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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I know it's last-minute, but I will be running my second Tough Mudder this weekend. Last time around I raised over $600 for the Wounded Warrior project, and I'd like to top that this time. ANY amount helps, and 100% of the donation goes to the WWP (not to Tough Mudder). I also get a portion of my entry fee refunded if I get enough donations - that will go right back to the Wounded Warrior Project if I hit that threshold. Donate here, https://register.toughmudder.com/tm/#event/16563/page/donate/fundraiser/r9866831 and I'll post pics of myself being electrocuted
  2. Reading comprehension, Brian. I never said that small tracks or small bikes would translate to a larger track or make him "better" in any way on a full-sized track. I said "i don't see what it could hurt," and suggested that he could work on basic pit in/out procedures (like getting a hand up before exiting), basic body position, and learn the basics of a race line. I've spent years on this site reading about how you know everything and are always right; watching you blow up on people and and about once a year you apologize for being an asshole and promise you'll be different - and then a few months later, you come back acting the same, belittling anyone whose opinion doesn't mirror yours exactly enough. Congratulations - I've been a member here for over 5 years, and you're the first and only person to ever make my "ignore" list. You're just not worth the aggravation. Enjoy being fast and knowing everything. I'd rather be slow and stupid than be like you.
  3. about now, i WISH you would bash your head into a brick wall. You're having a debate with yourself!
  4. quoted so it can't be retracted later.
  5. My logic was "come spend $25 instead of $165" to get his feet wet. YOU are the one who came into this thread with an apparent "big bikes and big tracks are the be all and end all of riding" attitude, implying that I'm not a "big kid" and don't ride a "real bike." You're telling me that the mini guys have a bad rap, but you're the one being the obnoxiously huge asshole to me. Right. Got it.
  6. How did I know you would respond? I haven't ridden a "big" bike on a kart track, but I can't imagine it sucking so badly that I would be thinking "dammit, I want my $23 back!" I just don't see what it could hurt. Even if the only thing learned is pit exit and entry procedures, I think that would be worth while to learn at low speeds rather than mid-Ohio speeds.
  7. I want your bike, but it's too nice for my budget :-(
  8. The circleville kart track. I'll be there 8/31 with a few other people. It would probably be all 1st and 2nd gear on a "big" bike, if they will even allow them. I need to call about that... But if the track doesn't care, it is a stupid cheap way to get some basic body position and race line learning down in a controlled environment. My bike tips out below 50, but the supermoto and F1 class bikes may push 70 on the back straight. I have never looked at how much runoff is available, because I rarely slide more than 15 feet or so. It would NOT be the same experience as a full-sized track day, but I think you'd have fun getting your feet wet for cheap.
  9. redkow97

    Ducati 899

    I want a monster model with that engine. 140+ hp and comfortable ergonomics? Yes please.
  10. In the interest of accuracy, one of the accused ALLEGEDLY said they did it because they were bored. That "quote" was a hearsay statement from a police officer. Depending on how/whether it was recorded, it may or may not be admissible in court.
  11. If you're not having fun, you're doing something wrong. For the record, I saw that woman run wide and dump her brand new bike in the grass. Ride your ride. Crashing is very rarely fun. The only other thing I would advise is to get your bike prepped and checked over EARLY. I saw one rider trying to remove his center stand between sessions. No fun. Either remove that kid if thing ahead of time, or just accept that you can't lean that far over. (What killed me about that guy was we were both on EX500's, I was significantly quicker, and I had never dragged my center stand. He also ignored my warning that the bolt to remove the center stand wouldn't clear the headers... So that guy missed a session performing unnecessary ''maintenance.") If you're available the 31st, I think CRP would allow a "big" bike on the track. You could get some basics down without the high speeds. $15 plus $8 at the gate...
  12. I've heard you know a lot about getting DP'd. BOOM.
  13. Spread the word. I'd like to have some people to hang out with. We'll be bringing a small grill if anyone wants to toss some hotdogs on. We should have extra shade available too
  14. May we assume you don't have a non-compete in place?
  15. I did an STT day (my third track day ever) where Craig was one of the coaches. After the 1st session parade laps, the novice leader asked everyone "who wants to go faster?" (We had barely hit highway speeds on the straights) Everyone gave an enthusiastic "yes," but one woman was petrified. She had about 100 miles on her brand new GSXR 600, and didn't want to go any faster. So they found an "extra" coach, and she rode 55 on the straights all day. You'll be fine.
  16. I can bring an extra 2-piece suit. And they allow textile gear. I would actually be really curious to see how fast full-sized bikes can lap there, but my guess I that its all 2nd gear, and 60mph max on the back straight. That's speculation on my part. I can ask the guys with 450 supermotos how fast they get up to though.
  17. Stop by circleville raceway park and say hi on Saturday. Heck, you can probably turn some laps if you pay the $15...
  18. JB and I are talking about getting some practice in at Circleville in a couple of weeks, and it would be great to have a big group of riders. If you have a supermoto or any kind of mini, it's only like $15 to practice. We would be planning to get there somewhat early, so that we can be home around dinner, and not get our wives too mad at us. I can bring an extra 2-piece suit for anyone in the 150-180 lbs. range. It is short and snug on me at 6' 180, but it does the job. Anyone want to come out and play? Hell, you can run with knobby tires if that's all you've got... I'd advise against it, but I don't think anyone will stop you.
  19. I haven't found the exact thread I was thinking of, but here's 3 other "bee in helmet" threads: http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=300032&highlight=bee+helmet http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=264356&highlight=bee+helmet http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=1326&highlight=bee+helmet There's also a 'killer squirrel' thread out there somewhere too. It's completely fabricated, but moderately amusing.
  20. Probably for the best. Great deal for whoever got it though.
  21. I'll find the post on the WERA board when I'm at a computer. The search function doesn't work on the mobile site.
  22. Holy balls... So want. I hope the wife comes home from vacation in an extra good mood, because I actually have the cash for this... Just need to convince her that massive torque and wheelies are where the money should go!
  23. On the WERA board. At least twice. Possibly once on here as well.
  24. This is less funny every time I see it posted.
  25. A guy faced that generation with WERA a year ago and was winning novice races, beating some experts in the process. Great bikes.
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