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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Pretty sure I am racing that weekend, but we're usually back by 7:30 I'd be interested. Valley View is closer for me, but Lake isn't unreasonable.
  2. They'll rationalize it as a crowd control/terror response vehicle. To be fair, the (second?) largest university in the country would be an appealing target for anyone looking to maximize casualties.
  3. redkow97

    05 F4i $4k

    More friendly advice: stop talking about your wife and divorce online. Anything you tell us can no longer be provileged when you tell your attorney.
  4. Building the engines doesn't mean that they necessarily designed them from a hunk of metal to their turn-key state. Even so, Erik is putting his name on the bike. I'm confident that he'll back up the motor no matter who makes it.
  5. redkow97

    05 F4i $4k

    The custody part will complicate things, and that is where I anticipate you spending more than the $4k your bike is up for.
  6. redkow97

    05 F4i $4k

    Family law is a PITA. Real, legitimate, friendly advice: propose a dissolution of marriage to your wife, and see if she'll agree to keep her lawyer out of it for as long as possible. Do it nicely, and do it by actual snail-mail to avoid her snapping off an immediate response e-mail, or starting a shouting match. But if you can agree on how to divide your assets, even if you "lose," you both save yourself attorneys fees.
  7. redkow97

    05 F4i $4k

    What kind of case? I'll trade you legal services for the bike.
  8. Stick with what your attorney says, and don't believe what you read on the Internet. None of us are covered by malpractice insurance if we give you an incorrect answer. Your attorney is.
  9. The estate tax was created to prevent those scenarios. The founding fathers didn't like the idea of wealth breeding "American royalty."
  10. If you really think that te actions of al Queda can and should be attributed to every Muslim in the world, then you've shown your own stupidity in a truly heroic manner.
  11. Exactly. If starting and growing a business into a huge corporation is such a sweet deal, write up a business plan, get some investors to back you, bust your ass for 10 or 20 years, go public, deal with shareholders, and enjoy your millions. If it were easy, everyone would do it. A hard-working and motivated individual has every opportunity to start his own small business, bring in a livable wage, and have something to sell or pass onto his kid(s) when he retires. Every OPPORTUNITY. No guarantees. Nothing risked, nothing gained.
  12. I seem to remember some parts on the '03 being year-specific. That usually means they fixed an engineering flaw after experiencing issues on the first year of the new model. Just a heads up. Could still be worth it for the right price, or a really easy fix (swap). **edit - the above was in reference to the 2003 on the AFJ site.
  13. However man Muslims are "marching" today, there are millions across the country who are in no way responsible for 9/11, and have no terrorist ties whatsoever. (And I'm not saying anyone marching IS a terrorist... I don't understand what they think they're accomplishing) People use the term "Muslim extremist" a lot; and I don't have a problem with that, except for the fact that they focus on the "Muslim" part and ignore the "extremist" part - which is undeniably more significant. Think of it this way: the Westboro Baptist Church wackos could just as accurately be described as "Christian extremists." Nobody goes around cursing "those damn Christian terrorists."
  14. The wife wants a new crib, but I may make an executive decision on this if I like it and Jinu passes.
  15. Chicken and rice is a decent neutral diet. FreshPet makes great food, but not cheap. We mix some in with our dogs hard food.
  16. Chicken and rice is a decent neutral diet. FreshPet makes great food, but not cheap. We mix some in with our dogs hard food.
  17. And I can ASK the wife about running it by the rescue we volunteer with, but I know they focus on shelters and not owner surrenders...
  18. I hope Conrad can take him. I would give him a temporary home, but with the wife prego, she doesn't want to risk having a foster when she goes into labor... Our Rottie loves other dogs. The beagle mutt is the cranky old man!
  19. I can't wait to hear what makes one "one o the best riders in Ohio." Maybe Eddie Kraft (Toledo?) is riding a scoot on the street.
  20. Haha as soon as I read the thread title, I knew it was a Dane. They're awesome dogs. I have met 4 or 5 of them at the daycare our rescue works with. They are all such sweethearts. Sometimes total pussies. "Dirk" was my favorite. By far the tallest Dane I have ever met, and also the most mellow. Other dogs would get into a tiff (which usually sends the pack swarming), and Dirk would be running the other way. I was in charge of the grill for a fund raiser, and Dirk's head was level with or above everyone's plate. We may as well have water-boarded the poor dog, but he never took a crumb. I told the wife I want to get a puppy when our daughter turns 4 (my earliest memories are when I was 3 or 4), and she said "you can do that ...if you want the kids to visit the puppy on weekends!" She's a real comedian.
  21. Some of you are ignoring the purpose and process of the justice system. You can't selectively circumvent due process just because you're fairly certain of the eventual result.
  22. Well let's not kid ourselves; scooters are lame unless you're riding one. Only then are they fun. I feel totally douchey even sitting near a scooter, but my opinion completely flips when I'm riding that same scooter to the showers at the track. It's like banging a fat chick.
  23. And cool old CB's aren't? If it's cheap, fun, and makes noise, I generally like it.
  24. As happy as I am that this will save some funds, I think it's an ultra-shitty slap in the face to the victims. They spent 10 years inprisoned, and Castro takes the easy way out after less than 100 days? That doesn't sound like justice to me.
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