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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. They need to have a setup conducive to mini racing. I'd go frequently...
  2. One of the OMRL guys has a built 650 single that is pure evil. I would love to ride something like that on a big track.
  3. How much you want for the hawk? A newer, faster bike will not make anyone "better," but a more purpose-built bike may be easier to ride for said purpose. I did 5 track days on my EX500. Switching to an F2 was truly eye-opening. Things that felt totally awkward on the EX were natural on the F2. That was largely due to the position of the clip-ons, rear sets, and seat. I don't know how a hawk is set up (haven't been on one since 2004, and never rode it then - just sat on it), but you COULD modify it to have a more aggressive stance ...or you could buy a modern 600 and get that more aggressive stance stock, plus 40 or 50 more horsepower.
  4. DOT race tires are called that because they are technically street legal. That said, they will harden up after enough heat cycles, and they don't offer full grip unless/until they're up to temp. That is why street tires are designed the way they are... They're INTENDED as a compromise between all out performance, longevity, and practicality. In real-world riding, you're almost never going to GET tires up to racing temp, let alone keep them there. Stick with the pilot powers if that's what you like. Just drop your pressures to 30/30 if you're going out for a ride you know is going to be "spirited."
  5. I think the "problem" (reality?) with most track days is that the bulk of your customer base is of an intermediate skill-level, but that is only 1/3 of what you can sell. There are competing objectives with regard to placing people in the appropriate group, and registering enough participants to break even (let alone profit) on the event. That's not meant to be a dig at any org or endorsement of any other - just an observation
  6. I love the B group people who think they're being held up. I say put them in advanced and feed them to the bears... Then see how they feel about passing rules. <eye roll> Ryan, is the GSXR sold, or did you just want some seat time on the hyper?
  7. that's pretty interesting looking. Single disk up front kind of surprises me though. pulling up specs now. Welcome.
  8. I have less leeway than other LEO's (by statute, I am technically an LEO), but yes, there is room for discretion in charging AND in sentencing.
  9. Now that I work full-time "in government," I'm actually meeting quite a few people who ride. The deputy at the entrance to my office has a Yamaha cruiser, and one of the Magistrates in our building has a V-Rod. I've known the guy for 4 days, and I'm pretty sure he's going to offer me a test ride before the snow hits :-D
  10. totally agree. I just think it's best to be aware of the potential consequences so that you're making a fully informed decision. I'd rather have a minor misdemeanor than hearing loss, but it's also my job to make sure the minor misdemeanors get enforced. If it's a bad law, that's a legislative problem, not a judicial problem. The system is far from perfect, but it's the best system we've got...
  11. if the price is right, a Q2 will be more than good enough for an intermediate pace at a track day. Just don't run street pressures. I did my first season with WERA running Q2's without warmers, and after the warmup lap, I was knee down into turn 3 or 4. Probably would have been fine in turn 1 if not for traffic. I am actually really excited about the Q3 explicitly because of how cheap the Q2's should become now. Gotta get a street bike to use them on!
  12. you're under the mistaken belief that LEO's know the law. They know what they see all the time. Theft. Possession of drugs. speeding. Etc. They're not going to know the code section for wearing ear plugs. They could mention it on the ticket and the prosecutor could charge you after-the-fact though.
  13. I like wearing ear plugs too, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal. Inhibits your ability to hear emergency vehicles.
  14. I agree. It's a completely ignorant 'retort,' but the fact is supply and demand dictate the salaries of most professions. There are millions of Americans who meet the military's qualifications to be a soldier, and only a few thousand athletes in the world who can perform at the level the NFL demands. Salary should not be viewed as a direct correlation to value or worth. (not to mention the fact that the notion that all the military does is 'kill people' is ridiculous.)
  15. put a date in your thread title... people are going to be looking at this tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
  16. Adventure bikes have always had dirt bike style front fenders rather than fork-mounted fenders.
  17. I tend to agree, but I try to withhold judgment until I see a bike from behind the bars. Good ergonomics and pegging the butt-dyno can help forgive some pretty ugly shit.
  18. Are you really "riding" if you can't lean it? Is a miata "riding" because the wind is in your face? Or do you think anything that can e straddled is "ridden?"
  19. If the car was crumpled, I might feel differently, but adding an additional vehicle (and person) to a dangerous situation doesn't seem smart.
  20. I wouldn't have stopped. Very dangerous. Pull over and call the police. Tell them you witnessed th accident, and then make the decision whether or not it's safe to go back. Stopping on the highway in the rain is far from safe.
  21. Scott Russell can ride the wheels off a bike, but he's no physics professor. Bikes lean because you turn the wheel out from under it. Shifting your weight is to keep the bike more upright, not make it lean.
  22. Will Todd let a properly prepped can-am race? What about at lest doing the track day? I would love to see what kind of times one could run. Shit, I would rent one explicitly to find out...
  23. While I agree that ape hangers are stupid, you cannot turn a motorcycle without turning the bars. The bike will not lean unless you turn the wheels out from under it.Shifting your weight (on its own) will not cause the bike to turn.
  24. I have never had a bike at the track, but I'd give it a try. Hell, drag racing the 100 in a parking lot is fun...
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