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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. exactly. I thought it was silly, but it didn't personally offend me. That said, I immediately predicted the backlash. Coke is crazy like a fox. Everyone's talking about their shitty ad today, instead of forgetting it 30 seconds later. If you can't be clever, be "controversial." coke drinkers are too stubborn and addicted to actually change their buying habits. You could run an ad that says, "Hey everyone - go fuck yourself! America sucks!" and people would still drink it.
  2. People tend to severely over-use the term "racist" and "racism." Racism is the belief that a given race is inferior. That is a far cry from making jokes that imply stereotypes are true. I maintain that stereotypes are not always (or even normally) racist. They may be derogatory, but I have said many derogatory things about people without believing they're inferior beings. Furthermore, many stereotypes are positive; at least unless you consider having rhythm insulting...
  3. I was expecting this to be about AMA Pro Racing, but this was also an interesting read...
  4. I can personally attest to the fact that a rolling burnout is in fact the most fun way to get rid of those stock tires :-)
  5. death ends whatever activity you're participating in. would you rather end something you enjoy, or something you hate? If you end something you hate, that's a relief. If you end something you love, that's a let-down.
  6. people say that all the time, but it makes no sense. You dont' want to die doing something you love, because you'd rather continue doing that activity. It's better to die doing something you hate, because then you can at least momentarily think, "well at least I don't have to keep clipping my dog's nails," or whatever it is that you're hating. I was gutted when I heard Tommy died. Kind of ruined the super bowl for me, actually. Tommy was one of the first guys I ever rooted for when I started following AMA racing. This will sound childish and dumb, but I got a kick out of Tommy retweeting something I said about the Graves guys regretting not renewing his contract when Tommy did a wildcard ride in the Daytona 200 a few years back. He was the type of guy who would "like" your facebook post when you put up motorcycle-related pictures, even though he was a pro rider, and you were just goofing off on a 10 yr old 600... I also had a brief facebook conversation with Tommy when they got snow in CA, and he and his younger brother were posted pics of their snowball fight. Just an all around nice kid, who happened to be pretty damn fast as well. Rest in peace.
  7. I would guess he meant "diverse," and fat-fingered it.
  8. Hello. I live in cuyahoga, but I work in painesville. Hope to be commuting on the bike through the summer. Maybe I'll see you around in the spring
  9. I can now confirm that there is no OMRL round that weekend, and I also own a RUNNING motorcycle in nearly street-legal condition. Just have to get headlight and signals worked out.
  10. yeah, lack of safety wire pisses me off. Especially on easy and basic stuff. I had a guy on an R1 lose his oil CAP (not plug) while in front of me. He couldn't be bothered to take 30 seconds and drill the plastic oil cap. Like an idiot, I passed him instead of backing off and pitting in to avoid crashing. When he finally got black flagged, he came in laughing about it, while the other rider who was behind me and I both wiped oil off our bikes and leathers. At the time, I was willing to chalk his attitude up to embarrassment, but a year later when it came up on the NESBA forum, he continued to minimize the incident, and insisted that because he didn't have to add oil, it couldn't have been as much on me (and my friend Jeff) as we had claimed. Dick move. I'm planning to safety wire the plug and cap on the Katana for crying out loud...
  11. OMRL didn't have any July rounds last year either, and Kent's explanation was "everyone had plans July 4th weekend," and then the rest of the month is just brutally hot. It gives everyone a chance to take a vacation w/o missing any rounds, etc. Basically it just sort of worked out for the best that there were no July rounds. I certainly came back with a renewed sense of "I wanna go fast."
  12. yo. I dig the Z1000. Naked sportbikes with comfortable bars make me smile.
  13. reading the reviews on Amazon, it seems that many people had the same experience, and then realized that their product was quite old. Those who were willing to give it another shot with "fresh" supplies reported good results. I may give it a shot.
  14. I want to show up, but we have a parade of people "scheduled" to stop by the house and meet the baby on Saturday... That includes my mother, who has been in Missouri since before the baby was born. Somehow I foresee being very busy past 7:00 :-/ Not even sure i'll be able to get to the show at all.
  15. What if you drilled from the inside of the tire? That would make for some gnarly studs...
  16. You need to talk to Wardie... I can think of 3 guys off the top of my head who probably weigh over 200 lbs.
  17. I don't know if I'd say "a lot" of us race w/ OMRL. More should!
  18. redkow97


    Not so much as an aspirin. Her doctor said she's delivered over 4,000 babies and never had a mom deliver her first baby without any drugs whatsoever. My wife did a ton of research while she was pregnant, and the general theme throughout all of it was that the US sucks at delivering babies, and the fewer interventions you use, the fewer risks there are of complications. We also got to go home a lot sooner, because Sara hadn't been numbed from the waste down. the 5-day update is: - I slept through the night last night and only woke up at 5:24 when Nora started crying. I just got up and showered at that point. - Nora was up 3 times, but just to be fed. She went right back to sleep. Wife texted me and said they both slept pretty great. - Kramer (75 lbs) is afraid of the baby. He'll sniff her, but won't let me put her down next to him. - Henry (30 lbs) is jealous. He'll bark at whoever is holding her, but just for the attention. He licked Nora's cheek once, and she almost "nursed" on his nose :-P
  19. spoke wheels are badass on any bike, they just suck to maintain. I'm learning to work on them with the XR100. On a bigger bike with bigger speeds, I'd be a little more concerned.
  20. Can you get those for that cheap?
  21. redkow97


    She. The doctor I mean.
  22. I'm aware. I heard that AT the OMRL banquet.
  23. how much bike prep is there for ice racing? Are we just talking about a tire insert to protect the tube, and then go ride, or are you guys using the "real" ice stud screws, and adding the big (safer) fenders to keep people from turning into ground beef? I would ice-ify my 19" stock front wheel on the XR, and then look into picking up a spare rear rim... I already have an extra rear (street) tire for it, but it's not like the knobbies matter on ice anyway. I would assume it's all about the studs.
  24. I was hearing that they're not hosting any more private events, but that wasn't from a staff member, so who knows if it's true. Public opening is scheduled for March. That date WAS from staff. I could definitely get down with a once-a-month league through the winter, but I couldn't justify the cost during riding season.
  25. absolutely, but I bet a lot of that 500 lbs (and the fact that we're talking 1988 versus 1998) makes the ZX2 safer, and more rigid. If you're really going to gut both, the seats, stereo, AC, etc. would easily be 500 lbs. ...then you'd put half that weight back in with a roll cage.
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