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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Congratulations. A finish is a finish, and setting personal bests is always fun. In a few years, I'm sure you'll look back on this thread and smile. For the vast majority of us, we're never going to be standing on the podium, so the race is really against ourselves. I remember pushing to break 2:00 my first time at Mid-Ohio, and then being accused of "slumming it" in Intermediate years later while turning 1:39's with AMA pros on the track breaking 1:30 in Advanced!
  2. A couple of the guys at work who ride don't believe that I've crashed more times than I can keep track of. I'm going to wear the full race gear in some day and just let them take in all the scuffs and tears in my leathers. I really need to tell myself this kind of thing when I'm shopping new gear, but my leathers cost me $650 (used, but un-crashed). They retail for $1200 or something. Even if I had paid retail, I'm probably still to the point where I'm spending less than $100 per crash to walk away un-injured. That's a fucking bargain.
  3. This is indeed almost as puzzling to me as how his neck handled that... The bike looked like a Chinese "Lifan" style bike. Probably a 125. But I'm sure it still exceeds 200 lbs. by a fair amount. Maybe even over 300...
  4. Glad you're up and typing about this. Do you mind if I ask what you were wearing on your legs? I just rode in with jeans on, which I probably need to stop doing...
  5. I can fit your bike on my trailer if you want to sign up anyway and travel together. I'm thrilled to have won (baby girl is almost 6 months, and is more expensive than track days ever were!), but I have no idea where I'll end up riding. Grattan or Putnam, probably. STT rocks for doing this. I haven't been on a big track in well over a year, and haven't ridden with STT in maybe three years. Curious to see who I recognize on the staff
  6. if you can't make it, you should rent out your XR to someone who can. I'm going to attempt to chase some :56's if the weather's decent, but I'm also playing with different gearing, so that's my excuse if I ride like ass
  7. pick up some extractor bits, and be sure to use the drill-bit they recommend! I have used these with success in the past on brake caliper bolts that I over-tightened and snapped off. Ordinarily I would advise heating the bolt before extracting, but flame + gas tank is probably not a great idea. Hair dryer or heat gun would do something, but not much... Spray the shit out of it with penetrating oil, and let it set over night. Then drill the bolt, tap in the extractor bit, and twist slowly with a socket wrench. good luck.
  8. In years past, they have wanted to see a license plate on any vehicle being ridden or driven. That said, if you are legitimately moving your track bike from the camp ground to the paddock, I'm not sure how else they expect you to do that when the main paddock is closed off for the AMA teams... I think they'd allow it until and unless people start acting like dopes and doing burnouts, wheelies, etc. Gear requirements for the parade lap are pretty minimal. I cannot speak from experience on that point, as I've never done it, but I have observed it in a drunken stupor from the end of the back straight. If my memory is correct and the policy hasn't changed in the last few years, they're going to want reasonable street gear. Helmet, jacket, gloves, and closed-toe shoes, but jeans will be allowed. they keep the pace pretty tame though. Full race gear might get you put into a group with a more zealous pace rider.
  9. My Judge has a golf outing on Friday, so my calendar is clear. JB and I plan to arrive at CRP around noon, and ride until 4 or so. Maybe longer if we're having a lot of fun it's $20 for open practice, and there is a possibility we would have to split time with karts, but that's unlikely during working hours on a Friday (which is one reason we're going then) The idea is to do 1.5 hours (or so) in each direction. We'll have a timing beacon and lap timers. Mine can be loaned out if anyone wants to use it. I assume we'll also have the GoPros running if anyone wants footage of themselves riding!
  10. CRP practice this Friday if anyone can make it. JB and I will be rolling in around noon. Aiming for :55's
  11. I don't like the look of Katanas either, but I am enjoying riding mine a lot. I chopped up the tail a little and am running a circular headlight without gauges. I think it looks pretty decent for now. Still a work in progress. It's an old design for sure, but I would still consider it an upgrade from a GS500. Handling won't be quite as nimble, but it's faster in every other respect. Cartridge emulators and springs (same things the GS needs) would make it pretty good.
  12. You care so little that you checked this thread and posted that picture. Hmmmm...
  13. The FZ1 motor is probably overkill, but a small twin or big single would be a hoot. Is it a solid rear axle and chain drive? If I had the time and fabrication skills, I think it would be fun to build reverse trike style kart.
  14. "Don't mind shifting a 600 to death?" That's just part of riding... Riding a low-powered bike really puts things in perspective. A week on a little 2-stroke would eliminate all complaints about shifting a 600! Preference is preference, but I am not one who minds working a gearbox.
  15. It's being presented as if he said that directly to the SI reporter, but I'm sure you're right. I would love to be the guy who writes celebrities' responses to this kind of thing. I would prefer to write for someone like Colin Edwards (i.e. "yeah, I said it - sorry if it pissed you off, but I'm not taking it back.") rather than someone who just wants to avoid controversy at all costs; but either would be fun.
  16. insert your own joke about cruiser riders not knowing how to use the front brake.
  17. vehicles are insured, not people. You assert that your vehicle is insured when you apply for the registration. So no, an auto policy will never cover a motorcycle.
  18. This isn't directed only at you, because I know there are a lot of people who feel this way. When you posted this, had you read LeBron's letter? Have you read it now? I would strongly advise that everyone read what he had to say before making any further comments. I was of the mindset that LeBron does not deserve a welcome back - he left on bad terms, and at best I expected him to have to re-earn my admiration and support. After reading the letter, it appears as though he feels the same way I did. I respect his contrition, his candor, and the fact that he's not making grand promises. In short, the 25 yr old who left Cleveland has grown up a lot in Miami. If the letter is any indication, the boy who left is not the man who is returning.
  19. I'm at 40 miles, almost on the nose. But I don't mind the suit under most circumstances. If I'm being honest, it's sort of like gearing up to ride - straightening my tie and putting on my jacket get me in the mindset to do serious work. I have the good fortune to really enjoy the vast majority of my job. Walking into an important trial is a feeling almost in the same ballpark as gridding up for a race. Almost.
  20. www.si.com (it's their entire homepage...) And it's actually a very good read.
  21. Do either of you have to wear a suit and tie daily? It's a bit more planning for me, because I have to do a full wardrobe change and leave a lot of stuff at work on the days prior to riding in. I currently have 2 suits and a slack/jacket combo hanging in my office. I'm wearing my last white shirt. On top of that, I have a softball game at 6:00, so I have shorts, shoes, my glove, a hat, and my softball jersey packed as well.
  22. I'm a "maybe" if we're talking Sunday, and a definite no for Saturday. Wife's birthday party, and boss's bachelor party. Which is a large part of why Sunday is a "maybe."
  23. if I snag one of the STT days, I am going to try my best to use it at Grattan. Never been there, and especially with the repave, there's no time like the present!
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