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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. yeah, for real. That bike is ALLOT uglier in person... J/K man
  2. Actually from what I heard they tag teamed her. Eiffel Tower anyone?
  3. "So what your saying is... There's still a chance!?"
  4. thats awesome, anything times zero is still zero. Idiots
  5. anyone care for a brownie? Nah she was legal!
  6. So where's the truck? did that mess get nailed by a train?
  7. Good to meet you all! well, the three that showed up!
  8. The girl in the green shorts could still call :drool:
  9. mine is ***-***-****, Magly and I are planning on meeting at the GetGo right off of 11s on Mahoning Ave Exit, Austintown. around 5:30. If there's any questions about the area or anything, email me @ TrapperTrinkaus@gmail.com I'll be out and about all day and probably won't check the forum much, but email will get sent to my phone.
  10. were you stopped? I'd have gotten out of the car and asked them what their issue was. But thats just me.
  11. Thats actually supposed to be teh 23/24 of August man you should come
  12. Again, It's a religion, different people follow it to different extents. Just because I have (lots) of sex out of wedlock, does that mean I'm a horrible person? It makes me a sinner thats for damn sure but I doubt I'm an awful person. IMHO it's about the same as saying all Amish are hypocrites because a few of them have bought cell phones. but again to me, it's a religion, follow it to your tastes, why should I give a shit, if your catholic and have sex out of wedlock, I'm not gonna quit talking to you also there are ALOT of people who abuse the system, something like 45% of all Americans are government dependent. and thats not including all the boarder jumpers that milk it for all it's worth, and ship billions of our dollars back home that this economy will never see. There's allot worse people out there than Amish, I've met a few of them and don't have a damn thing bad to say about any of them.
  13. It's a religion, people follow it as they see fit. I know plenty of Catholics who've had sex before marriage, and even had children out of wedlock even though it's a major sin. Also many sects allow the use of modern tools and such if it's to compete with the English (us) for work. I've never built one but I've seen a few up close, I don't remember buggies being built out of quarter inch plate. All the ones I've seen have been built out of wood and I'd imagine if you were wearing gear you'd sail through it with maybe a broken collar bone and some scrapes. I doubt they were wearing any gear, call me an ass but I have a hard time feeling bad for people who don't even care enough about themselves to put a simple helmet on.
  14. well I'm out. The kids have been askin to go camping before they go back to school and this weekend is all we could do that didn't have major plans we'd be messing up. Hopefully we could do another group ride before the snow flies!
  15. dude that'd be sweet! I'll pm you my number Tues or something I'm out of town now and on my phone. As soon as I get back in well set up. I know a few places we could go with a station on either side of the street.
  16. Kinda hard to explain, If your a lite beer drinker, you won't like it. but if you like beers like Sam Adams, Heine, and other lagers, you'll love it. I've got a few friends that drink Guinness, I've had it several times, I just can't get used to it, something about it I just don't like If you like Guinness you'll probably like it too.
  17. We ate in the middle, not upstairs, or down, or out side, kinda on ground level... we saw the dude on the bike at Wally around 10-1030ish? Not sure on the color, it was him, still with his helmet on, and two trucks, he was talking to, and older Taco, and a Ram I think.
  18. no, we rode back! We just got in we go down to The Old Warehouse Resturant. I saw a bike in the Walmart parking lot on 36 was it anyone here? Also on there was a squid on a mid/late 90's CBR that had no gear soon a wheelie when we left the light right before we turned off onto Whitewoman street Running late as usual, we didn't get there till after 9, and left around 10:15. Were planning one two weeks from Sunday with more people, The ride down gets awesome reviews every time we go!
  19. okay we're heading out for 400 North Whitewoman Street in conschocton now, ETA 20:00 (8:00pm) for dinner. so if you want head out we'll be there. My 'Busa, and my friends Black/Yellow Gixxker 1k. See ya there!
  20. Dweezel

    Damn cagers!!!

    He was taking another swing at Bret, not her. Oh, and Differentials haven't had drain plugs in many many moons. although some transmissions do now adays Of course draining the trans fluid out of an auto won't kill it, just make it cease to work. Once they add fluid again it will be fine, unless he sat there like an idiot and revved it for 15 min wondering why it wouldn't move...
  21. Just the peg, they require some filing down as the buell pegs are too thick, but they are an extremely popular mod for the 'busas. I guess they give you an inch or so.
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