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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I think you're right. I had only heard the news report on the radio, and couldn't find print to back it up. Regardless, there's still a high likelihood that Brian and I went to high school with the rider involved. **edit - I read the article wrong. It didn't say 60mph in excess of the speed limit, it said "in excess of the 60 mph speed limit." Big difference there.
  2. being disrespectful isn't independent grounds for arrest, but it certainly motivates the police to stretch for valid reasons that they might otherwise let slide. She was stopped for walking on the wrong side of the street, which is certainly the type of thing that normally ends with "I know it's a hassle ma'am, but please cross to the other side of the road. It's really for your safety." That said, she can be arrested for it. Failure to comply with a lawful order is also a valid reason to arrest. Then she resisted, and assaulted an officer. Was she being profiled prior to the stop? Probably.
  3. "sickest bobber?" Maybe I'll enter my chopped up Suzuki. The engine sounds a little sick right now, and it's certainly got a lot of stuff removed...
  4. Just hang off more. I consciously "reach" for the ground with my knee on the XR. The front tire chatters so badly in some turns that you pretty much have to get your knee down to hold the bike up on the wheels. Get your ass way of the seat.
  5. Someone please tell me this isn't Brian... WTAM reported that a 29 yr old Brecksville man ran into the back of a car on 480 West last night. It was near the Ridge Rd exit, which is a couple miles from my house. Really hoping Brian is 28.
  6. I'm not convinced that it runs. gonna need to see it go off a few jumps before making an offer.
  7. upon watching the full video, this woman butted heads with a person equally as unwilling as she was to back down. She's used to being the bully rather than the bullied. she's yelling at him to stop being so disrespectful, but then she's not being respectful to him either. The one thing that the officer says that I think is highly suspect is regarding her refusal to provide ID. I don't believe anyone is required to carry ID. You can't refuse to give your name, but you don't have to show an ID card that says who you are either. That's all from memory though, so it's possible there is case law that disagrees with me. Regardless, once the officer is asking her to step aside, etc. she's failing to comply with lawful orders, and they are justified in detaining her. Kicking at him AFTER the struggle was over is total bullshit, and she should get the felony for that. She's a moron. I wouldn't call it aggravated assault (that requires serious physical injury in OH), but she's assaulting an officer for sure.
  8. Ohio law is: If she "knowingly caused or attempted to cause physical harm" to a person, that is assault. If that person is someone you know or have reasonable cause to believe is a law enforcement officer, that's a felony. There's not a lot of grey area. It will come down to her intent with the kick. Was she intending to cause harm, or just struggling to get away? (which is still resisting arrest, although not a felony)
  9. if your ass faired well, I think the suit did its job well enough. More crashes are just a bonus.
  10. the shadows are everywhere, and seem to be pretty cheap. That's what the deputy at our security desk rides.
  11. My plan is to spend the $40 on them and see if they're up to the abuse OMRL throws at them. I don't crash my gloves very hard, but I do tend to wear through the palm on the bark busters, and blow-out finger seams from frequent use. If they are deemed worthy of OMRL use, I'll be thoroughly impressed. If not, I will use them as street gloves, and (hopefully) make my next set of Cortech Adrenaline II's last an extra race season.
  12. I hope it's only like 4 counts, and they just printed it on a 24' x 34' sheet of paper so they could call it the "largest."
  13. have you actually owned anything made by them?
  14. I don't dispute that you'll have more tire choices, but I don't think they'll be any better. See what the WERA folks had to say when asked about the 180 swap: http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=300866&highlight=sv+180+rear http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=316570&highlight=sv+180+rear http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=246121&highlight=sv+180+rear http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=280509&highlight=sv+180+rear I understand that you're not looking to race the bike, but they're talking about handling effects and tire options (more about slicks than street compounds)
  15. I would get a decent baseline sag setup and call it a day. I know there is a mental aspect to adjusting things for feel, but you can also adjust your suspension from "decent" to "scary" really quickly, and then you're going backward. Give yourself a chance to adapt to the baseline, and stick with each change for long enough to really evaluate how (or if) it has made a difference. One of the more impressive skills I have seen exhibited on any motorcycle is the ability to ride around setup obstacles. One of my most humbling moments was trading bikes with a guy who was 4+ seconds quicker than me. He came in and told me everything that he would change on my bike to improve the setup. He was still only a second off his best times, and 3 seconds better than mine. The setup changes may have gotten him that last second, but I was the problem for the other 3...
  16. The reviews I found online are not positive, but this stuff is sooooo cheeeeaaap I am compelled to try it. Has anyone actually owned a set of the Bilt gloves? Their top-of-the-line 'track' model is $39 (half off) in the latest Cycle Gear ad. It appears that Cycle Gear is also the exclusive distributor. My Cortech Adrenaline gloves are falling apart on me. They have survived multiple crashes, but after about a year of use, I'm busting through seams during normal riding (noticed on my commute home yesterday). I'm not averse to spending $100 on decent gloves, but if the Bilt's are half as good for 40% of the price, I'm also okay replacing them more often.
  17. probably out Friday (family stuff), but I will definitely be getting some riding in this weekend. My bike stalled out on me on the highway yesterday, so until I can confirm that it was just a minor fuel delivery issue (i'm hoping dirty/clogged petcock - it started and ran fine on reserve, but the tank was almost full...) I won't be riding to Kentucky! I'll likely take a leisurely ride through the Brecksville Metroparks, and then continue through Peninsula. I turn around and slab it home when I lose interest in the scenery, or when I get hungry.
  18. soulless cars can be useful. My car is "beige" in every sense of the word, but it keeps me from mashing the gas, or otherwise driving with any "spirit." I have a bike so that I don't go nuts owning a utilitarian car. I used to joke that I had to keep my ranger so that my EX500 would still feel fast. Wasn't too far from the truth though.
  19. I like this idea, and I guess if it doesn't work, I am no worse off than I was... Plus the bar itself was only $16, so it's not like i'm "ruining" an expensive part. I have more time/effort into drilling the hole for the controls, and grinding down the groove to accommodate the pinch-bolt that keeps the bar from twisting.
  20. why? All you're going to accomplish is spending $20 extra every time you replace the tire... Walk through the WERA paddock, and I bet you the consensus is that there is no performance reason to change to a 180 rear. If you want the look of a wider tire, then go for it, but I think you're kidding yourself if you rationalize it as an "upgrade."
  21. perfect for some fun 2-up time, but that's a lot of power for a new riders. I think sportbike riders in particular lose track of how fast a VFR-class bike actually is. My physical therapist for my elbow was telling me that her husband upgraded from an SV to a VFR and damn near killed himself. I am sure that wasn't the bike's fault, but she's not wrong about it being a bigger step than most people seem to recognize.
  22. I describe the rubberized wood-stain as "patio bed-liner." As noted, it is expensive to get the coverage you want. I will let you know if a year or two how it holds up. We just put it on my friend's pool deck. I will say that it has made the surface splinter-free. PM me for pics if people are interested in it further. I don't want to further derail the concrete talk.
  23. ^ that may be the best combination of cost and utility. I was thinking more along the lines of 90's I-4's. They seemed to get more high-strung, but then I wasn't looking at UJM chassis.
  24. the katana/bandit seats are wide as a football field... I almost suggested that, but it's heavy for a new rider, and the I-4 isn't an ideal torque curve for a designated 2-up machine. That said, the 750 has the largest motor I've ever owned, and it feels like a stump-puller compared to the EX500 or the 600RR... Nothing like the Yamaha Raider I rode at a demo event, but I am in the habit of not using 1st gear on the XR, and I have started from a stop in 2nd more times than I'd like to admit on Tubby the Tuna. It does just fine.
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