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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. In short, yes. you're about halfway up the tach at 70mph, and just getting into the meat of the SV's torque curve. down-shifting into 4th gear will get you out of there faster than you can blink. Rolling on in 6th will still get you out of the way safely.
  2. This, or the Vstrom 650 that's up for sale would both be amazing options at fair prices. Just depends on what kind of riding you prefer.
  3. ^ do that. A drill press makes things much easier. I only resort to that when I get really frustrated, but it's the way to go if it's an option.
  4. if that damn registration thing wasn't a requirement, the XR100's would be a ton of fun for this... They can cruise at 40mph easily, certainly wouldn't be loud, and they'll maneuver almost anywhere a bicycle can.
  5. I just posted it on facebook. As noted, I keep in touch with my HS band director whose daughter plays cello professionally. The problem is that he retired and moved to Florida, and I have no idea where Christina ended up... But between his connections, my college friends, and my wife's theater friends, I'll let you know if anyone is interested. In case someone asks, how much are you comfortable spending on this? I was guessing a couple hundred bucks for 1 cellist, and up to $500 if it's a trio or something. Am I way off base? I just anticipate that being one of the first questions. **edit - Christina is a "senior lecturer" at the University of WI, and spent 2 years as the principal cellist in the Mesabi Symphony in MN... But I'm sure she still knows some people who are local.
  6. makes me want to ride across the country. GLWS
  7. I don't disagree with your conclusion that we all bear the cost eventually, but I do disagree that the means by which it is justified are insignificant. Restrictions on liberty are almost never favorable. Even when the goal is noble.
  8. I absolutely think they're worth the cost, but anyone prepared for them is going to smash the thing in less than 30 seconds. I try to ask myself what I would think if I heard my neighbor's alarm go off for 30 seconds, and then stop. I'd probably think "they set it off, and then entered the code right on the third try." That said, I would still at least look to see if there is a vehicle I don't recognize in their driveway... The apartment where we used one was a layout where our door was at the end of the hall, so anyone fleeing had to pass our nosey neighbor from the methadone clinic. (not kidding. I gave Louie a ride there once. only once.)
  9. I don't think employers should be obligated to provide health care, and I would support a government option. But I think that would really just be a group-buy plan through an existing private provider. I'll take your stat at face-value, but I would wager that it's misleading. 90% of all businesses do not employ 90% of the American workforce. I would guess that the remaining 10% of companies employ a disproportionately large portion of the country. Factor in the owner/operator companies who are either providing their own coverage, or are on their spouse's plan (likely an employee of a large corporation), and the number of people who are employees of closely held corporations, but would go without health coverage diminishes significantly. This ruling may apply to more businesses than my post acknowledged, but I don't think it impacts as many people as you're implying either.
  10. oh to have the time and money to play Ewen McGregor and Charlie Boorman in "long way 'round."
  11. as long as our schedules jive, I'm happy enough to help. snap some pics of the bolts you want drilled, and pick up a few of the kobalt (or any name-brand) bits. They don't have to be the uber-tiny size, but the harbor-freight 12-pack breaks too easily, so the name-brand bits seem to be a better value, since you can do 5 bolts per bit instead of burning through two bits on every bolt. patience and cutting lube to keep everything cool also seems to really help. I may need to get my drill jig back from R1Crusher after 3 or 4 years now
  12. is the sensation of a tire losing air at all similar to riding on pavement that's been ground down for resurfacing? I hate that floating feeling as the tires wander with the grooves...
  13. Todd's prices are reasonable, if memory serves. Or you can come by my house with a pack of drill bits and some beer. Lawn chair and classic rock provided while you wait... Drilling is slow, but not hard. I've done it on at least 3 different bikes. Most recently I did the drain plug on the Katana. That is NOT a small bolt...
  14. All you need drilled are the axle bolts? I don't even think I'd need to re-charge my drill battery to knock that out... What's your aversion to doing it yourself? I hate drilling through the corner of axle bolts when that's necessary, but otherwise I think the bigger ones are easier than the smaller ones.
  15. That sounds correct to me. That said, you do have to provide your name, and you must do so truthfully. It doesn't have to be on an ID card though. Failure to provide identifying information is beyond the scope of your right to remain silent. Your identity is not inherently incriminating. the cop did not properly phrase why she was being subject to arrest, but that doesn't invalidate the underlying confrontation. There were other valid reasons for her arrest. I don't think a failure to properly articulate those reasons (and threatening her with an invalid reason) is a fatal issue in this scenario. She knew she wasn't supposed to be walking in the street. The argument pretty much ends there.
  16. I'm going to guess that her new bike is a 2006 R6, and that you're reading this thread on your phone where the location/name/BIKES info doesn't display
  17. redkow97

    Clash Of Clans

    I may get into this some day, but I'm currently over-involved in Crime City.
  18. I am sure you're joking, but don't boobytrap to protect property. At least make sure it's not going to harm someone if you do. A pepper spray boobytrap would probably be legal ...ish.
  19. Let me ask around. I majored in music for a year before abandoning that degree. But I lived with 4 guys who are now music teachers or professional musicians. I also keep in touch with my high school director regularly, and his daughter was exceptional at cello. She will probably be interested, is she's not otherwise obligated to perform somewhere. I'm sure she's employe by some symphony...
  20. redkow97

    Clash Of Clans

    I see ads for this in my other time-wasting games. If the strategy is at all similar, you need to "camp" and get powerful without leveling up.
  21. If people want in, they will get in. The best you can do is hide your stuff my covering windows and install some door alarms that alert people that you're being burglarized. $15 radio shack door alarms are loud as shit. I used one on our apartment when we lived in a dodgy neighborhood. It doesn't stop a person from entering, but it tipped off our nosy neighbor, and it would have given me enough time to find a gun and chamber a round if someone had broken in when we were asleep.
  22. Issues? Sounds like a Harley motor to me...
  23. How many is "enough" and what would it cost?
  24. I'm actually happy to read this account if the events. I was initially worried you had dirt bikes I was unaware of and she'd taken a more serious flight/tumble. Sounds like that will buff right out.
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