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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I never got ambitious to really do much in-depth work on my EX, but some things to consider if you're one who likes to DIY: Pros: - it's a pretty reliable engine. There were some transmission issues on the pre 1994 models that were corrected in the update. - mileage is pretty decent, although not as good as you might expect in mixed riding. Figure on mid-40's. Although as noted, I did get 58 on longer trips. - Center stand makes most routine maintenance easier. Cons: - No external preload adjustment. You have to pop the bars off, compress the caps, and then remove the circlamps (which I found to be very irritating). Preload is adjusted by putting in longer PVC spacers. - No rev limiter. The bike just loses timing above 11,000 RPM or so. Don't go there. - Tire options are limited. It's a 110 front and a 130 rear. You can fit up to a 150 rear without rubbing the chain. The second gen has 17" wheels, which helps. Avoid the first gen with 16" wheels. - Ugly. 90's styling ain't for me. That said, I have seen some cool street-fighter EX500's - the speedometer cable likes to vibrate loose and can get destroyed by the front wheel. (comes undone under the gauges, not at the base) Put some loctite on that yourself!
  2. No one wants a "cherry" 2006 EX500 with only 1100 miles... They're all the same from 1994 on, so find a mid-to-late 90's model with higher mileage for $1500 and you won't feel nearly as bad when it falls over, nor will it depreciate as much. My first bike was a '97 EX500, and I'd never ridden a motorcycle prior to throwing a leg over it. My daily driver was a 5 speed manual though, so I was familiar with how a clutch worked. I think that helped a lot. The EX500 is a great bike for what it is. With a good tune and a hole drilled in the air box, they're good for a little over 50hp, and will do 115+ with stock gearing. I did plenty of trips from Cleveland to Dayton and back on mine, doing 75+ the whole way, and getting 58mpg. I also did 5 trackdays on mine before buying my F2. The EX is still a great value for a new rider. I'd actually consider picking up another one, but the late 90's 600's are getting to be so cheap now that I can have 40 more horsepower for the same money.
  3. Unless you plan on towing a TON of weight, I would avoid the double-axle setups. Tolls will be huge with that extra axle. 6x12 w/ a V-nose is probably the most common trailer I see at the track. I'd only ever consider smaller if your tow vehicle was severely limited...
  4. It sounds like you got what you paid for as far as seating. The fact that others got more than they paid for is lucky for them, not detrimental to you. I'm not religious, but there's a parable about that in the bible. The fact that the masses are inconsiderate disappoints me, but does not surprise me. Cutting in line is just discourteous. I try my best to take the high road. I don't always succeed.
  5. redkow97


    send this question to Myth Busters. I think I know what would happen, but they'd actually test it. Seems they've come close in past tests. (scroll halfway down) http://mythbustersresults.com/episode85
  6. Damn. I hope you still have this when I find a job. It's a little more than I was looking to spend, but it's also a little more bike than I was expecting to buy.
  7. It's only a cruiser if you ride it like a cruiser ;-) That's what I like about sport-standards. Comfortable enough to cruise on, but they handle well enough for track days.
  8. And look to see if a "regular" coolant tube is linked or otherwise obstructed. That could force coolant out the overflow. Spewing coolant is no good, but its better than a radiator exploding between your knees.
  9. I agree. It's not hard to obey parking laws, and the fines are generally pretty reasonable If paid right away. Leaving tickets unpaid can result in the vehicle being impounded, or the issue of a bench warrant or your arrest. A guy I took the bar with was out over $300 when the Supreme Court of Ohio found old out-of-state tickets unpaid on his record. His choices were "pay now, and we let you sit for the Feb bar," or "sure, fight it on a statute of limitations argument, but that route won't be complete in time for the July bar let alone February."
  10. Don't ban them, just require mandatory background checks to purchase them, and limit the size of pressure cooker that civilians may possess. ;-)
  11. You're still not getting the joke. It wasn't poking fun at the nuns, In fact they have to maintain their chastity in order for it to be funny. The joke is that jihadists are promised 72 virgins, presumably young girls to be used for their own sexual gratification. The humor is in the notion that the 72 virgins part actually DOES come true, but it turns out all 72 of them are nuns who won't have sex with him. There is zero insult to the nuns. Get it now? Just admit you misunderstood the joke and move on.
  12. I'm surprised no one has taken credit for the attack yet. Isn't that the purpose of these things? To draw the world attention to whatever dumb-shit "cause" the perpetrators are attempting to advance? It's either "hey, listen to our message," or "this is what happens when you fuck with us." I expect someone will take credit in the next fee days.
  13. I'm surprised no one has taken credit for the attack yet. Isn't that the purpose of these things? To draw the world attention to whatever dumb-shit "cause" the perpetrators are attempting to advance? It's either "hey, listen to our message," or "this is what happens when you fuck with us." I expect someone will take credit in the next fee days.
  14. I just heard on the radio that in 2012 the most people crossed the finish line at Boston at the 4 hour 18 minute mark. So it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that the bomb went off right around that time.
  15. I'm hopeful that, horrific as his injuries are, they are not life-threatening. Anyone with enough fight to run 26.2 miles will walk again. I would actually bet on him to complete another Boston marathon on some lightweight carbon-fiber prosthetics.
  16. It occurs to me that the way we're all feeling right now is likely how Pakistani people feel when a US drone bombs a school.
  17. That guy just became famous. He'll be able to go straight from the hospital to as many news networks as he wants. I'm sure he'd rather have his leg back than the checks that will be coming his way, but goddamn...
  18. NY Post reports that a Saudi National has been identified as a suspect. They also reported 12 dead and 50 injured. Boston is currently a no-fly zone, and police are treating this as an "ongoing event." It may not be over.
  19. Breaking news: Third explosion at another location. (and as someone else said, police have already detonated another device as well) I'm also hearing reports that there is a suspect in custody. He or she is supposedly under police guard at a hospital.
  20. Not enforcing a ban is easier than creating legislation that explicitly allows lane splitting or lane sharing. By the letter of the law, any time rubber touches paint (without signaling for a lane change), that's a lane violation, and you can be cited for it. Lane violations are frequently cited as the "go-to" for pulling people over when they're suspected of other unrelated criminal activity.
  21. As for general feelings on lane splitting, I think you are always going to piss of drivers when you act as though your time is more valuable than theirs. It's simple jealousy. They're not pissed you're filtering through traffic, they're pissed you are moving while they're stuck. IMHO any behavior that doesn't put others at risk of harm should be legal.
  22. If you sit through 2 full cycles of th light without getting a green, I believe you can run it without getting convicted. That doesn't mean you won't get ticketed of arrested, but you'll win if you fight it.
  23. Everyone I know with the Tundra has had rust issues prematurely.
  24. Glad you were wearing gear and we're all analyzing what went wrong rather than talking about how banged up you are. The bike doesn't look too bad. A few hundred more dollars of damage, and I'd be inclined to make you am offer on it! Mistakes happen. Sorry yours resulted in a slide.
  25. I think MC cops actually keep a healthier distance to avoid the perp slamming on the brakes and taking the bike out when it slams into the bumper. Keeping up is good. Catching is bad.
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