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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I'll tell ya what, i'll give you 2500, and you throw in a years supply of fuel, if not i'll give ya 500 for it.
  2. professionals built the titanic, armatures built the arc.
  3. Shinko 003 Stealth tire on the rear here. Can't complain at all, stickey as all hell, handles amazingly, and cheap. I bought it because it's a cheap stickey tire for drag racing. but it's awesome in the corners too. feels just as good if not better than the dunlop I took off.
  4. Anyone think this is gonna start a big upswing in the M109R? or you think Suzi will leave it with the B-king to be their star cruizer? IMHO I like the M109R allot better than the B-King
  5. Got mine yesterday! First thing I did was put them on! I'll edit and put pics up later Thanks BornSinner!
  6. I wouldn't ask, Satan may make you a Perm-a-newb
  7. Greatest beer ever FTW Oh, and Princess? are we invited I'll bring a case of Yuengling!
  8. ah, yeah it really happened. He passed me at, what sounded like, WOT (I think, LOOKED like 1/16th throttle to me, but hey I'm used to real bikes) the thing that pissed me off is that I was stopped at the light. He never stopped, when it turned green he was still about a car length behind me and nailed it, and passed me on the right, in the same lane, while I was pulling my foot on the peg to shift into 1st. I just don't get it, I mean if I'm out in the GMC (3/4 ton, not the Syclone) I don't go out and rev at the guy at the light with the 15" wide slicks and blower sticking out of the hood, why, if your on a 47hp paint shaker, do you go out and rev CONSISTANTLY on of the two fastest production bikes in the world (the fastest, I just put that in there so nick wouldn't cry :wink: ) Seriously? why do Harley's have this obsession with reving at me? What? do you think because you make allot of noise I'm going to have a revelation and change my mind? They certainly don't want to race, I've turned and chased a few of them down, as rev happy as they are, they NEVER want to race. :sad: posers.
  9. Everyone knows I hate choppers and Hardleys, etc. Well this noise machine chopper with lots of chrome and red lights is coming up to me at a light, and he's coming up reving his engine wildly behind me. Well the light turns green and this asshat nails it and flys by me on the right, IN THE SAME LANE! What an idiot. Needless to say I got on it and went by him on the rear just for show stupid noise machines, if your gonna be that loud, AT LEAST be fast enough to back it up. Stupid choppers.
  10. Don't those have the passenger pegs mounted to the swing arm?
  11. I am brand loyal and I really don't care what you, or nick ride. as long as it's not a Hardley and your happy, I'm cool :wink: If it is a Hardley I'll try for about 30 seconds to make you understand your mistake, and educate you on economics, bang for you buck, and physics and try to get you to see why it's a bad idea, then I'll just laugh at you... From the inside, because mama always said not to laugh at people
  12. I like the hump, it's stylin, plus it gives me lots of room to store shit! and, you would know this since your on a Cowie, It keeps my ass from sliding off the bike when you nail it! I like the cyclops headlight, It's a motorcycle, you want two head lights, get a car. Sorry mang, I just can't get over the snake looking, hole in the head front end, and the Ferrari gills on the side kill me too. they look like their from the 80's... along with that GIANT ass 1 piece seat.
  13. ...God thats gotta take forever in one of those heaps Track rental sunday, two, well more than two, but two SERIOUS Hondas. both turbo, all kinds of work done, one with slicks who actually ripped his front bumper off trying to turn. the one without slicks, couldn't break out of the 14's. The one with slicks could only best a 12.82. Seems like allot of time and money to go 12.80's. Hell I put a set of BFG Drag Radials on my T/A and went 12.89 @ 117 with nothing more than a K&N that was in the car when I bought it.
  14. Maybe on the older models, but I have a CL-15 and I love the way the lenses change, they have a very good system IMHO that doesn't feel cheap or flimsey. The helmet does fog up, but which one doesn't? I'm sure an anti fog coating would help, but I just leave the breath box in all the time. I wear contacts and with out it my eyes dry up and become uncomfortable, and I'm blinking all the time, So I just leave it in 24/7
  15. Hey lots of people love ugly chicks, don't mean there's anything wrong with them.
  16. hey, at least their doing something about it. I'm still waiting on Cowie to recall the 14 due to it's de-fucking-ugly-tive front end. everytime I pass one it causes me to puke in my helmet and pull over and clean it out
  17. at least ice had a jacket on!
  18. The problem lies in that, when I stop at that bike night, and GET OFF MY BIKE, I'm no longer having a good time, seeing as how I'm not longer ON my bike, I could stand around my bike in gear, drink and talk to friends in my garage, which would be even better, because then I COULD drink, seeing as how I only have to walk into the house, and not ride home.
  19. Funny, I thought "The Hoff" on a tire swing ruined it...
  20. I hate bike nights with a passion. I see no point in sitting in a parking lot to walk around and look at cookie cutter HD's and leather clad fat women and gay men. If it's nice enough to go out to bike nite, I'm out riding, Call me when you get out.
  21. uncivilized South American tribesmen > American drivers certain species of apes > American drivers
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