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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. They're currently being challenged in a district court (I think) in Toledo. I haven't read the brief, but my understanding is that they're challenging the trial process. The municipalities avoid that pesky "innocent until proven guilty" thing by making them civil fines, and any "trial" happens in front of some kind of police tribunal (or some crap like that). Basically the lawsuit says that it's a violation of due process to not hold the hearings in front of a Judge. If they win that, there's no way the court will waste its time on these, and they will almost surely go away completely. And frankly, I don't even mind the money grab aspect - I mind that the CAMERA COMPANIES get a lot of the money, and the city gets almost nothing. Law enforcement isn't supposed to be for private profit...
  2. If my prior post was at all ambiguous, I asked because I think this build is awesome. I love "sleepers." Any vehicle that is faster than it appears it should be is a ton of fun. Makes me want to stuff a small V8 in an old VW Beetle or something. that kind of project is on my bucket list, if I ever have "FU" money.
  3. I saw a Lamborghini in Painesville today. It was like that time I wore a suit into a Walmart....
  4. If you're the right size, I have some gear you can borrow for a little while.
  5. Like Bad said, the metro parks are good, but they're also small. It's about 5 miles of "good" riding, and then I usually go 20 miles or so further, past Boston mills and through peninsula. It's a nice relaxed ride. I did that route on Sunday. Twice.
  6. So what kind of power is realistically expected from this build?
  7. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to correcting it.
  8. I just use a crappy Tomtom One that cost me $25 on eBay. The mount is a sheet of plate aluminum that I cut and drilled. it's sandwiched between my upper triple-clamp and the riser plate for my bars. Then I just drilled and bolted the standard suction-cup mount for the Tomtom, and safety wired the GPS unit itself to the bracket (just in case). I would do it slightly differently knowing what I know now, but it's not a bad setup. My only complaint is that the speed display is very small, and I use that as my sole speedometer. But that's my fault for being cheap. if it rains, I either stick it in my pocket, or throw a zip-lock bag over it.
  9. so the throttle rocker - do you put it all the way on the outside end of the bar, or on the inside by the starter button? I feel like it would be easier to avoid on the inside of the grip, but also weird to use it there...
  10. not to thread-jack, but can you elaborate on the throttle rocker? My hand tends to get numb, and any additional way to reposition it would seem helpful.
  11. And your implication is that you do "actual riding?" ;-)
  12. Welcome. Watch yourself on the highway with the plate like that. I ignored my temporary restrictions pretty frequently, but my plate wasn't sideways and un-lit. Ride safe.
  13. I understand it's not ideal. But neither is lugging around in 6th gear at 40 mph. In city riding, I generally shift at around 15 mph, 25, 35, and on up the line. I'll stay in 2nd gear in residential zones to keep my speed down, and bump up to 3rd in business zones to keep the engine a little cooler. I don't mind it one bit. And my bike probably has torque comparable to most 600's, but weighs more.
  14. Sounds like Ryan. But really, suspension install should be a breeze if you have the proper means of holding the bike up without the suspension bearing any load. I would go to Ryan to have a baseline sag set up once it's all on the bike, but even I would feel pretty confident installing the items mentioned. That said, I have a steering head stand, and a home made bike hoist (daily use is a pull-up bar). If you have woodcraft or vortex rearsets, you can rest the pegs on jack stands to do the shock. It's really pretty simple.
  15. All this "I need torque so I can leave the bike in 6th gear at 35mph." Couldn't a 600 just as easily be left in 2nd up to 60?
  16. I would really be curious how a 250 would do on PIRC's kart track...
  17. Mini vans are awesome. Don't you spread your ball-chopping propaganda about mini vans!
  18. that's why I like revolvers. They are easy to clean and hard to break.
  19. any chance this is small enough to carry? I can 't find any pics with a hand or anything for scale
  20. You need some Anderson Door Racing corporate headquarters support! Our "crew chief" takes care of most of my maintenance The 46 rear helps, but the 48 is not a death-blow. If you and another rider are of equal ability, the top-speed advantage will certainly help that person, but like I mentioned before, JB and I did practice at PIRC before the first round of the year, and we ran the CRP gearing. Managed to turn 1:18's, which is faster than either of us went in last year's race round with the 46... Just ride as fast as you can. You'll be solid. And don't get discouraged if the NJ guys are running away. they destroyed our novices last year. Sand-baggers!
  21. Lack of consistent riding is one of the reasons I don't foresee myself owning a nice bike any time soon. If something is going to sit in my garage and depreciate, I want it to be cheap to begin with... Find Carie a DR200 or something. You can both play with it at CRP, and take it for short jaunts around town if the need arises. I've never ridden a 200, but Larry's 125 was significantly more peppy than the XR100, and the disk brake makes a HUGE difference. Plus they're as close to zero-maintenance as you can get.
  22. I work with a guy who went to Case. He has $200k in debt and makes about $40k/year. Attorney is not the career path it once was.
  23. I spent my day ripping off portions of the roof over my back porch, and discovering a lot more rotted wood than anticipated... Wishing I was with you gents. Enjoy!
  24. I'm surprised they wrote it that high. Most places will write the ticket at 40 or 45 over at most. 30 over is a 4 point violation, and they don't want people showing off tickets as proof of how fast their bike is.
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