also realize this is a first year, hell first week release of the product. It'll get better and more efficient with updates over time. I didn't buy an iPhone untill software 1.1.2 was out because it's just a given that it'll have some issues. another problem with the phone is the software RIM is running is a port from their older phones. it's not new built from the ground up to utilize the touch screen like the iPhone was. That and with future apps, Android is open source, and is supposed to be used on a slew of new phones, which means some apps may not be useable on certain phones if they don't have a click wheel, or not on others if they don't have the touch screen. While open source, and unlimited 3rd party is nice, it also means anyone can write anything, and it's not held to any standard. which could get dicy. It's kinda a pain, but apple requires all programs be certified, limiting yes, but it assures that everything will run (relatively) smooth.
  12. Why do today, what you can put off till tomorrow
  13. well, if you like, as a good faith gesture, you can come stay with me till everything is straightened out :dj:
  14. not to mention the main feed into the house is more than likely 230 single faze, 100amp service unless it's from the mid 70's and has never been updated. That shit will kill you. The older stuff will just burn your house down But seriously I'd get a real electrician out there to look things over, it's not worth the risk. EDIT If I was closer than 3hrs and didnt have to work in the morning I'd come over and help ya out, but thats kinda a major issue having just bought a house
  15. Didn't he invent this thing too! What a man http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sousaphone
  16. That, The Holier than Thou intro post, and the company you keep.
  17. seriously, you don't wear a helmet do you? or at least tell me your fixed. It'd be a severe misfortune if ya'll reproduced.
  18. Seriously, there's gotta be something in the water down there...
  19. Does the name 'AzzHatFlunkies' mean anything to you
  20. Dweezel

    Free Corn

    wire tapping, Home land security. Flown anywhere lately? Papers Please.
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